Insy-winsy spider not so insy-winsy


Well-known Member
I came across this garden spider this weekend, must have had a leg spread of nearly 3 inches. I have not seen one in years. I think they are so pretty.

As compared to several years previous, there seems to be an abundance of them this year.
I have actually been catching small grasshoppers and throwing them into the web. I've found that about three grasshoppers will get them to the size that they need to be before they lay their eggs.
We always called them corn spiders. I did not know they where called garden spiders too. I just searched the web for pictures and sure enough they are the same thing just called different names in different places.

My wife is deadly afraid of any spider, large or small. Even Grand Daddy long legs.
Used to see them all the time when I was a kid, haven't seen one in a long time now.

I would catch bugs and throw them in, watch them wind them up!
I read something interesting; spider do not have lungs like ours. They have sort of a plate like system. When there was less oxygen in the atmosphere. spider were able to grow much larger. Because oxygen is such a volatile element, too much of it causes problems in their system. Perhaps you have greater climate change than the rest of us and your carbon dioxide level is exceptionally high (are you sleepy?) and will soon be overrun with giant spiders and have a sort of Jurassic Park thing going? Good luck with that.
Several years ago, when the brown stink bug invasion sprung on us, these spiders seemed to be everywhere. The stink bug population was about 1/2 the next summer and has shrunk to a fraction, maybe just 5%. I don't see the spiders either, now. Nothing else changed. So, an example of how Mother Nature works. Something gets out of balance, something else counter acts it. I am not afraid of spiders but do not like them in the house. If I find a big one I will toss it out when possible.
My cousins wife is also afraid of any spider, and she grew up on a dairy farm.
We call them writing spiders here. Had one build a web between the seat and steering wheel on my 8N the other day.
I have always heard them called banana spiders. They always show up this time of year. Better be careful riding the 4-wheeler or gator through tight spots or they will be riding with you before you know it.
They have an interesting web defense - if you gently touch their back, they will jump up and down and shake the web so you will see it and not run into it (I guess - who knows what a spider thinks?).

We always called them garden spiders and left them alone - I like them, but not on me, ha.

Nice pictures - shows the zipper in the web, as we called it when we were kids.

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