This hole wasn't here in the ground yesterday

Philip d

Well-known Member
This hole is where we buried a barn close to 30
years ago. We disked here on the weekend and
found this hole this morning. Some glad the front
tractor tire didn't find it first!
In South West Wisconsin sinkholes from old mines are very common. The county built a salt shed an old miner said that wasn't a good spot when they backed the first truck in they found out why there was an old shaft there and the back axle went in.
Haha you should see my hair after a day in the wind on an open tractor,probably have 2 things than lol
Looks like that may be an old well. We closed one up 24 yrs ago at the inlaw's when we tore their dairy barn down. To this day you can still see a low spot where that well is.

Yep - I've got the same thing going on with an old cistern that we buried over 40 years ago! :shock:
I seen exactly the same thing in a movie. Some bank robbers broke out of prison one night, broke into a bank and robbed it, then buried the loot on a farm right where an old barn was buried years or decades before. Then they got caught and were taken back to prison. The farmer dug it up and found the loot and got arrested and sent to prison for robbing the bank because no one put two and two together and realized it was the bank robbers that did it and not the farmer. They just went back to prison. The kicker in all of it was that the bank robbers got out of prison before the farmer that didn't rob the bank in the first place. AND the farmer's wife divorced him for being in prison as a bank robber, and married one of the bank robbers that she met in the bar one night, not knowing that he was a bank robber. She had to show him how to start the tractor because he was from the city and never saw a tractor, cow, or pig until then.

Be careful with that hole.


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