
Well-known Member
OK,I got flamed yesterday a few times for calling people what they are.

Is there any pride,dignity and humility left in this country? Simple question as that. When I think back to how all the farmsteads looked in this county,belonging to all the Danish and Swedish immigrants when I was a kid,and having seen pictures my sons have taken of how things look in the old country,I'm a little embarrassed that mine isn't as nice as it should be when folks from Sweden and Denmark come over here,but it could be worse. I try to make up for it by having some humility,pride and dignity in everything else I do.

But I'm talking more about a general lack of dignity these days. People going out of their way to be a rude,crude,socially unexceptable "RED NECK",others who have nothing special to be better than everybody else,acting like the world revolves around them,new money acting out just to get attention so they can draw attention to the fact that they have it.

Maybe I'm just getting testy in my old age,maybe I should move to Sweden,maybe I should become Mennonite,I don't know,but I'm tired of what has become acceptable in society. Take off your pajamas or sweat pants before you go to town!!
Agree - especially when in town shopping. However, many a times here on YT I simply stop viewing a particular thread as some folks get hot under the collar now and then

Not any of us are perfect; we ALL make mistakes. And everyone is entitled to "[i:30610af3c5]their own opinions[/i:30610af3c5]", regardless of whether they are right or wrong. All this going-on-the-attack BS gets very old and tiresome. ...That said, it IS an open, public forum, and I'm free to stick around or leave. So, I find middle ground and choose to avoid things when it gets nasty. :wink:
If I had an extra t-shirt like the one I am wearing right now I would send it to you.
It reads:

As per usual Randy , I have to agree with you. And I have come to the conclusion that folks like you and I, and many others have become members of a subculture, without knowing, or trying to. The things that we value , and hold to be true or meaningful, are not considered to be realistic or practical .Things like hard work , devotion , or to even volunteer your time to some thing , and never expecting and thing back in return. These things are thought to be old fashion, and out dated. We aren't Amish , or Mennonite, but to the bulk of the people today ,we are just as strange . They don't understand what we do , why we dress the way we dress, and put value in things , like a 50 year old tractor, or a rough old farm pickup. They never learned manners , or respect for each other , as they have been taught to be greedy , and take what they need for themselves , and to heck with anyone else. We value our family , and their traditions. Most folks today have no family traditions to carry on , or take pride in. Holding on to the values you were taught as a child , as made you out of step with modern times . I don't feel that I need to lower my self to the low standers of others. I will stand for the National Anthem , and I will wear a jacket and tie when I attend a funeral , and not sneekers and sweat pants. No need to ever stop being yourself , just because others will "flame you " for it. If someone has no respect or dignity for others, they probably have little for themselves either.
(quoted from post at 07:10:33 10/05/17) OK,I got flamed yesterday a few times for calling people what they are.

Is there any pride,dignity and humility left in this country? Simple question as that. When I think back to how all the farmsteads looked in this county,belonging to all the Danish and Swedish immigrants when I was a kid,and having seen pictures my sons have taken of how things look in the old country,I'm a little embarrassed that mine isn't as nice as it should be when folks from Sweden and Denmark come over here,but it could be worse. I try to make up for it by having some humility,pride and dignity in everything else I do.

But I'm talking more about a general lack of dignity these days. People going out of their way to be a rude,crude,socially unexceptable "RED NECK",others who have nothing special to be better than everybody else,acting like the world revolves around them,new money acting out just to get attention so they can draw attention to the fact that they have it.

Maybe I'm just getting testy in my old age,maybe I should move to Sweden,maybe I should become Mennonite,I don't know,but I'm tired of what has become acceptable in society. Take off your pajamas or sweat pants before you go to town!!
Of all things I think civility is gone. we no longer take the time to say thank you, excuse me etc. especially to strangers. its a lack of upbringing in my opinion...parents do not teach their children how and when to act in public.
Bruce, I am with you bit to funerals just a good dress shirt as I no longer own a suit.
"We value our family , and their traditions."

Bruce, I think you are on the right track there. That seems to be something completely non existent today. The family unit is no longer important.

Kids hit 16-18 years old and they're gone. No concern for aging parents, shack ups, multiple divorces, commit crimes where their face is in the news, no regard for the embarrassment caused or the money spent trying to get them out of jail!

Sure didn't used to be that way, the family linage meant something, a name that could be traced and be proud of what was found!

How many of us even know our great grand parents name?

