Thinking about a sports car and going out and taking one that belongs to somebody else then abusing it are different things.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Not out loud, anymore. After all, this is America and someone might get offended and then breakdown and start crying.

Lol. That could apoly to the Don or slick willey. Agreed though, it's wrong no matter who.
It's all fun and games until a 60 year old man is talking about grabbing your wife or daughter by the ..... and no one caring because he's a celebrity.
Just about trying to take something that belongs to another man and take it for a ride.

I'll tell you this Jon,if somebody put their stinking greasy dirty hands on my tractor or my son in law's sports car,then laughed at me and told me it was alright,he could get away with it because he was a star,they'd be pulling back a stump.
Funny,because stump rhymes with what I think we're really talking about here.
Yep,see my response to the wrong one of Jon's responses below. Sorry about that. I was one post too low when I responded to him. It was an answer to his question about theft. I was kind of using the word as a metaphor.
Well that went...

My point is that no hands were placed on anyones car. I have on any number of ocasions thought about taking someone else's car for a ride, but there is a difference between thinking and talking about it and doing it. And just like most including the subject, I wouldn't talk about it in front of the car or her owner.
There is no question that it was crude and insesitive to say it, but you will have a hard time convicing me that the same thought hasn't crossed your mind in the past.
I prefer abusing someone else's sports car much more than my own. Just like I feel much better about "abusing" someone else's whiskey, when I'm at their house, than my own.
Crossing my mind and using those words are two different things. Not to mention the things he's actually done and got away with. Add to that,I'm not the candidate of a "family values" "religious right" party. I am a member of it though and I'm beside myself with disgust and frustration. I've been saying I told you so every time that despicable low life comes up with a new low.

When I was younger,I was the guy who the woman bought beer for so I would take them home. I sure won't claim any kind of innocence in that department,but I never in my life disrespected any of them.

I guess the guy was right when he said he could kill somebody on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it. Disgusting.
jon f mn- Although the thought may enter my mind, I can honestly say that I have NEVER verbalized the thought to another person. i.e.- or said it aloud. The reason I would never say something like that is....I would not want someone to think of how LOW of a person I was because of a statement like that. i.e.- I would never say to a buddy..."I'd really like to fill his truck crankcase full of sand". How do you think you buddies respect for you will change?
No, I can honestly say that I have never had the desire to grab another man's wife by the ....., with or without her permission. I've also never taken another man's wife furniture shopping to try and get in her pants. Of course, I'm not a twice divorced, thrice married spoiled brat man-child who has commented that I'd date my daughter if she weren't my daughter, either. And I've never lost 914 million dollars on one year on CASINOS, and tried to pass it off as I'm some sort of genius because I can dodge taxes for up to the next 18 years.

And I'm also not the nominee of the party who CLAIMS to have the higher moral ground....

But lets get to the real issue here. His followers would follow him to the gates of Heck - about 50% of the parties primary voters. That's 25% of the country's population. He's gonna need at least 50% to beat the other one. Where's it gonna come from?
I don't think you've heard the whole tape from the beginning when he was talking about taking somebody else's car to go furniture shopping.
When I was a welder I worked on many job sites and sat through many lunch time bs sessions and I can say that this is not at all uncommon. I'm not saying I like it or aprove, just that it is not out of the ordinary and not something that I can hold against him without being a hypocrite.
jon f mn- So you have actually said filth like that out loud and where someone else can hear it?
I can tell you,you'll get a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. Women don't like it,period. They flocked to me not only because I was good looking back then,but because I was quiet,shy,respectful and let them come to me. You can't believe how many started a conversation with me by complaining about some dirt bag who tried something vulgar with them. I wanted to smack guys like that back then and that urge hasn't gone away.
I feel sorry for those of you who don't treat women with respect and who side with a low life who does. It's not funny.
I've done many things I'm not proud of in my life. I've done qite a few I wish I could take back. There are even some I would gladly give up my life to undo. That includes saying things similar to this. All I can hope for is that in the end, the good I've done will make up for the bad.
Altho I agree with your position, I've seen too many instances of the opposite working just as well with the ladies to say that yours, and mine, is the only way. Matter of fact, in my experience, the guys who are less "nice"frequently do better with the ladies, at least in the short term.
Its about time that the senior senator from AZ woke up. I cannot believe the abuse that that American hero has taken up until now. Good on you Senator JMc!!
Agreed. Glad he and Cindy saw the light and will be writing in somebody who will give them peace of mind and allow them to live with themselves and sleep at night.
I'm not condemning you for it Jon,we're friends and always will be. I was in junior high for a few years and thought some things were funny back then,but I started dating girls when I was 15 and found out what makes them tick. I don't find any humor in "jokes" about secks or bodily function is all. I guess I just prefer the company of woman,socially and in doing business. I don't understand the whole attraction of spending a lot of time being vulgar with men. Never did. The whole biker thing,going hunting for a week with the guys,it's just a mystery to me. Guess I don't need it to feel like a man. No offense,not saying for a minute that you do.
I'm with you and treat the ladies the same. And I've been reasonably successful too. I do find that the "bad guys" are also very successful, altho more in the short term. I often wonder what makes that work. I'm sure it is instinct and goes back to the survival of the species, where the tough guy means food and protection. I guess I'm just not offended by what I consider nothing more than childish bravado.
Ya,the guys who pursue them do,but the ones like the person who this whole post is about,the ones who are vulgar and grope women,I never saw them do much but get slapped or get something dumped on them. The slicked up ladies man types do alright,but the blushing "aw shucks" thing always worked too. Not saying I did it to take advantage,I just learned that they want something more if they have to work for it,and it made for a lot of fund memories with some great gals. I just hope they all have as fond a memories of me as I have of them.
I know some rail road guys that you could put a naked women in front of a vintage locomotive and they would never find her - they'd be too busy looking at the locomotive. I guess what you talk about comes down to your what your passions are in life.I suspect there are a lot of tractor guys like that.
Greg, being a man and seeing beautiful women, while out with some buddies, I can't believe you didn't have some conversation about them and a fantisy night with them in your mind.
If my sons ever talked like that,I'd beat them right in to the ground. I don't care if they're in their 30s and bigger than me. I'd pick up an equalizer.
Adirondack case guy- "I can't believe you didn't have some conversation about them and a fantisy night with them in your mind."

