B414 electronic ignition


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Considering putting electronic ignition on my 1962 IH B414. Have heard it is fairly simple. But also that timing may have to be adjusted. Anyone else done this? Thanks
I put it on my 1960 Cub. I am mechanically-challenged ;if I can do it anybody can .

SFAIR the key is getting the correct coil . Petronix's literature that comes with unit addresses the point.

I converted to 12 volts to go solid-state . Not sure six volt will support solid-state.

Solid state for Cub was great -- truly great -- improvement. .
Yes, it is simple.

And yes, the timing will need to be reset. While you are in the distributor, be a good time to check out the centrifugal advance, be sure it is free, the springs are good, the weight pivots are free and not worn beyond being able to work.

Also, the electronic kit manufacturers recommend resistor type plug wires. If yours are solid wire, or about time to replace them, be a good time to go ahead and put a new set on.

And finally, the electronic kit is voltage and polarity specific. You can buy them for 6 or 12 volt, and positive or negative ground. Just be sure which system you are running, or plan to run in the future. Once installed you will need to be careful about jump starting and battery polarity. I don't know what would happen if it got the wrong voltage or reversed polarity, good chance it could fry it!

But, in spite of the cautions, with the quality of the aftermarket points and condensers available today, I would recommend you convert it to electronic. I have done several, had 100% success with all.
I could not afford a Pertronix years ago so I put a hybrid igniter unit from an old Toyota pickup on our Farmall Super C. It still used the points, but did not require a lot of current across them to trigger the igniter. Now that old Toyota igniter costs more than the Pertronix!

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