i bet i beat you all


Well-known Member
just got stung by a dang bee, in February?! its warm out, and this is the earliest ive even seen bees around, got it in the nose while i was working on a wind destroyed black walnut, sent the wife to town after bee spray, wolf bait, dynamite, and a jet engine ,if she spots one, i got to get these out of here and get this work done
I didn't get stung by him, but I saw a yellow jacket yesterday, verified by my co-worker. The yellow jacket was moving kind of slow (not flying), and I took my cap off and smacked him. His head popped clean off and we both got a laugh out of it.
Last week I was talking with one of the loggers here and it was during the warm spell we had. There were skeeters flying around us and he killed one. I hope that is not a sign to come this spring
If it was a honey bee, they do not hibernate over winter. They maintain heat of about 95 degrees in the cluster in the hive by flexing their wing muscles. If the temp gets above 40 degrees, they will fly out to make a cleansing flight. Bees don't poop in the hive. Also they get very angry if you open their hive in the winter. They can last about ten to fifteen minutes flying in zero degrees. You can call a bee keeper to come and get them.
Hate to disappoint you but the bees,wasps and especially misquitos never really stopped flying here in south La.we had one freeze so far.

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