Indiana Helmet law July 1, 2017


Well-known Member
In accordance with Indiana law, beginning July 1, 2017 all children under 18 years are required to wear a helmet on or in any Off-Road Vehicle (ORV). This applies to all ORVs, including but not limited to ATVs, UTV, side-by-side vehicles, and dirt bikes. The law applies both to public and private property. It does not apply to golf carts.

Under the law, owners of ORVs who allow children younger than age 18 to ride their ORV on public or private property without wearing an approved helmet can be charged with a Class C infraction, which carries a maximum penalty of $500.
If the vehicle is used for farming it is exempt.The law also requires atv/utv to be titled and registered with the bmv.
I don't know anything about Indiana, but I know some laws extend to private property. Here in Michigan, a kid under 10 can
not ride a four wheeler on private land unless it is for farm work. Age 10-15, even on private land, has to have passed a
test an gotten a safety certificate. I find it ridiculous, but that is the way it is. My kid had to get one just to ride on
our own land.
My 2012 mule was titled with BMV in when I bought it. I then registered it with DNR. It was good for 3 years.

Is there something else I should do? Is DNR still in charge or BMV?
There's a lot of laws and regulations that I don't agree with,things like junk ordinances enforced by the health department,requirements for a certain number of square feet for a residence,things of that nature. If it's an adult in their right mind,it's nobody else's business. If there are kids or people who are mentally or physically incapable of choosing not to participate in living that way,it's a different story.
Seems like every summer we have a minor killed on an ATV around here because parents just aren't smart enough to remember what it's like to be a kid. To get over confident and keep taking more and more chances with something that has way more power and potential for injury than these kids can understand.
I don't think that law came out of a random desire for government intrusion. It came from parents being irresponsible and kids who don't know any better,being killed.

We had company a few years back. City folks. My wife's brother's inlaws. Three generations,the SIL's parents,her brother,his wife and their young son. He was about 6 would be my guess. The kid was bound and determined that he was gonna ride my old Yamaha MOTO4 by himself. He finally got on it and started it after being told no several times. I shut it off and took the key out. He went pouting to his dad. I heard the dad tell the grand dad "I don't think he understands that he rides ours at home". I said "I don't think you understand that the traffic goes by here 55 miles and hour,there's barbed wire fences on three sides of the yard and the brakes aren't good on that thing".
Somebody had to be the adult and not just give in to a whining kid. Apparently in Indiana,the government has had to become the adult.
I have a go-cart and side by side. Both have seat belts and roll cages. Both have a top speed of 25 mph. Grand kids drive them, with an adult sitting beside them.

Letting a kid drive them without adult supervision is a liability waiting to happen.

It will be hard to enforce the helmet law when Grand kids are driving in gravel pit 30 ft below grade and no view from road. No more driving in the yard.
Where did you find farm exempt? I have read the law on Indiana DNR Gov. and it says all kids under the age of 18 public or private property must wear a helmet.
According to the lawyer at Indiana farm Bureau the BMV as taking over. My ranger and gator were registered with the dnr to ride on the road. The bmv wants tax money so I did not register mine with the bmv. The goal of the law is to may kids getting hurt and killed on the Razors and other things that go 90 mph, not really worried about farmer and others that use them for work. There is a good article in the Hoosier Farmer magazine that Indiana farm bureau puts out this month.
If they're injured and you have to take them to the hospital,that's when you're gonna be in trouble. My nephew was one of the most reckless kids you ever saw in anything with 4 wheels. They had that boy in the emergency room a LOT from being hurt on those things. The hospital finally alerted law enforcement and they forbid them letting the kid on any 4 wheeled ATV again or they'd be prosecuted.
Here's the farm bureau artical if if come thru
First place far to many kids are getting hurt on those things. And most states are going to follow through with similar laws if they don't already have them. Most of the accidents I've heard of involving serious injury with an ATV and a kid the kid was unsupervised.

