Can you believe this guy?

Fritz Maurer

Well-known Member
Was picking up my prize at a local auction. Owner walks over, begins moaning about how cheap everything went, auctioneer screwed him, etc. While he was talking, he idly opened the twine box of the baler I just purchased, and saw all the tools he had forgotten about. He hollers, "You didn't pay enough for this baler to get all these tools with it!" and proceeds to gather them up. He knew the stuff wasn't hot because they were the sort of thing you would carry around for adjusting the knotters and/or changing shear bolts. While he was unloading he was telling me how cheap I got a few other items, by now I wished I had slammed the lid down on his fingers. I just wanted out of there.
I can imagine it must be a very emotional day for anyone being at their own auction no matter what the stuff brings. Nonetheless you bought it and I think if it were me I would have alerted an auction employee to the situation
I agree with mark. You left the stuff in there, toooooo D bad ! Had something like that about ten years ago with an Ebay item. Bought a Gravely rotary plow. Auction only went to $36.oo. I met up with the guy and he picked it out of his pickup and Dropped it on the parking lot. He was really PO cause he forgot to put a reserve on it. Not my fault idiot. The thing was almost new so I understand but you goofed up.
At least you got out of there... The tools most not have been worth much- a lot of places, someone would have swiped 'em before the bidding started!

Hopefully the baler works well, and you don't have to encounter the guy again!
What is a hand full of mismatched tool really worth???? I would have just let him take them and moved on. Auctions are an emotional time for the people selling out or down sizing.

I have a very good friend that is what you would call and Man's man. Not emotional at all. When he retired he had a 1989 JD 6620 Titan II side hill combine that only had 700 hours on it. It was his pride and joy to have finally got a good new combine. He had to go in the house when it sold. He was over come with emotion and was crying like a baby. It sold for a high price so that was not the point. It just hit him hard that his life was going thought a major change.

So try and put yourself in the sellers shoes. Your bargain was his loss kind of thing.
Some people can't handle the situation. They have high expectations and don't consider the possible outcome. I've seen owners grab the microphone and start cussin at the crowd. Then the auctioneer gets pulled in to a fight he didn't start. I send stuff to the consignment sale and hope for the best and a lot of times have got the worst.

I check in hay at the local auction and can relate. I get I want this to bring this much. Then I ask ,How do I do that. Then you get the look. Our they say, I get this much out of the barn. I'd say keep sellin it out of the barn. And then the big ?.Can you guarantee I get this much. My answer to that is,when it sells 12% comes to us and you get the rest.

You got to be the wiping post and didn't deserve it. IMO he stole your stuff.
JD I can understand the feelings and emotions. We may be selling what's left of our farm and homestead after being here 40 years and raised our family here ITS GONNA BE TOUGH IF AND WHEN THE CLOSING COMES AND WE HAVE TO EVACUATE OUR LIFES WORK AND HAND THE KEYS OVER TO A STRANGER. I'm kind of dreading that sad day but the time has come based on our own personal situation......... What was it the author said ??? "You can never go home again" Over the years we visit Madison Indiana where I lived as a young kid and go to where all our homes were, two of which were torn down, the two grade schools I attended are also torn down and the stores are mostly gone or changed hands except for one, Datillo Fruit Company.

Oh well that's the cycle of life into which I told my wife (after we sell out and buy our last home) we are entering our last chapter grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

PS you wont by any chance be attending the Half Century of Progress in Rantoul Ill later this month???

John T
I've bought tractors from farmers and before I got back with my trailer they have swaped out the new battery that was in it,robbed the weights,drained the gas,etc. One guy took the top link off and said it wasn't included. Everyone thinks they got short changed.
A lot depends on the auctioneer as well. Nearly 2 decades ago, we took a lot (to us) of stuff in to our weekly local auction. The auctioneer spent a lot of time during the first 2 hours on the main sellers - people who he likes, and who bring stuff to him regularly. He saved our stuff for last and, by then, would come up to items without even looking inside and then cluster 2, 3, 4, and sometimes 5 items or boxes of stuff all together. Of course, doing it that way gives people the impression that whatever is in there isn't worth much, so he was always adding to the pile until he could get $1 for the pile. As this was a "weekly" auction, he should have had a stipulation that if he didn't get to it, he would "start" with those items the following week. OK, so he may have to turn some items away now and then to get caught u, but I have to ask, which is worse? Postponing the sale for one week, or literally GIVING their stuff away??
When we had my parents' house and the rest of their belongings auctioned off after they passed, the auctioneer asked if he could bring in some other items to sell. Sure, why not. The only thing of REAL value there, to me, was the house. Everything of sentimental value or that we wanted/needed to hang onto was pulled out beforehand.

One entire shed of items got paid to someone else, and items that were in the house never got listed or "officially" sold. Yet he couldn't refute the photos we had sent him, as those photos were taken as we were leaving the house to head back here. We actually had to wait a few hours to leave so I could get different pics sent to him of some items.

