Glad that's back to normal


Well-known Member
Right after my hip replacement surgery, I had to P every hour, to an hour and half. All day, and night. Day time wasn't bad, but at night a real bad deal. The doctor couldn't figure it out. He said it will probably be back to normal in a few weeks, which it did. For the last couple weeks, I get up only one time at night which is normal for me. I'm glad because the next test was to check my balder through the front pipe. Any of you gone through anything like this? Stan
My thyroid was acting up one time and they had me take a two or three week course of prednisone for it. When I started it, I had to P all the time and that lasted for about a week. I lost about 12 pounds that week! I felt great. But after they tapered me off the Prednisone I slowly gained all of those 12 pounds back.
Dont feel bad, I'm on dialysis and havent peed for 14 years but sit hooked to a dialysis machine for 4 hours a day 3 days a week.
Yes the cold liqiud running down gives a funny feeling. Doc said just one more liik it want to check that prostrate again and again finally said its great relax cause now we are done. when i left secretary came running out with some antibotic pills told her to wash the instuments better she got a kick out of that
Have mine looked at every 6 mos. and just last week. Gal does the prep work and stays to watch monitor. When she lays that camera between your legs you know where it is going. When I ask Dr. to print a picture he ask if 8X10 or billfold. I could even post you guys a picture from the inside if you want.
I started having urinary tract problems a couple decades ago. Nobody could figure it out. Doctors all assumed prostate cancer. Urologist couldn't figure it out either. He took a look up inside the bladder once. I wasn't sure if the probing he did, or the female assistant standing there watching, was worse. My wife finally figured it out by researching at the library. Something like cystitis? or interstitial cystitis? More of an allergic type reaction to certain food types. After years if guzzling lots of orange juice, I can't take in much anything that's acidic.
I didn't any problems after my knee replacement or spine surgerys but before that I had my prostate and urinary track opened up--it was called Green Light Laser surgery
I had a hip joint replaced too. The peeing wasn't so bad but the lack of a bowel movement for days after was worse.
Neighbor had a problem when ever they gave him Tylenol with codeine it shut his water clear off !
(quoted from post at 15:05:23 10/02/16) Right after my hip replacement surgery, I had to P every hour, to an hour and half. All day, and night. Day time wasn't bad, but at night a real bad deal. The doctor couldn't figure it out. He said it will probably be back to normal in a few weeks, which it did. For the last couple weeks, I get up only one time at night which is normal for me. I'm glad because the next test was to check my balder through the front pipe. Any of you gone through anything like this? Stan

I had the bladder check done.I was out cold and didn't feel a thing.No after effects either.

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