Last weekend I saw a large, strong young man begging for change outside a convenience store then a gas station. Thought, I could never do that. It's a pride thing. Then thought later that guy would never do some of the things most of us do or have done many times. As kids we picked deposit bottles, cleaned old damp basements, mowed lawns, trapped and sold furs, dug ginseng, helped with hay, worked in barns, anything.
(quoted from post at 08:30:21 10/05/17) Last weekend I saw a large, strong young man begging for change outside a convenience store then a gas station. Thought, I could never do that. It's a pride thing. Then thought later that guy would never do some of the things most of us do or have done many times. As kids we picked deposit bottles, cleaned old damp basements, mowed lawns, trapped and sold furs, dug ginseng, helped with hay, worked in barns, anything.

there is alot of mental illness...maybe he does have a problem of some sort. Yet I have seen the same thing in some distant relatives.....the boy is highly intelligent yet will not keep a job...I heard it was his father that caused this behavior.
No question we have a cultural civil war going on in this country. At the moment there are more people like most on us on this web site than the ones that are all free this, you owe me that and I shouldn't have to work if I don't want to and every incident someone tries to use the race card but unfortunately that is what is being taught in our schools and they have the backing of the media and the saddest part is it is slowly overtaking those that believe in honest work and raising their own family and keeping the ideas of freedom our country was based on instead of the government doing everything for them. Saddest thing is we are slowly loosing the war. I live in NY State, no place is more abundant or giving out handouts and taxing people more than us. We are #1 at some things, just not good things.
yep lol, we walked miles to find enough empty pop bottles to turn in and buy a full one,or 2, that was usually the only way we were going to get one, money for a young teen kid was real hard to come up with
My Dad told all of us when we were in our teens that if we ever did anything that put our Grandfathers last name in the paper in a negative manner that the law would be the last thing we needed to worry about, it never even occurred to me to ignor that advice.
Yep Randy, dignity and respect is gone now. That's why I like my old '67 Oliver. Takes me back to those days. Seems like all you can do to fight it is to treat people like you want to be treated.
Ok maybe I'm being insensitive to the younger generation but when I see a post where the author of the post starts a sentence with ME and my wife, or brother, or whoever, right away I know the age of the poster. My grandkids do it and it drives me nuts.
(quoted from post at 09:04:28 10/05/17) Ok maybe I'm being insensitive to the younger generation but when I see a post where the author of the post starts a sentence with ME and my wife, or brother, or whoever, right away I know the age of the poster. My grandkids do it and it drives me nuts.
You mean as opposed to "[i:491a347509]My wife and I[/i:491a347509]"?
I don't think money has anything to do with it. I'll bet every one of us knows somebody who's poor as a church mouse who we'd rather spend a week with before we'd spend five minutes with a certain person with money because the poor person has personal qualities that aren't even in the vocabulary of the show off,low class loud mouth with money.
I'll tell you what,I had more respect for the guy in the old brown suit jacket and the burlap bag who picked up bottles along the side of the road than I do for about half the population today. At least he was doing something productive and didn't bother anybody.
Raised in two parent family, always had chores to do farm related. There are some single parent families now , don't think they teach respect for authority, discipline, respect for others like two parent families did. Part of this is generational differences and todays kids live in their own world centered around video games, smartphones, texting, computers, facebook, none of which we had when we were growing up.
Could be,but I know kids from homes where I know the parents had some self respect,but the kids have tried to "dumb down" to fit in with other kids who are maybe "outdoor types". Like there's some kind of connection to being an outdoor type and being crude and dirty or something. My kids hunt and fish as much as anybody,but this whole "gotta be a redneck" thing irritates them as much as it does me.

Call me "country" or a "hillbilly" as much as you want to,but to me,where I come from,redneck and white trash are interchangeable and the ultimate insult in my book.

My grand daughters have asked me the difference between a hillbilly and a redneck. I tell them a hillbilly has dignity.
To me,Honor thy father and thy mother doesn't mean build monuments to them,it means don't live your life in a way that would make people ask if you were raised by wolves.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]How many of us even know our great grand parents name?[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

We should have a minimum of 8 great grand parents.