Then also, his website would only allow for images under a certain size. I sent him a sample and he said that was fine. So, I sent them all that size, yet most showed up on the website looking like 2/3 of the photo and item had been cropped off!! Did they call and tell us? Nope. And we did not have internet here at the time, so had no way to pull up the website. So we ended up losing quite a bit of money on that deal, also. Yes, we were upset, but it IS just stuff, after all. We honestly don't need any more stuff, and I have threatened many times to just start throwing this stuff out of a building and setting fire to it! Got too much!!

...Please forgive my being hot-under-the-collar. Just came in from outside and it's like 79F here. Yeah, yeah....make fun, but for me, that's like [b:ebf7276617]John in la[/b:ebf7276617] being up above 100F!!
I hope I go before my kids have a auction. That would be heart breaking to see my stuff going down the driveway. Hoping would have a grandkid wanting to take the place over, but looks slim right now.
Not at auction but I did sell a nice New Holland 570 baler to a man and took his old baler in on trade My old baler was still in use and had a full bale of twine with it and his baler was also being used. I delivered the 570 to him and when I picked up the trade in the twine box was empty and they had cut the twine so short that it could not be used to tie in a new bale. I had looked at his baler the day before we traded and it was full of twine.When he called later to buy something else from me I was to busy to do business with him.
That would be theft to me. He let them go you bought them. So to me they belong to you. I can understand not fighting over them. But still they were yours
(quoted from post at 15:07:44 08/06/17) That would be theft to me. He let them go you bought them. So to me they belong to you. I can understand not fighting over them. But still they were yours
I have seen similar issues at one auction they sold the tractor THEN STARTED SELLING THE WEIGHTS, 3 PTH ETC OFF IT!! that started issues!!! Really think him and me would have had a rough day!!! Don't really get why they do not use a reserve if it that big of a deal to them.
(quoted from post at 15:34:17 08/06/17) I have seen similar issues at one auction they sold the tractor THEN STARTED SELLING THE WEIGHTS, 3 PTH ETC OFF IT!! that started issues!!! Really think him and me would have had a rough day!!! Don't really get why they do not use a reserve if it that big of a deal to them.

They don't, that is the auctioneers, like to do reserve items and really hate listing an item on a bill as having a reserve. Keeps potential buyers away and the auctioneer wants warm, breathing BIDDING bodies.

Tanker: none of us like it but I think it fair and solves the issue of going to cheap. Been to some auctions where everything had a high reserve and yes they failed. Been to others where the owner bids his item up as a reserve. Been to a few where they were inadated with junk that sells for 1-5 dollars. That gets old to.
Near me there is an auctioneer that has a spring and fall consignment sale. I took a non running 044 stihl chain saw there and a small stick welder. Typical sell off the wagon rtpe items they were usable to the right person. I had each tagged as it's operation at drop off they thanked me for being straight up. I got my check a couple weeks later and the welder brought scrap price and the saw brought 1/2 of a new one. I was shocked. Giggled right to the bank with the money. I figured I would have a 100$ and wound up being 450$ or so. Idk take it when ya can I guess. It sure sucks you had a good day and the seller had a bad day. I guess that sentence could be read the other way too.
Me 2 guys ,Before my parents auction , We had a family prayer in the bedroom where my dad and mom spent their last days ,., after prayer , i feared my sisters bawlin was gonna get us all started and bring us all down and delay the auction .LOL .. never thought i would be thinking of quitting at 61,. but dang, i am having a hard time .Thank GOD. my legs are slowly getting better from neuropathy caused by the chemo the Docs used that chased away the cancer.. .. we just buried my 70 yr old b-i-l,. the week before he died i saw his legs,. they lookt like 2x4s!.. yuk ,.if i had not kept on pushin myself , i mite end up the same way ..yes,i am slow getting around ,and most times those steps hurt. but i can still climb upon a combine,.and i can waller around under a pc. of equipment ,just being out there takes my mind off of my pains,, i love making hay , They ain't nobody in the neighborhood better than me and the 430 raking hay faster and with far less trips around the fields ..
N ext yr ought to be better ,.My 1st son would rather drive nails than cows and tractors,, gave me two bookworm gransons ,,Probably not gonna be farmers ,thats ok.. But now,the 2nd son has a little fella that wont be 2 until thanksgiving ,. Never seen nothin like it,. he has hit the ground a runnin ,, like a natural born dirt loving , animal lovin motorhead ,. full ofpizand vinegar like his daddy and his dad before him,and the dad and all granpas before them ..i will hang tuf for the kids ,,if i quit! legs will antrophy away . and that is real downer for sure
About a year ago our recently widowed neighbor lady had an auction, and the deal she made with the auctioneer was that she could not be present the day of the auction. I'd never heard of that before.
Last fall when my dad sold out,I was in the field helping the auctioneer with the equipment, and dad stayed up by the barn with the cows. I would walk along his truck, give a history on each piece as honest and frankly as I could, and I believe it helped bring up the value on some pieces. Some stuff sold much higher than I would have thought, while others went relatively cheap.

I bid up a few items also, just because they were going way too cheap. One item in particular was dad's tractor,a Massey 285. Could hardly draw any interest even though dad had quite a few calls in the days leading up to the auction to ask about it. It was set to be sold at around $3600 or so. I ran it up and got another $600 or $700 out of it, where I believe it was a fair price. I could have gotten stuck with it too.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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