Yes, a few people will get ticketed when a cop driving by sees a violation but I doubt you will see swarms of cops trying to enforce that new law. Where you are going to see prosecution is after the fact. Been going on in this old world of ours for a very long time. The idea of making an example of people. When criminal charges are lodged against parents and grandparents after a kid is injured or killed they hope that others will take note.

I talked to the state law lawyer at Farm Bureau about plates on farm trucks for hauling grain and we got on this subject and he told me about the exemptions. The DNR website my just summarize the law and not get into the details. It is also illegal to carry a loaded firearm on an ATV even on private property.
I've yet to take anyone to hospital. If that happens to grand kids, I'll tell them they fell off a tractor. Usually their parents are co- pilots.

When grand son got older, I set the governor on go-cart to about 10 mph. Then an adult would watch them.

Don't let neighbor kids drive them, just a liability waiting to happen.
That's you,but I'd warn anybody else who thinks they can get away with breaking the law,if they get hurt and you seek medical attention,that's where they'll get caught.
Didn't Indiana just put into effect you can carry a firearm now without permit. There are some rules and regulation that go along with this new law.
I am not sure. I know that Jim Lucas my rep was pushing for a state constitution carry law. The handgun permit is now is for lifetime.
I don't understand why anyone with any intelligence would question a helmet law that is designed to protect youngsters regardless of who made the law or whose land or property it is on. And while we're at it, why would any of us not wear a helmet ourselves if it might save your life or serious injury? I guess it's the old "It Can't Happen To Me" thinking.
(quoted from post at 06:40:29 07/02/17) First place far to many kids are getting hurt on those things. And most states are going to follow through with similar laws if they don't already have them. Most of the accidents I've heard of involving serious injury with an ATV and a kid the kid was unsupervised.

Yes, a few people will get ticketed when a cop driving by sees a violation but I doubt you will see swarms of cops trying to enforce that new law. Where you are going to see prosecution is after the fact. Been going on in this old world of ours for a very long time. The idea of making an example of people. When criminal charges are lodged against parents and grandparents after a kid is injured or killed they hope that others will take note.

We have a local family that has a memorial set up on the side of the road. It features a 3 wheeler atv. Their kid was killed when it flipped on him.


It is a shame every time the gooberment steals more rights from the people. I hope whoever wrote that law suffers.
Crazy Horse The government is just taking our freedom away little by little. I am on and off a JD Gator 25 times each morning and evening doing chores. I am not going to screw around with a helmet. The Grand kids do the same chores many times also without a helmet.

IF you want the government to be your big brother then you move to were that is how it goes. I would rather have some freedom to think for myself.

IF this law goes un checked it will soon have Bureaucrats making changes to just to make their job have a reason to be there.
I maybe hard hearted but there are always going to be kids hurt killed doing some thing. You can have thousands of laws and it is still going to happen.

It burns my butt every single time I hear some POLITICIAN saying " Its for the children". That is just the catch phrase for the politician wanting to run your life because they "KNOW" better then you how it "should" be ran.

I do not own a single helmet. I also do not own a UTV that can go over 20 MPH either.