George Washington Smith - mother's maternal grandfather

Victor Howell - father's paternal grand father

Mattie Coffey - father's maternal grand mother

Victor Howell's and Mattie Coffey's headstone are less than 10 feet apart.
yea i have picked up empty pop bottles gave us a little spending money for baseball cards and and bottle of pop maybe a candy bar.
mom and dad didn't have much money for that kind of stuff.
Society has been evolving since man formed groups or communities and that will never never stop, slow down on occasion, but never stop. The people that have lived the longest have the largest amount of social common knowledge, but are also the largest group to get bent out of shape when morals and niceties change. I just don?t understand how judging people on how they dress has any point to it. What business is it to anybody else besides the individual? There are way bigger concerns these days than how some kid wears their pants or pj?s in public. I?d be more concerned with the old guy rolling a bunch of large suitcases into a hotel myself.....
Guess I will be flamed with you; civil rights act of 1964 and casual fridays started the down turn. Civil rights act dumbed down everybody that wanted to be and if pjs are good enough for Friday then it's good enough whenever.
It is a rare thing to answer a post but in all fairness, I must agree that maners, dignity,self pride,being what is omitted in todays world.I ws taught maners when I was a real pain it the a-- ran with a gang, thought I knew it all,was associated with some that was connected to the worst kind of people,who would be ,without qualms to bring a head in a sack to those who were connected. My mother (bless her heart)shipped me up to my uncle George who believed in "spare the rod, spoil the child" and proved the point by hauling me and my cousin in the basement of his farm and proceeded to buggy whip us both.
After the much needed whipping I was a changed lad. No more gang,and my manners was restored.Please and THANK YOU was placed in my every day words.I loved the man with out hesitation.Drove a delivery truck making a whole $20.00 a week, that went for cigarettes,(2 packs) only and the rest went for room and board.I maintain that most youths need a trip to the basement with uncle George,or at least a trip behind the wood shed for a lesson in behavior from a good parent.Just my humble opinion but I'm stuck with it!!! Warmest regards, LOU.
I have a new nic. I have been in here since 1998. My last nic was SD Pete. I was in the hospital for 7 weeks and a new computer and I couldn't get my log ins right.
I grew up in an era when a gentleman removed his hat when talking to a lady, even if it was outdoors. Now it's a dang wonder guys even take a greasy ball cap off in church.
They do in my church because I ask them to, My biggest gripe is those guys who sit thru a meal in a decent restaurantwearing a ball cap. No Finesse or dignity shown.
The Civil Rights Act didn't do it, the was the War of Poverty that did. Three generations of government dependence and 200 years of votes the the party of "something for nothing".
(quoted from post at 10:47:15 10/05/17) Guess I will be flamed with you; civil rights act of 1964 and casual fridays started the down turn. Civil rights act dumbed down everybody that wanted to be and if pjs are good enough for Friday then it's good enough whenever.
Sorry Pete, I gotta disagree on the Civil Rights thing. Yes, it went places it wasn't supposed to go, but it was a much-needed change.

As for Casual Friday's, I agree. However, there's a difference between "casual" and "inappropriate". PJ's in public? VERY inappropriate in my book!
Pride and dignity have taken a hit,back when I was a kid any farmer that would have taken a handout from the Gov't to keep his farming operation going would have been immediately
consigned to being a low life with no morals,disgrace to his family and probably kicked out of his church.But its commonplace these days.
Personally I really can't see where its my place to tell other people how they should live,what their home or farm looks like etc unless its against the law then the cops can handle it.
I don't want others telling me how I should live my every day life and I don't want to tell others how they should be living.That's why people came to America to get away from all that in Europe and other places.Individual Freedom.
(quoted from post at 08:23:06 10/05/17) "We value our family , and their traditions."

Bruce, I think you are on the right track there. That seems to be something completely non existent today. The family unit is no longer important.

Kids hit 16-18 years old and they're gone. No concern for aging parents, shack ups, multiple divorces, commit crimes where their face is in the news, no regard for the embarrassment caused or the money spent trying to get them out of jail!

Sure didn't used to be that way, the family linage meant something, a name that could be traced and be proud of what was found!

How many of us even know our great grand parents name?


Steve and Bruce I agree, family relationships have deteriorated greatly. When the family relationship collapses, society collapses.

A good example is divorced and single moms working full time can't discipline the kids and teach them what's right.
Traditional Farmer -- Where we are is normally a VERY wet area. And due to the normally-harsh climate, there are few crops that one can raise here successfully. Field corn sometimes, but not if it's a wet year. Same with beans and canola. Most people simply grow hay. But the worst part is, I've heard some of the locals talk about what they're going to plant, HOPING for the ground to be too wet and the crop fail. They actually make more money from gov't crop insurance than from a successful crop once you figure in fuel, time, wear-n-tear, etc. One year crops were very late to fail - right before harvest. Then they were angry because they already had so much $$$ invested in the crop.

