Bad Neighborhood

This tractor belongs to the company that cuts the interstate grass.
It has been parked under a interstate bridge for a week or so with 1 flat tire.
I can not think of one reason the owner would have taken 3 of the 4 tires off and set the tractor on the ground.
And I find it hard to believe a guy with a pickup and a jack stole and loaded these tires.

My guess is a small independent tire dealer, one of those guys who will service your equipment in the field. They can't all be upright and honest.
I'm surprised they left so many other components there. Makes me thing you're right - that it's someone that works mostly with tires/wheels or doing field service.
I would hazard a guess that tires are are now helping to reduce the trade deficit with mexico.
None of the windows are broken, it didn't burn, and the stolen wheels and tires would be heavy, useless, conspicuous and worthless to just about everyone outside of agriculture. I don't think this can be blamed on the neighborhood, it was done by someone who works in the industry.
Remind's me of the night my truck quit on the interstate. While I was looking around under the hood with a flashlight two guys started jacking the rear up. I asked what the *#!@& are you two doing? One replied "you can have the battery, all we need is tires."
There was a huge excavator stolen here a few years ago. Somebody with a semi, lowboy, and the knowledge to get it started and loaded took the thing in the middle of the day. They waved at other folks working on the site. A few days later, the real owners showed up, no machine. That wasn't the work of some hood rats.

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