My mind, Yes, I did think about it. I never voiced it though. As a matter of fact, I divorced my only wife in 1985 at the age of 25. I 'prowled' around until 1987 at the age of 27 then I figured 'Heck, with these games' and quit the whole thing, never been on a date since. Now, I'm 57, single and happy.
Ah, the Foamers. They certainly have their own aspect of the world.

I dare say the plane followers, both older and newer military especially, might rival them.

Mind you, I find trains and planes interesting myself.

Sorry - the "everybody does it" argument doesn't work with something so crass and blatant as the remarks made in that video. Maybe you have, but I doubt very many of us have ever said something so crude.
I think some people are responding without hearing the whole thing at least a couple of times. The more times you listen to all of it,the more jaw dropping it is. Especially if you listen to an unedited version where you actually hear him say the words that some are bleeping out.

I kind of have to feel sorry for Billy Bush. I've been in his shoes where somebody has been going on saying things that make you want to crawl under a rock and all you can do is smile and nod your head.
If we were talking about a nnalert these post would have poofed a long time ago.
As I read the comments below, what jumps out at me are the folks that are so outraged about what somebody SAID or voiced in private while some peeping tom sneaked a microphone up at the open window to record it for possible future use, the same folks that probably can't sleep at night now are absolutely dead silent about what someone else is documented to actually do and has actually done. In our current America, a persons thoughts or speak about taking someone else's tractor for a joyride is now a bigger offense than an actual documented theft of tractors and other implements by actual documented criminals whom the offended overlook. Gosh I'm proud of children that are home schooled about tractors.

I've heard a whole lot worse from women,most married in Honky Tonks,Dance Halls etc in my younger days.Get a group of them together and a few drinks and then you can hardly believe
your ears and most ain't the least bit bashful.
Every job I've ever worked on I've heard a whole lot worse and a lot of it came from guys that would have had a fit if someone said anything about their wife or girlfriend.Many were church goers,do gooders etc but all were hypocrites for sure.When ever you get a bunch of men or women together sooner or later it'll turn rough,vulgar,explicit or whatever you want to call it
at times.
If it was not for RINOS like the Senior Senator from AZ we would never had a nnalert candidate to start with. I agree with you on the point of not supporting him to start with BUT the nnalert in government brought it on themselves.
As much as I haven't liked him right from the start, even before he decided to run, you are right, the other choice is FAR worse. It is a case of hold your nose and vote for the one least harmful to the country.
(quoted from post at 09:33:44 10/08/16) Men talk about women, sports, cars, and tractors, in that order. Stan

Yep = talkin' about cars and thinkin' about wimmin. Always a good time. 8)
[How does it go? "She was hotter than a $2 dollar pistol, she was the fastest thing in town, long and lean, every young mans dream, she turned every head in town"

