Tonight's Feature - Your Home Place

John B.

Well-known Member
I thought I'd slide this in since we haven't had a feature night for some time. With Thanksgiving coming I thought it would be nice to make it "Your Home Place" where you grew up. After reading a post about someone's brother's 560 (can't remember who) with their home place in the back ground made me dedicate tonight as "Your Home Place". It took me a while to find which file I had these pictures in. These are pictures of my Dad's home place and where my 2 brothers and 1 sister grew up also. The family picture is my dad's parents and his brothers. My dad is the youngest in the middle. This was taken around 1936-38. The last picture is a painting of the family picture. A class mate of mine has a son who painted this when he was 17yrs old. He's an incredible artist, cartoonist and has had some of his paintings displayed in the White House in Washington DC. Hope you enjoy.



Farm I grew up on, Clinton County Michigan, off M21 between St. Johns and Fowler.

Color one is from the 60's, B&W is from late 40's or early 50's. I remember all the buildings from the B&W pictures, playing in most of them as a kid. Lower part is Granpa's place, upper part is Dad's.

I notice in those old pictures that no one is over weight. It makes me wonder if that is more
common in those day's than now.
Here are some old pictures of where I grew up. The color farm was taken in the mid 70's--the black and white farm was from the mid 50's--the kids-my grandma--adding on to the house-1906--me in coaster wagon-1950-check those ABS out? My great grandpa homesteaded the place in 1892.----------Tee




One of the local papers prints old stories now and then. They ran one from 75 years or so ago where there was a fund raiser to send kids off to camp for UNDERWEIGHT kids to help them put on weight.
John B.,

Beautiful! Love that painting too.

Will have to dig through some old boxes of photos tonight to see what I can find (a lot of old photos were lost when my parent's had an inline water filter break in their home).
From the old home place near Willard NC. The tractor was a 39 Oliver and was the first tractor on the farm, replacing mules. The other photo is my father around 1940 playing on the well with a neighbor. The final photo is the Maime who was married to the blacksmith across the road from the farm. The blacksmith shop is in the background.

House and barn was moved here in 1916 by my wifes family, hasn't moved since lol. Since then 20 yrs ago, we added a room and a 2 car garage
Aerial picture from about 1950 where I grew up, me working on the drive using a yesterdays "tractor", house as it looks now.


This is the farm I grew up on, photo was taken in the fall of 1958 when Dad bought the place, hadn't moved in yet.
Threw in another of Dad and I making sausage, probably about 1961 or 62.

Grew up and still reside on the same farm in these photos, 50 years now. There's a lot of things I could mention about these photos, the barns, people (photo taken while there was an auction) the fields beyond, old elms way off up by the top field, ridge of woods, the house with the many posing by the well.

The small milk house still stands and will be restored soon, remainder has been gone for 20 years.

Much later than from the photos of course, the place and the area still had the rural thing going on and its amazing thinking now how I've lived to see it change so much.

Mostly all farms and field of crops and pasture with sparse wood lots. Say 20 years prior to my humble beginnings the area was totally rural and devoid of trees, which is just hard to imagine, just like the plains but with rolling hills and our eastern woodland kinds of mountains.

Big ole hay barns, one on the left had a huge hay mow, in the old aerial photos you can see how much larger the left barn is. Small dairy, stanchion barn, wood silo. I still have a nice McCormick Deering horse drawn cultivator with nice original handles with the M-D logo still legible. It was in the right barn until the mid 90's.


Here is where I spent my early years and where i call 'home' to this day, even though it is gone now. It was built from 'soft brick' that was produced on site. The construction started in 1854 and was finished in 1856 and it was rumored to have been a stop on the 'Underground Railroad'. It belonged to my paternal grandfather (R.I.P.) but, like I said, it's just a memory, now.



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