If they really wanted to make things safer then just outlaw the UTVs that go 50-60 MPH like the Raptors and such.
I don't think anyone sells an atv that won't go over 20 mph. The new ones have more horsepower than a model T Ford, and many older tractors. I have a 250 Yamaha and it tops out at over 40mph, WAY to fast unless your on a open course.
My next door neighbor asked to borrow my 4-wheeler and I told him no. About a month later he found somebody to loan him one and him and his best friend both ended up getting killed on it that night. They were both in their twenties.
I worked in a small town and knew a boy for years, watched him grow up actually. He was 19, he got a job working for a farmer and borrowed his four-wheeler. He hit a pipeline and was killed. Going to his funeral was one of the toughest things I ever did.
Dozens of times I've responded to atvs driven in the city limits. My usual response was to have them push them home, or get a ticket. I never wrote a ticket. I've also seen many injured by atvs.
I think way to many get injured And killed by atvs. A helmet would've saved all three I know killed by one.
A helmet can be a handicap. It cuts down on your ability to look around and hear things going on around you. I have a motorcycle and when the state passed a law saying you had to wear a helmet I had so many close calls because of the helmet I stopped riding altogether. Yes in the event of an accident a helmet is the best thing to have but I could avoid the accident a whole lot easier without the helmet. In addition a helmet ruins the experience of riding altogether.
I'd say you're right plus Social Services will get involved and probably child neglect charges etc etc.Might be ridiculous but that's the way it is these days.
It seems the people who go against any law no matter how logical it is are the same ones who are convinced the government is out to take away every right they have. Paranoid types see conspiracies everywhere and are safest to stay in their basements wearing tinfoil hats so they don't have to deal with an evolving society.
I agree with you in principle,but once again,let me play the devils advocate here.

How many times a week do we complain on here about irresponsible parents of spoiled kids? As I and others have said,it's doubtful that law enforcement will come on anybody's place and enforce the law,but when a spoiled 8 year old of a neglectful parent comes in to the emergency room with a cracked skull,law enforcement has a tool now in Indiana to do something about it.

It's summer vacation time for the kids and there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't see kids on those things and wonder where the h3ll their parents are? Four kids with no helmets,on a Raptor or something similar,going by here on a paved road after sun down,no light on the vehicle,it's not uncommon. Some moron had to have told those kids "Yea,it's alright,go ahead.".

If something happens to those kids,a $500 fine for the brain dead parents isn't enough. They need jail time to think about what the word "responsibility" means.
For better or worse, expect a lot more legislation to protect us from ourselves. At certain levels, the federal and state governments are indistinguishable from the health insurance industry. Any one who submits bills to health insurance companies must identify what they are billing for with a number code. Two years ago, there were around 10,000 codes. In October of 2015, the number of codes went through the roof to 70,000. The changes were anticipated but were all made overnight on Oct. 1, 2015. The federal and state governments can now mine insurance billing codes and identify just how people are hurting themselves. Legislation is then enacted to prevent these things from happening. There is a specific code for any type of injury sustained on any type of vehicle. There are codes for any type of injury while using roller skates, with detail to identify what type of skate - roller rink, in-line, healy or wheely. As I have mentioned before, there is a code to identify burns from water-skis that are on fire. None of this is my opinion or was found in the internet. This is the world I work in.
I rode a bike myself for many years on long trips and in a lot of city driving. I guess a guy can rationalize not wearing a helmet no matter what, same could be said for proper footwear, leggings, gloves, goggles, etc. At any kind of speed, I always thought most bikers became relatively hearing impaired because of wind, engine, and road noise, etc. If you choose not to wear a helmet then go for it, but I always depended mostly on my eyes to keep me in one piece and not my ears. Same thing for the biker crowd that wear helmets that offer not much more protection than a coffee can, they could offer up a good argument why they do it and none would be that they just like the "look" ...... I mean how dorky would they look with a full-faced lid that offers good protection should something happen? Ever hear of a NASCAR, Indy Car, or F1 driver suggesting that wearing a helmet would be a hindrance since his hearing might be affected? Just my two cents on your reply, everyone has his own opinion I guess.
Just one more freedom being chipped away from us. Just think back to our day and we rode bikes and skate board and roller skates and NEVER wore a helmet and hey we lived. So ya we got hurt form time to time but a helmet will not stop a person from gettign hurt and many times it will not help protect ones head all that much
Here is the problem as I see it Randy. The next step will be for the bureaucrats to make helmets required to ride a horse/goat/dog/etc. on private property. How about it being illegal to take your grand kids/kids on a tractor ride without an approved buddy seat/ROP/ and a seat belt. This law is just another step on the road to full government control of our entire lives. "They know better" will be the driving force right after "It for the kids".

