Seeking chicken knowledge

I know nothing about chickens. Our neighbor has a small flock. At first we
were getting eggs because they were being overrun with fresh eggs. Now we are
seeing chickens with chicks by their side. They do have a rooster that looks
after his girls very well. Is he fertilizing them and he should be separated
from them?
No But you don't need a roo to get eggs, but he will watch after his girls. They need to sit on the eggs for a while to have chicks maybe they have a secret nest they no nothing about.
What you do not understand the birds and the bees?? Having a rooster will in fact make it so the eggs are fertilized so yes they can/will hatch if sat on for 21 days or incubated at 98.5 degrees for 21 days. Dicks and geese take 28 days. Fertilized eggs are better for you then non-fertilized. O have chicken and have had them on and off for decades.
Ever heard of a blood spot in an egg. Rooster did his job and egg was not as fresh as it should be. All eggs sold years ago had to be individually candled to check for just that.
Yea, Really? There ain't no difference in the taste between a fertilized egg or a non fertilized egg. they do not candle eatin' eggs, they only candle eggs that have been in the incubator for 5 or so days, they throw the eggs that show no sign of growth out! and leave the forming eggs in. If a non fertilized egg spends 21 days in your incubator and explodes, you got a big stink on your hands. At least that what my wife does, she's a bonified CHICKEN-O-LOGIST. Anyway, have you ever saw where an egg comes from? Aint a pretty sight, but they sure are good.
Blood spots don't come from eggs being fertilized they come from a speck of blood being in the egg when it forms,you can get blood spots in unfertilized eggs.
Had a city slicker ask me once why his rooster would jump on his hens and fight them.I asked him what do you mean by fighting them.He said the rooster would jump on them from the back and peck on thier necks.He said he would kick him off or throw something at him every time he would attack them. After I picked myself off of the floor I explained .
Some say fertilized eggs are healthier for you. You just gotta make sure you collect them ASAP before the chick starts developing and get them cooled down. That effectively kills the embryo.

As far as candling, every egg sold is candled. They try to get all the eggs with blood spots and meat spots out so the consumer isn't offended by them. They can be fished out of the egg with a spoon, or you can fry them up with the blood spots and meat spots right in them, they don't affect taste or quality. That's why white eggs are very popular in conventional production - they're easy to candle. Brown eggs are a lot harder to candle. Whoever told JDByer that they don't is FOS.
"Anyway, have you ever saw where an egg comes from?"


Woman goes into a Diner and asks, What's the Special today?
Chef replies, We have fresh Beef Tongue.
Woman replies, EWW!, I wouldn't eat anything that came out of an animals mouth.
Just give me a couple of fried Eggs.



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