Why they picking on me

Census people have sent me a couple of notices that my address has been picked to fill out the survey.
Gave me the option to do it on line but since I have put it off they have not sent me a paper form in the mail.
I really do not want to participate but guess I better get with in before they come knocking at the door.
I've been getting those as phone calls. I keep calling them back and telling them to take me off the list and they say give them 2 or 3 days just to have them keep calling me. If I get any more I plan to write the number down and call the A.T. of my state and have them put a stop to the calls. Most keep asking me how I am going to vote and to me that is no ones business
It is federal law that you have to fill out certain questions and that is only a few. The rest you are encouraged to fill in but not required.
A friend got one years ago, gave off the wall answers like lived in a 3 story tent, no running water, no heat, no windows or doors. Never got a reply form government.
we had those people here several years back they seem to comprise of the dumbest people they can hire
the fella ask my wife couple questions about our house an then he pointed to my garage and asked how many people lived in it he shocked my wife asking that and my wife had to explain to hi m it was a garage and he said yes but how many people live in it!!!!
I never fill out any type of census. The livestock ones I round file as soon as I get them. None of anyone's business what I/we do, even Uncle Sam.
I think they do check.Canada just completed our census a few months ago.I got a phone call about a month later because they wanted to clarify one of my answers.I told them what they wanted to hear.Hope they don't send a couple of mounties out to rough me up for it.LOL
I ignored their mail, so they started calling. I refused to answer so finally they had a top guy call. I answered only a few of the questions and my reply to most was: "Decline to answer". (Notice that I didn't say "reuse" to answer). It turned out that the census was for the Dept. of Commerce and, although they said that I must answer, there was no penalty for not answering.
I used to get the Ag census when I was farming. They always stated that the info was confidential and would not be shared with any other Agency. I always , as JD Seller says, round filed them. When I quit farming and no longer filed an F Schedule, I stopped getting the census forms. HMM . Wonder how they knew to stop sending the census forms??
> Wonder how they knew to stop sending the census forms??

They stopped sending you the forms when you stopped receiving farm support checks.
Business runs on information. The best decisions are made on sound reliable data.
Government is no different. We can not expect them to make good decisions about our country
if they don't know the facts, trends and issues.

I have a hard time thinking that some
bureaucrat in DC gives a rats butt about me or my piddling little data,
but put it all together and it tells a story.

Like 25% of the population did not graduate high school (but we made trade deals, thinking they could handle desk jobs?)
Or 20% of the population has a net worth less than $5000. Think about the ramifications of that...on hundreds of issues.

How could you make decisions about your farm with no data on fuel costs, land rents, crop prices etc.
So how can we expect informed government with no data?

Interesting, we don't want to give the government data, but we let Google and the internet track our daily movements and then we post our personal thoughts and feelings on Facebook and YTmag. Go figure.

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