I am tired of everyone "worrying" about me and mine. They really do not care one little bit but LOVE controlling others.

There are so many LAWS these days you can not be entirely "legal" doing anything. If all these laws are "required" for people to function these days how in the world did we all survive in years/centuries past?????

P.S. Want to know how it effects everyday people???? Have your wife/girlfriend fall and hurt her ribs. Take her to the hospital for treatment and then get the fun of answering questions for half an hour trying to prove you did not BEAT HER. Son and DIL just had this happen. Both had to sign papers saying she really fell. making all people abusers until they can prove they are not.

So now you have these law for helmets. So how do they enforce that law??? Make the hospital personal be the investigators of wrong doing. So your kid/grand kid takes a header off the swing set and your going to have to prove he/she was not riding/driving a UTV.

I just know how busy body people will take this and try to empower themselves.
The funny thing is Indiana does not require a helmet to ride a motorcycle on the highway!
Well the helmet law if for kids not adults. They do not mind the older folks gettign killed they just want the kids to live so they can brain wash them to do as they want them to LOL
To me these are just feel good laws. I know several officers that will tell you. There are to many laws on the books they can't enforce. Because they don't have the time or the court throws out the ticket.
Ever notice how many laws are passed affecting those who have little or no political clout or lobbing group?
Yep laws are paste abut those who have no say as to what they say or are. Plus now days any law that is pasted is just another freedom we loose. It is time those who make the laws have use vote on them instead of them making the law because they want to. Sadly those in D.C, not longer are for the people but most are for there own back pockets and do not care about those who voted them into office
Hmmm, let's see ...... so you think that in this helmet situation, the law-makers are maybe in cahoots with the helmet manufacturers, and they're getting cash in a brown paper bag every now and then at a roadside drop location (from a helmeted motorcyclist)? Sounds like something from a Robert Ludlum novel from the 70's.
I know what you're saying and don't totally disagree,but like I said,it just creates a law where some totally neglectful idiot can be charged. I don't think there'll be a witch hunt,but if somebody is irresponsible,they can't say anymore that "There's no law against it". It's a fine line,I know.

"There are so many LAWS these days you can not be entirely "legal" doing anything. If all these laws are "required" for people to function these days how in the world did we all survive in years/centuries past?????"

I've said that all along,that if you tick off the wrong person in government,you WILL be arrested. Maybe not for what you actually did,but there are enough laws that they'll find something to charge you with. As far as the second part about "how did we survive",tell the truth,have you ever seen a time in your life when people seemed to do so many stupid things? Or when there seemed to be so many bad parents? I don't know what drives some people,but if their stupidity hurts kids,there have to be consequences. The kids didn't go buy these ATVs,the parents did. Did your parents put land mines or bear traps all over the yard?
I am just stating the fact of how the government works now days. Almost every president goes in with under a million $$ in assents but when they get out they are worth 10 plus million. Don't remember which president said if one goes in with little and comes out with little they did there job and if one goes in with little and comes out with a lot they where crooks. Paraphrased by the way. Now days most law makers are in there to get rich not do as those who voted them in want them to do
Yep to many laws that do not or cannot be enforced due to not enough time if courts etc. One example here in Missouri. What we common call is a bull thistle that is illegal to let grow in afield but due to not having enough people to enforce that law you see the stuff growing all over the place. It is very simple there are just to many laws on the books and even most lawyers have no clue what half of them are let alone judges of law enforcement

IIRC, it was 1969 or 1970 when IN enacted a mandatory motorcycle helmet law. It was then when I sold my Bridgestone 90 trail, extensively modified to 70 MPH on level ground and my 1966 Suzuki X6 Hustler, the original crotch rocket, bored, ported, polished and fitted Wiseco pistons, HC heads with OS carburetors.

It was not long before IN repealed the motorcycle helmet law. I started riding again once this was done.

