Don't Do It, Don't Do It, DON'T DO IT!!


Well-known Member
Got off the tractor parade ride, got cold, wanted coffee, and stopped in nearby Huge-Famous-Coffee-Place, ordered large coffee. Price was $2.37. Gave the gal 3 one dollar bills, then said "Wait, I may have change.... [I could hear my brain yelling DON'T DO IT!!!!!]
I said yes, here's 7 cents. Nickel and 2 pennies...... Long pause, longer pause, puzzled looks at the register, her head tilted one side. Long wait.....
She finally handed me $3.77 in bills and change and nickels and quarters and pennies. I could not explain it, I tried, honestly, I finally handed her the $3 and said here, sweetie, here's your tip. Still got puzzled looks.
Recently I was in one of those kind of places, what I bought was 9 cents over the even dollar. I apologized for not having any change. Gal said no problem and took 9 cents from a bowl next to the register. Next time I was there I put change in the "kitty" and told them I owed it.
Its probably even worst since most likely she could have just plugged into the cash register what you gave her and it would have done the math for her.
LOL, guess they educate your young people same as here. I get lunch at the same Wendy's every day and use the drive through. Change from the transactions builds up in the truck so I use some now and then to give them the exact amount. I noticed that they were kinda sorting through it like counting but with a dumbfounded look so I made a game out of it(OK, I entertain easily) One day I would short them, next day give them too much. Each day I got a little brave about how much and I kid you not my lunch came to $5.70 and I handed then a 5 and one quarter, two dimes and a penny and they tossed it in the drawer and said thanks. We all should be thankful that we were taught better ad pray for that generation. Don't know how they are going to make it.
My wife and I were in Franklin , Tn recently for our states Farm Bureau meeting. We were at a counter to pay at a store before we left. My wife started to pull some change out of her pocket so I would get a dollar back instead of change. When my wife pulled out the change a confused look came over the girls face. I told my wife to put it back in her pocket quick or we would be there for an hour. She listened to me and we made it out without too much confusion!
Sounds like she does not know how to run the register.

The register will calculate change regardless of how much you give to the attendant.

When I was young I wanted some easy spending money off the farm. I got a job at a Dairy Queen. That was when you had to write it on paper and know the prices of everything. I prided myself on not looking at the register change total until after the customer had walked away. I still do it today - I have the change figured before they start to give it to me. Times are different now. I guess those caliber of folks are all in rocket classes and everyone else is at a register. And I'm farming. But I can count the heck out of change. I don't think the tractors care and the cows think I'm crazy.
That's OK, I found one who figured out what to do. At a convenience store I had a bill of $5.18. Pulled out a ten dollar bill, laid it on the counter and as I was digging for the 18 cents she rang up the ten. Realizing I wasn't through she took a deep breath, voided the ticket, and re-rang it up with my $10.18 tendered. Problem solved!!!
The problem wasn't her, it was you! Since you eat there every day, they probably have come to trust you to give correct change, so just assumed you wouldn't cheat them and didn't count it.

I have had coffee at the same McDonalds for 20 years- senior coffee is 92 cents- The youngsters laboriously count it, but one morning the manager (who has been there for 20 years as well) just took my change and threw it in the register. The youngster whispered something to her, and she laughed and told him "No, with him, its OK." Suffice to say, I don't make a game out of honesty- "Character" is defined as how you act when nobody's looking.
Uh, you got me all wrong. I cheated them not out of one dime. You appearantly didn't see the part about also handing them too much? Point is we are raising a generation that can't add up a hand full of change,,,, not even two or three coins.
Many people can not do math in their head. It is getting worse with the younger generation because of the way they are taught. Math is a lot of pure memory at the basic level. It takes time and practice to get good at it. I can remember having "Math Races" at the black board. YOU and another student doing problems the teacher would read you both. The fastest got to stay there and keep going on. The winner got a candy bar. I do mean a LARGE candy bar. I LIKED candy bars. LOL (Still do) So I practiced and practiced doing math fast and accurate. That skill has stayed with me over the years. You will become rusty if you do not keep with it.

Now back to the young people of today. Most of the ones that are teenagers today have been handed calculators since they where in the lower grade school classes. The "New" method is to teach the kids (theory) and let them use a calculator to do the actual math itself. That is great if your doing Trigonometry or some complicated math problem. It is not great for simple addition and subtraction. The end result is people that can not do math at even the basic level without a machine handy. So it is not the person being dumbed down it is a failure of the people teaching the youth of today. If you noticed I said people not just teachers. The parents are to blame too. My kids and grand kids can do math by hand and mentally. My wife and I taught my kids and then they taught their kids. So some of us need to look in the mirror when we blame the kids of today of not having certain skills.
At least she was working a job,and was smart enough to get paid for being inside in the warm while she was doing it,while some folks were riding around in the cold freezing and not getting paid.Now who is the smartest?
Don't fault the girl fault the poor school system we now have and the no one left behind thing. Schools no longer teach math or reading or even writing. Sad tha tmany kids now days with out a computer can not think on there own or do much other then push keys on a computer or cash regiter
Yeah, if you don't have the correct change it can really slows down a check out, about as much as if you had asked to changed your order after the total has been rung up. If you had handed the cashier the correct .37 instead of .07 it would have gone much more smoothly.
Kinda funny but I remember learning how to use a slide rule in high school. Something I've never used again! Same thing with the calculous and geometry I learned. Heck most of the algebra was wasted too. Every once in a great while I may figure out how many yards of concrete are needed for something. My #2 son if a network engineer. His college training in higher math didn't teach him a slide rule. He will tell you they taught the different things needed to know which buttons to punch on a high function calculator!

As far as the concrete stuff goes? I can get on line, plug in the numbers and they will tell me how much! And my cell phone will allow me to do that!

(quoted from post at 08:47:46 12/10/16) Sounds like she does not know how to run the register.
The register will calculate change regardless of how much you give to the attendant.
But, she would have to figure out how much you gave her. Could might be possible.
(quoted from post at 08:47:46 12/10/16) Sounds like she does not know how to run the register.
The register will calculate change regardless of how much you give to the attendant.
But, she would have to figure out how much you gave her. Might not be possible.
It's awfully easy to write-off an entire bracket of people isn't it? The young, the old, the women, the men, the blacks, the whites, the browns, the city folk, the rural folk, etc.

Most cashier jockeys are perfectly OK with taking and making change. But this one time this one young lady couldn't handle it, so all young people are dumb right? The school system is completely broken and we should scrap it and go to the lowest cost for-profit private school, right? Because lowest cost is the way of this nation today, right?


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