Some folks have also gotten on the CRP bandwagon and actually make good money at NOT farming anything.
I'm not just talking about one end of he spectrum. A little humility on the other end of it would be nice once in a while too. Too many who make it forget where they came from.
"Is there any pride,dignity and humility left in this country?"

sure there is. it's everywhere you go. thing is the folks with those qualities are not noticed. kinda like a good umpire in a baseball game.

I do not watch prime time TV or natl. news shows. all the dam networks replaying the slaughter in LV is part of the problem. the "media maggots" glorify the absurd and the horrific.

a positive outlook on life helps heaps.
I know what you mean. Been complaining a lot about these folks that walk up on the property and start spewing their agenda without introducing themselves. So I been laying a LOT of block the past month. Some fella pulls in the drive, sashays up to me and demands to know who my block guy is. Not..."hi, I'm Bill from down the road" or anything polite first. Just flat out demanding to know who is laying the block. I just stared him down for a about ten seconds and told him I did not have a block guy. He looked real confused for a bit while I stared at him some more. Then he told me he his friend was a block layer. I just told him I lay my own block and he turned around and left without comment. This happened five times in five days and only two of the guys were folks I knew and even they did not waste much time on civilities before launching into a lot of questions about things that were none of their business. People need to clean up their acts. I had a fella down the road walk up to me at a place I own and tell me "I KNOW you ain't living here." I just asked him "how's that?" and he proceeded to show me that he had written down all the times the lights went on and off. So he was sure they were on timers and therefore he knew I was not living on the place. WTF??? So I guess being a slob, with no manners, and minding other folks business is the new norm.
A three legged stool or ladder or easel or whatever works well on less than perfectly level surfaces. A society as we grew up with, I'm 59 now, Offered three legs to every individual. Government, church, and family. Family and church both urge us to obey, government cut us a break to raise a dedent family and instill moral values. Not perfect at all of course. Those three legs are available today, but they've been weakened like crazy.
I tell my kids to remember not to forget their past and their immigrant grandparents struggles. None of us have benefitted from the bridges that have been burned trying to improve over the last generation. Randy, you have every right to feel the anger and frustration you do. Can you imagine a community where nobody thought anything was right or wrong and didn't care? I'd tell you to cheer up but this isn't that kind of sermon.

Remember,we all can set a better example, some of those idiots are watching us.

Randy, you don't know me but I'm sure that we would be good neighbors. On another note when a stranger calls or tries to sell me something; I ask if they know me. When they say no I say I don't do business with strangers. Then silence.
Jim B
Blame Don Rickles then. LOL

We had a judge here in the county who was unorthodox to say the least. I told everybody it was OK for Harry on Night Court to be that way,but when it came to real life,it wasn't so cute and funny was it?
(quoted from post at 10:35:08 10/05/17) Being rude is what passes for comedy on TV

You are right on that. It's fun to be rude isn't it? After all they do it on TV so it the proper thing to do! Right!!!
I've heard it said,hillbillies raise livestock,rednecks get romantically involved.

Good example of rude: our hair dresser (I'll call her Linda) lives near her shop out in a rural area. It was a nice day so she walked to the shop, did some clients and was walking home when she encountered one of her neighbors that she hadn't seen in awhile. They talked a bit and our friend realized she didn't recognize her. She said: "Nancy, I'm Linda, your neighbor, we've talked before!" Then Nancy said: "Oh, Linda. I didn't recognize you, you've gotten so fat!" Linda was appalled and didn't know what to say and kept on walking. Nancy was herself a big fat woman with a big gut and no room to call anyone fat. BTW, Linda is not fat and quite good looking.
I remember when I was a younger man the factory where my grandma worked had a shutdown. Cant remember the reason. She was off work for about 4 months. Needed some medical assistance. Got up one morning, showered, dressed and went to the local DSS office. Didn't want anything but some aide to cover some of the expenses of her care. Sitting in the office looking around there were people of all natures. Most were like you mentioned sitting there in the pajamas or sweats. Looked to be unwashed or for that matter taken time to come their hair after getting up. The agent that stepped out to get grandma saw how she was dressed, stopped her in the middle of the lobby and proceeded to make the other applicants notice grandmas appearance and told them that if they would take the time to present themselves in the same manner most of them wouldn't need the services offered. Gram was embarrassed but the agent told her that she was tired of folks just climbing out of bed at noon not taking time to clean up or change and then coming to the agency saying they couldn't find a job and needed assistance. Gram got the help that she needed and shortly after the plant reopened and she worked again till her retirement at age 69.

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