Stay tuned.

There is or was a law here in Texas. That said if a vehicle was stopped and a ticket given. Everyone in the vehicle got a ticket. So if a school bus was stopped. Everyone got a ticket. How long would it take for an officer to write say 32 tickets. That also included any animals that were on board.
Yep many who make the laws sorry to say do not have a clue what it is like to live like you and I have to live and they make laws just because they think it is a good idea to do so but do not have the common sense to know how life really is for most people
If your child or their friend gets killed or becomes a quadriplegic because they were riding with no helmet, ask yourself if your liability insurance covers your responsibilities. You could also be jailed for child endangerment. It is not enforcement, it is prevention. Jim
My thoughts, two sides of the coin in 1859 Charles Darwin published "Origin of Species", one of the ideas expressed in this book was the concept of survival of the fittest. These laws being passed to protect ourselves from ourselves are contrary to what Darwin tried to establish as natural law. The government's "responsibility" or right to interfere comes from the idea that the government has an obligation to step in and pay for or provide care for those who can't do for themselves, so if by passing laws they can some how prevent people from becoming incapacitated they are saving money and reducing the burden these individuals would pose to society.

With the safety net government provides in intervention, in prevention and in actual care or aide I often wonder if we haven't created a situation that encourages bad or stupid behavior and if over the long run what the government calls compassion will have a Darwinian effect on our society and eventually decrease our overall prosperity.

To look at it another way when government intervenes to correct injustice or an unfairness the result never lifts or raises the entire society, it merely lowers the overall wealth, wellness or ability of the society as a whole two a lower but attainable level. In previous years much of the aid for the disadvantaged of society came from compassion and altruism meaning when care or aid was provided to the disadvantaged it was done voluntary by individuals. This didn't have the same effect on society as our current system because those providing the help were able to make a moral judgement and someone who needed care through no fault of their own may have been given more than someone who needed care by gross stupidity or a lack of ambition.

This is where I come close to getting censored. There is one political ideology currently in the United States of America that denies the concept of religion, intelligent design, right and wrong but instead tries to define everything by science and knowledge creating a faith or a beleif known as secular humanism. But in their blind race to implement their new faith or belief they ignore the basic precepts laws and concepts that scientists and other scholars have developed over the years such as survival of the fittest, economic laws of supply and demand, evolution(or the theory that beings will adapt to and have adapted to changes in the environment they exist in). They somehow have this belief that the earth has evolved and changed over the course of it's existence that mountains were formed and eroded, that seas came and went, that continents were formed and moved, that creatures like dinosaurs came and went, or were replaced by creatures (possibly descended from them) that better fit the changing ecosystem and that we can stop this. This group feels that must act to implement a static point in the earth's development and stop further evolution or changes and we must do everything in our power to stop further changes in the earth even if it means returning to lifestyles we abandoned centuries ago.
True enough,but this isn't about a law forcing adults to wear helmets. It's about kids,for whom those adults are responsible,wearing helmets. Like I said in the first post I made on the subject this morning,if it's an adult who isn't mentally or physically impaired and they're doing something that only effects themselves and other consenting adults who aren't incapacitated,knock yourself out,literally.

When people put kids in danger and it happens so often that it becomes an issue,somebody has to protect kids,simple as that.

Would any of the "freedom" crowd say that there shouldn't be a law requiring a fence around a pool so kids can't wander in to it and drown? "It's my property,you can't force me to build a fence!".
I don't think it's a totally bad law. I'm surprised that this is the one that comes across as a sign that we're inching towards a police state. It's a very fine line. Here, with socialized, the government has a "right", to try to keep you from hurting yourself, to keep that burden off of the province. If the States had a truly private health care system (which I'm not a fan of, unless the government keeps out if it 100%), the State and Federal governments really don't have a right to keep an adult from hurting him/herself. A child is another matter, and that's why this law is iffy. On public land, I have no problem with this law. On private land, I don't know where I stand. Here in Ontario, there's a law against driving drunk on your own property. Can't say I really agree with that. It's not just a fine, it's a DUI charge.
I don't think motorcycle riders should be required to wear a helmet.