It is really a pathetic situation. There is never anything to hide under or behind when you need it. I have heard some ugly things said, but fortunately not with a camera and microphone running.
Boy howdy, one of my kids, when he was little, said some sort of nasty cuss word and let me tell you that red head put a dad gum big ol' knot on his head. I remember that the bible says for a man to love his wife as Christ loved the church...and I try to remember that always. It helped that I figured out real quick that a red headed woman can pinch the tee-total you know what out of me quickly too. However , I was very young and in the Navy so I am guilty of stuff but I grew out of it quickly. As a man speaks so is his heart is what I figured out. :shock: All that cussing and nasty talk just makes one look ignorant and low down. I wouldn't trust anyone like that.
If he'd drop out,his running mate could be at the top of the ticket. Or are you saying his running mate isn't suitable either?
Yes,and he knew the camera and mic were on. There are more things like that from the Howard Stern show. The guy is sicker than his opponent's husband without a doubt. Saddest things is,people who demanded her husbands removal from office are defending this guy. I just don't get it.
Maybe because in this day and age fathers don't 'own' their children like a piece of property or a cow,once I turned 18 and really before no one 'let' me do anything, might take their advice,might not but
it was MY decision.
From reading the replies I'm quite impressed with how many perfect commenters we have here who've never had an impure thought in their heads. I'm also impressed with the ones who are flawed humans and admit it.
It wasn't voiced in private with a hidden microphone. It was part of a taping for a TV show. He knew the mic was on and the cameras were right there filming him and the host with a woman walking between them. Watch the tape. The whole tape,from the beginning where he's talking about taking out another man's wife.
Saturdays news about nnalert got my attention. I had to watch the uncensored version, WOW! what a waste of time, trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
If you think this is bad you need to listen to two middle age divorced mothers bragging about their young conquests over the weekend.
All I can say is,"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
I slept like a bear hibernating in a cave last night because I don't feign outrage so much over what someone says about borrowing or fantasizing about taking someone else's tractor out for a joy ride. I don't even lie in bed awake staring at the ceiling worrying about the massive and never ending inventory of stolen tractors or other implements actually found in the possession of a known career lying criminal that actually has done, does, and will always do whenever she can get away with it. The best thing in the world for all is to home school our children about tractors so that they don't grow up to be mindless dumbed down and dutiful zombies about them. How's your sleep these nights? Mine is just fine.

I guess what surprises me is,the number of people who are making foolish comments without having seen the entire tape. This isn't somebody talking about fantasies. This is somebody bragging about forcing himself on women and that "when you're a star,they let you do it".

It wasn't a secret audio tape. He had a mic,the cameras were on,the camera man was walking backwards ahead of him,Billy Bush and the woman between them. At the end of it,Bush says "Give me your microphone.". He says "Are we done?",and goes on about how he doesn't want to stop talking. Bush says "Ya,it's over". Prophetic words when you think about it.
There are psychological terms for that, but people who have emotionally dug in on a position have trouble processing information that conflicts with their beliefs.
I sleep like a baby. I accepted that it was over for this country after the results of the 08 election. I made it to the last stage of grief for this country. It makes a person feel free when you finally accept it and get on with you life.

I don't disagree with you about the home schooling at all. I just refuse to say it's OK from somebody to do now,what we demanded a person be removed from office for in the 90s. He's not even in office. If somebody who is obsessed with this process,which I'm not,wants to help,get rid of the guy and put his running mate at the top of the ticket.

That's what I didn't understand in the 90s. We couldn't get rid of the guy,that would have made his second in command the leader and we couldn't have that. But then when the next election rolled around,we were all going to die if we didn't elect that second in command to the top.
So that's worse than being responsible for people being killed? And thats about the same thing her husband did and she helped him trash their reputations.None if its good by any means but
I'd much rather someone trash talk me than set me up to be killed.
I'd rather they'd both drop out and let the number two men on the ticket move to the top,but we can't always get what we want. Those who insist that he stay in,are they saying his running mate isn't fit? If not,why's he on the ticket?
What makes you think they've voted for him? Don't you think those who support his opponent are more likely to have already voted?
Sometimes you just have to say "that's on the other side of a line that I just won't cross". It'll make you look like you're more principled and are taking a stand.
I don't know how the system works in the department. Worth asking somebody else since it's never happened before. When you vote for that position,are you voting for the person or the party? I don't mean opinion,I mean in law.

You can vote straight party,so when you do that,are you voting for the individual candidates? A question worth digging in to.
If what was said was so offensive, who bought 50 million copies of "Fifty Shades of Gray" ?
(quoted from post at 17:37:00 10/08/16) No, I can honestly say that I have never had the desire to grab another man's wife by the ....., with or without her permission. I've also never taken another man's wife furniture shopping to try and get in her pants. Of course, I'm not a twice divorced, thrice married spoiled brat man-child who has commented that I'd date my daughter if she weren't my daughter, either. And I've never lost 914 million dollars on one year on CASINOS, and tried to pass it off as I'm some sort of genius because I can dodge taxes for up to the next 18 years.

And I'm also not the nominee of the party who CLAIMS to have the higher moral ground....

So all that matters but the other candidates husband is a serial abuser and rapist, dating all the way back to his college days, and she's enabled and covered for him ( as does the news media) and she's the better choice somehow? She lost $6 BILLION while at her last cabinet position, left people to die, destroyed evidence, etc.

A couple of great choices this go round.
(quoted from post at 05:12:32 10/10/16)
So all that matters but the other candidates husband is a serial abuser and rapist, dating all the way back to his college days, and she's enabled and covered for him ( as does the news media) and she's the better choice somehow? She lost $6 BILLION while at her last cabinet position, left people to die, destroyed evidence, etc.

A couple of great choices this go round.

What makes you think I support her? I'm writing in my vote this year.

This election makes me want to advocate for an intelligence test at the polls. If you can't pass the test immigrants have to pass to become citizens, you can't vote. That, or a true representative democracy, versus this garbage we have now. 10,000 districts (divided among states by population) with two part time representatives each that elect 200 Senators (4 per state). The Senate and the House elect the president. You know, the way the Constitution was written...

We have too much power concentrated on too few hands. Dilute the power.

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