Figure I might as well take the snow blower off.

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
After all the hype about the big snow storm coming last week , and then not getting any thing more than a short flurry . I figure that I may as well take the darn snow blower off the yard tractor .I can push whatever piddly bit of snow we could get out of the way with the loader now. Days are getting warmer , and even if it does snow a bit , it can't last long enough to cause much bother. Tired of carrying the blower around doing feeding chores, when I don't get to use it. ...Little bit tongue in cheek, and tempting fate , perhaps ? Bruce
My 'lil electric blow snower has been on my front porch since last year, unused, good insurance!
Weather guesser are saying you may get another storm.
Some people are hogging all the snow, not really fair.
It was so nice yesterday, the boss worked by butt off.
My back and arms were hurting all night.
Take it of if you like, mine is staying on into second week of April at least. Think it scared the snow away in the area I live. Used it once in December on parents lane, been setting since..
You're probably going get 4 feet of white stuff now.

If you do... just remember it's your own fault. :)
And be sure to keep it up there.

I bought a generator and a new snow blower last fall and I haven't used either one. Which doesn't hurt my feelings a bit.
Mine has been off for a month because I wanted to haul firewood out of the bush and we haven't had any amount of snow since. I'm sending the cab tractor to the shop next week, that will make it snow for sure!
down here in wv old saying is if you dont like the weather in march hangaround and wait a coupel hours and the weather will change. going to take blade off this week aswell .
My plow truck has been idle since fall. I'm not in a hurry to take plow off however. 47 years ago a wedding almost didn't happen the first week in April.

That said, a few years back, (2012 ?), my son and I were plowing on the 19th of March. Both tractors were having heat issues. His gas tractor was vapor locking with gas actually boiling in the sediment bowl. Mine, a diesel was simply overheating. This was in central Michigan. Not this year - ground is still frozen, solid!

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