Ah,to be in Ky and Tennessee


Well-known Member
Doggone,the Roller Coaster Yard Sale is this weekend,there's an antique tractor show at Renfro Valley featuring Oliver,Dailey and Vincent are there in concert Saturday night,and here I sit in a cold drizzle in Michigan.
Last year when we went,there was this kind of weather down there all weekend. It's hard to make it all come together some times.

Lee Little,are you guys gonna hit any yard sales this year? Anybody else going?
Hey Randy, yesterday we were in Marrowbone, Ky on hwy 90. Yard sales were already going. We saw a pickup pulling a uhaul stopping at every sale.It's cooler here than we've had but still very pleasant for a Michigan transplant. lol.
The weather was miserable last year for the yard sale. About 50 degrees and drizzle the whole time. Same thing when we got over to Renfro Valley Saturday afternoon. Of course when we got up Sunday morning to head home,there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
Dang,that low pressure made it that far down? I thought we were the only ones blessed with it.

Yea they started yard selling on US60 Wednesday, temps in the 60's, rained last night and still drizzling at this time, looks like another bad year for yard selling in west central KY.
They're on RFD TV every Saturday night too. Trouble with their TV show though is that lying chicken guy is on there too.

Had to go to Elizabethtown today, Drove to Irvington and headed up the highway right into yard sell traffic madness.
Grrrr I should have stayed on the back roads.
Wife called and asked if I radioed in a wreck, no not me, someone rear ended another a few minutes after I had gone by.

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