Dealing with Rats in equipment that must sit outside.


For now, my stuff has to be outdoors. However, I need to find a real solution for keeping rodents out! Rats have screwed up two of my machines now and cost me many hours of rewiring. One is my D7 dozer with no cab but they find about anywhere to take over and chew. The belly pan is quite nice I assume.

I tried the cab fresh after the fact but I think something on the ground is needed. or a hot mesh fence! I gotta do something.
Mothballs if it does not get wet. Massive amounts of poison year round too. I fight against this problem here at the house. I never had as much trouble at the farm but I guess with the feed around they did not bother other stuff so much. Here they even get in my Pickups and cars over night.
(quoted from post at 20:49:25 08/16/16) For now, my stuff has to be outdoors. However, I need to find a real solution for keeping rodents out! Rats have screwed up two of my machines now and cost me many hours of rewiring. One is my D7 dozer with no cab but they find about anywhere to take over and chew. The belly pan is quite nice I assume.

I tried the cab fresh after the fact but I think something on the ground is needed. or a hot mesh fence! I gotta do something.

Dump used diesel crankcase on the ground where you park it if you don't fear the EPA. Make a cut out of OSB of the operator's platform floorboard (make it a loose fit so you can get it out easy when you need to use the machine; a cord or rope makes a good handle) and coat the rough side with the same oil. Cover the area with a tarp to keep the smell in, if needed. A pan under the unit with old crankcase oil might work if it's fairly large and shallow (like the drip pans meant to keep your concrete garage floor clean) It may be possible to just soak some 2 bys with c'case oil and shove them under the unit - I never tried it this way but it would be pretty nifty if it worked! :)
I was having trouble with mice nesting in wife's car and having family's.I trapped a lot didn't help scrubbed used moth balls nothing stopped them. A few years back someone from this said said Irish Spring soap cut some bars in quarters scattered some around trunk and under seats NO more problems been quite few years now !
Thanks John. It appears that may be a winner and I'll have to try it. Trucks and tractors parked out in barns to protect them, but mice causing problems. I have a barn jeep that I use around the place, let people borrow. The heater blower motor would come on, not spin. Opened it and took it out, packed full by mice. I was setting mice traps in it, caught several. Lift a mower or something, see them scurry. I'll try the Irish Spring since that's what I use and have in bulk. Thanks, worth a shot,

Seems to be a possible winner
Mix equal parts of Corn Meal, Confectioners Sugar (very finely powdered), and PLASTER OF PARIS. Place mix in small piles in areas where your pets & farm animals
can't get to it. Mice & Rats gobble the stuff down, moisture in their stomachs activates the Plaster which sets up as a large lump in their stomach which they
can't cough up or pass out through their digestive system, and they literally starve to death. - Works Good !


Another thing, don't think for a minute that a building is going to keep them away. It will draw them.
I buy Tom Kat (green) Cubes at the local farm store. I buy 'em by the tub......maybe 3 lbs or such. The bait is weather proof and 1" squares are cut
in 2" length with a hole in the center for threading on a wire to keep rodents from running off with the bait or it moving from where you put it.

I cut it in half to reduce cost but I am not all that much infested. Put it especially under your hood, under your seat, under anything you can,
including building boxes to "hide it" which work extremely well in weathered sites. I throw it all over my shop, in corners, under work benches,
under the hood of my equipment and truck, you name it, it's there. Keeps squirrels at bay too.

It works and well worth your money.

There is one caveat however. If you put it in your shop you will have to put up with the smell......after it did it's thing. Grin
Get ya a couple of female barn cats. My kids got so many of the darn things I have not seen a mouse or rat in years.
I'll second the quartered bars of Irish Spring (Original scent) to keep mice out of sheds and garages. I put out fresh pieces inside the door edges every October. I don't know it it works for rats. A chipmunk just chewed on the bar a little.
I just figured someone made a pellet that smelled like snake pizz that I could spread around the area.

Noticed rats, then I had a 5ft long bull snake skin in the tractor cab. No Rat problem after that! Guess I should just invite the snakes to live in for a while.
Mine come and go so you never know when one is trying to make the place home....all wild. As far as the shop and hiding in the equipment, cat's can't access.
I got tired of buying mice poison for my sheds, so next to the poison, I put a bowl of anti freeze. Put an end to mice eating so much. I'm very careful not to allow other animals get into my sheds. Make a metal box with a whole in it and put a drink for the rodents.
About 55 years ago, an oldtimer heard me complaining about all the cut strings on our hay that I was having to deal with when feeding. All those loose bales made an awful mess. He told me to catch every blacksnake I found each summer and toss them into the hayloft. I did, and the cut string problems pretty much disappeared. I have considered blacksnakes to be my friends ever since, and still catch and move them to my barns when I find one.


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