A little humor.......


Well-known Member
Maybe dang little.........

A safecracker was working on a safe. He was totally wrapped up in his work when he felt a hot breath on his neck. He turned around and there was a huge German Shepherd dog sitting right behind him.

The safecracker thought, ?My God, I?ve had it!?

But the dog just sat there, watching the fellow work. So very slowly, the safecracker went back to work. Suddenly a voice asked, ?Whatcha doin???

Our boy jerked around and saw a parrot sitting on the back of a chair. He thought, ?To heck with the parrot? and went back to work. Again the parrot asked, ?Whatcha doin???

The safecracker said, ?Is that all you know how to say??

The parrot said, ?Sic ?em?.

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