Tonights feature night by el6147/old corncribs,outhouse.etc


Well-known Member
tonights feature night,,el6147 wants to see or hear about old corncribs,outhouses,gardensheds etc,,,, Cory Schmidt ,,could you pick a topic from the list for next week? I misplaced the list,
I'll let you(list below), who knows when I'll have time (or remember) for its haying time. Sneaking in a quick break now.

Back to topic. These are the shot I took last night, for feature night (see my post, "Tractor Pictures"). What's left of the outhouse


Wish the lilies were more in bloom

the most recent list again
Neighbor had a huge lilac in his back yard
found an old picture it was well
fertilized. A couple good ole boys decided
to burn an outhouse what they didn't
realize was there was a cistern under there
and it had a crust over it and gas had
built up she blew up instead of burning.
And my favorite in a 1 room school house
kid had to go to the bathroom when he
didn't return right away the teacher went
and checked. This school was noted for
being up to date and even had metal toilet
seats and it was winter. The took the kid
and seat to a nearby house to thaw
everything out and separate the two.
I tried to scan an old picture of one of the corncribs I grew up with, but the scanner isn't co-operating so far. I have these toy pictures in the file, I've posted them before, hope you don't mind.


I'm enjoying seeing everyone's old cribs/outhouses.

Here?s our old corn crib when the side blew out one year - after picking up what he could with the loader (and NOT grind it into the ground)... it became a shovel-worthy day. My husband filled both sides of this crib and a round metal crib all the years that he farmed our land. (It's nice to rent the land out now.)

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The crib after my husband built new steel doors for it a few years ago. I just liked the sunset glow in this photo.

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The crib last summer after he put a new roof on it.

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A couple of pics of the outhouse my husband built? I think it was in 2010.

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This outhouse is no more, I just couldn't resist getting a picture while it was still there. I used the picture to pick on my older sister that has lived in California since 1959.
We recently took a short road trip to purchase a home made 3pth fork lift. We saw this little
building near a railroad track and stopped to have a look. took a couple of pics.

For a good selection of Oz outhouses try a copy of

Doesn't include the job to dig a new long drop in an opal mining area. Where the diggers decided to see if there was any down there and the outhouse ended up at a height considerably above ground level
Love the outhouses!!! I've always wondered what the half-moon is for. Is that for someone looking from the inside-out or from outside-in? LOL
I was told the ladies outhouse had a crescent moon and the mens had a star.Supposed to be a tradition from the days when few people could
read so a symbol was used.I could be wrong but that's what I was told.

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