But they should have to sign an agreement stating that if they refuse to wear a helmet, the rest of us should not be required to pay the outrageous healthcare costs to try to save their lives and the cost to take care of them when they turn themselves into mindless slobbering invalids for the next 20 years. We also have to pay to feed and house the family they left behind. Irresponsibility should have a penalty.

Like the motorcycle wreck last week in Harrison Co. Indiana....the chopper was overhead to take him to the hospital....but he died in the ditch. Major cost, not a good result.
Don't feel bad here in California anyone under the age of 18 riding a bicycle any time must wear a helmet, plus on a ORV. Stan
Old/geo-th you are a complete idiots if you oppose helmets for minors, I almost lost my son in an atv crash, his helmet came off and he fractured his skull, do you know what it is like to go into the er and see blood dripping out of your childs ear? So don't apply your legislative conspiracy crap to this issue, My son has had several atvs capable of hurting someone including a Honda 200x,350x,400ex, Yamaha Warrior and a Banshee. If I caught him on any of them without a helmet his a$$ was grass. Even though he is of age I still tell him to wear a helmet on his motorcycle as I do. BTW-We do not have a helmet law for adults.
And this is the problem. You do chores on a John Deere Gator, in not wearing a helmet we could argue that you've done a risk analysis and you don't feel the risks you, or your grand kids are exposed to while
doing chores warrant the used of a helmet. Heck if you're feeding cattle they are probably a bigger risk them the operation of the Gator. You're a reasonable man, have raised a family I remember you trading
lawnmowers a while ago because you had concerns about the grand daughters and the mower you had and you didn't want to see anything happen to them, again another risk analysis. I get the assumption you have
done alright for yourself and your family even against some adversity that was thrown at you, again you made risk analysis and in general must of made enough good decisions to overcome the ones you made that
didn't quite come out the way you planned. Somewhere along the line YOU learned, and seem to have been able to instill some of that knowledge to the following generations and thus the successful sons and grand

The problem, there are folks out there who don't or can't learn. Doing chores with a Gator is a heck of a lot different than running across a pasture wide open on an ATV that is more performance orientated,
but our government may not include those considerations in the law. We have states that will let you ride a motorcycle with out a helmet yet require you to wear a seat belt while driving a car. Let's change
the example a bit, say instead you did chores with a Jeep. I would assume no helmet and probably wouldn't use your seat belt either. The kids end up using the Jeep for chores no helmet, no seat belt everything
is fine. Then someone gets the bright idea to go mess around with the Jeep after chores, in the process they go faster than they did during chores and maybe they are driving over ground a little steeper than
they did doing chores and the inevitable occurs and the Jeep gets rolled. If they were wearing a seat belt they might be shaken up a bit and might have some injuries but their probably going to be okay and
might not be as aggressive riding in Jeeps on steep hills. If they weren't wearing seat belts this could be a situation here they no longer have any opportunity to learn as it may be a terminal mistake,
however some of their friends may learn from their mistake. Bottom line is as parents, and grand parents we have an obligation to teach and protect our kids. They're kids and sometimes you have to let them
make mistakes because that's going to be the only way they'll learn, our obligation is to make sure they aren't fatal mistakes and not let them experience more than they might be capable of making intelligent
decisions about.

