Electric fence update


What ultimately causing the problem was a scrap piece of wire laying across the top wire to the netting. It wasn't clicking or anything and was on an uphill portion so it was difficult to see. Once I understood how to use the fault finder properly, it proved a great tool.

Regardless, I added two more grounding rods for a total of five. The ground wire had been tied by someone to the netting or no climb fence. I cut this off for two reasons; 1) If I have a problem, I do not want to get shocked touching the no climb or the gate. 2) The no climb is rusty and probably not a good conductor anyway.

I am going to replace my ground clamps (I have some doubts as to how tight they are). I am going to a larger gauge ground wire. I am redoing every splice to a figure eight rather than a simple loop (more contact surface). Every gate will get an underground wire rather than relying on the gate handle hooks for contact (They don't look much better than a loop splice).

Thanks for everyone's help.
If you're going to put underground wire in take an old hose and bury that so if you have to replace the wire you can just pull the new one through. I had something like your short I caught it finally by the fact that I seen it shimmering in the sunlight it was a piece of some poly wire.
Another thing about under ground wires. You need a piece of 600 volt + or higher wire in that garden hose or polly flex pipe like is used for irrigation water. Seal it with silicone so no water gets into it. Just a tiny bit of moisture is a no no. ANY Moisture will suck out your ZAPPPP very quickly!
I use the insulated wire made especially for electric fences and have had good luck with it. Depending on its locale and how deep it is buried, I may put it in conduit.
I don't think a garden hose or much else is going to provide much insulation when most fencers put out 10 to 15,000 volts. certainly the wire used in house wiring which I believe is rated for 500 volts is not what you want to bury under a driveway. I found and old electrical supply house a while ago who had spark plug wire in a 1000 foot roll. solid copper core

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