My mother was very much against firearms in the house and motorcycles. While we were in high school my younger brother got the desire to buy a motorcycle, since he was under 18 my parents had to approve, they
did but the caveat was it would not be ridden on the road and anyone riding it would wear a helmet. Yes it dumped all of us a time or two but we learned. Eventually my brother sold the motorcycle because he
needed the money for a car. I bought it and since by then I was over 18 and paid for my own insurance I licensed it for the road and got the cycle endorsement on my license. I never road it that much and a lot
of that was because people kept pulling out in front of me when I was on the bike, I mean they'd look right at you and then pull out. I figured if I rode it long enough I'd get hurt and it probably wouldn't be
my fault.
Yup,these minors need to get organized before they take away their right to buy cigarettes and beer.
(quoted from post at 10:04:58 07/02/17) It seems the people who go against any law no matter how logical it is are the same ones who are convinced the government is out to take away every right they have. Paranoid types see conspiracies everywhere and are safest to stay in their basements wearing tinfoil hats so they don't have to deal with an evolving society.

That is a typical reply that I find most often stated by someone who sides with the party who would have everything controlled.

This type of law may save people from injuring themselves, but it is na?ve to think those who create them have anyone's welfare in mind. The cost of your insurance premiums will continue to climb while these "safety laws" will reduce money paid to claims.
Ok Jim we can start the what if deal all day long. What if your friend has a helmet on and gets hit by a truck and killed.What good does the helmet do. We don't need the govt telling us how to live. People should use common sense. No law can help you with that.
Some of you might remember this law. Some town in Washington state. Passed a law making it illegal for animals to make babies in public. I remember hearing the local sheriff saying. If a bull wanted to do it.He wasn't going to stop him.
wisbaker: My Grand Father used to make a comment when someone did something totally stupid and got hurt or killed, "Purifying the gene pool" LOL Not PC correct these day but funny when you think about it.
You should have freedoms....but when you make a bad decision....don't look to the rest of us to bail you out.

Too much focus on freedom, almost no focus on the personal responsibility that goes along with it.

Just look at the children with no father in the house (50%)...freedom to impregnate...freedom to disappear... and freedom dump the cost of care on the rest of us.
Except Helmet laws actually increase medical costs. Other than that, your plan makes perfect sense, just reverse it and have those selfish helmet wearers pay a premium so that they can be kept alive instead of just being buried.
Motorcycle helmet law here in Michigan was repealed a few years back. In fact, one of the politicians who helped get rid of the stupid law got killed last year on his bike. Note, even though he helped get rid of the law - he was wearing a helmet when he got killed.
JD, I often hear that they are taking away our freedoms. But when I ask some one who says that to give me examples of
what he is prevented from doing and how his freedom has been reduced (excluding acts or actions harmful to others), I
seldom get a specific answer or example.

Can you give me some examples of how the "regulations" have limited freedoms and changed peoples lives?
Don't get me going. I can't think of a single reason that any politician gets away with wasting my oxygen. Not one single reason.

(reply to post at 05:32:45 07/02/17) [/quot

here in Texas, a kid under 16, i mean 10-12 year old range, can drive a tractor down the road while he/she/it has to wait till their 16 and pay out the rear for schooling, keep a c average, and show proof of ins to drive the family truck following the tractor..don't make sense.

I know i was one of 12 yr old,,,,,,im 55 now

Found more on law and if kids are doing farm work and chores they don't need helmet but if they are playing around with atv they need helmet.
In most bad motorcycle wrecks the helmet is the difference between an open or closed casket funeral.
I know that law quite well, you can't even have a beer while cutting your lawn without risk of a DUI charge. We were actually warned by the OPP a few summers ago when we happen to stop harvesting wheat by the side of a road. Happy to be finished, we were having a beer sitting next to the combine when a cop saw us and stopped and then proceeded to explain the law.....nobody was operating any equipment, yet she drove by checking 2 more times to try and catch us. Funny thing is my neighbor is OPP, and his old lady can't cut grass without a drink in her hand, guess it's selective enforcement.
(quoted from post at 11:53:34 07/02/17) The funny thing is Indiana does not require a helmet to ride a motorcycle on the highway!

Indiana Code 9-19-7-1 requires any person under 18 to wear an approved helmet and eye protection while operating or riding a motorcycle.

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