State troopers in my house


Well-known Member
About 1130 last night there came a pounding on my door,"State troopers open up" I wake up real quick. Go to the door they say can we come in I say sure why "Were chasing a mexican suspect and the blood hound tracked him to the back of your property. Ok four of them come in, I had my winchester 67 .22 next to the back door I tell them its unloaded. HE said he wasn't worried. They search the house nothing of course. I say we should search the garage. They follow me out a couple go to the hay shed I tell them not to worry about the chicken coop the chickens would of said something. One of them follow me into the garage I turn on the light and I look at the guy and his eyes open wide as he sees a half a hog carcass hanging from the ceiling. He says I won't tell. I said sorry i just killed it the day before . I go out and the others had gathered and were walking up the driveway. one of the officers is looking at the ground and says whats this. I said that's a blood trail from the hog I killed. It gets quiet. He says were going to look over in the field just don't shoot us. I laugh and told them I hope they have a good night. Wonder if they will be back
Back when I was racing stock cars, the phone rang at 3am. It was a local deputy sheriff who claimed he had a line on a stolen Monte Carlo that someone was supposedly turning into a stock car. (The rules we ran under at the time dictated stock sheet metal within the last five model years, so a fairly new Monte Carlo would have been good property). What got his attention was he used to race himself and he had heard the car would have his old number, "22" on it.

Don't know why he called at 3am. Either he was on duty and just got to thinking about it, or he figured if I was half asleep I might inadvertently spill the beans if I knew something. Actually, I'd never heard about it and knew nothing, nor did a Monte Carlo with number 22 ever show up at an area track.
If they had done that at my house they probably would have had to clean out there shorts since the dogs would have about come out of the glass front door. Plus having at least 2 guys come to the door with at least a gun in hand if not 2 or 3. Welcome mate says right on it come back with a warrant plus a few other signs that tell people they best not be here
(quoted from post at 06:08:06 05/19/16) They would not have come into my house or garage without a search warrant.

Same here. I wouldn't have any problem with the county sheriff and deputies but never the state police.
I think I would have used the term "butchered for personal consumption" when explaining the blood and the dead hog. "Killed" has the overtones of animal abuse.

Is it illegal to butcher your own animals where you live or something?
I would not want to be woken up in the middle of the night by cops. But I'd rather be woken up by cops looking for a mexican suspect than be woken up by the mexican suspect. Funny about the dead hog and the trail of blood!
I do not understand all the talk about a search warrant, I will let police in, I do nothing that I need to hide.
In the county where I live, the county mounties/ state police do not have a problem with dogs.... they shoot them on sight. I had one pull down on my retriever, who is the friendliest dog you ever would meet. I quickly placed myself between the cop and the dog, insinuating that he would have to shoot me first. BTW, the cops were just there to ask questions about which I was not involved nor knew anything about. Several years ago, a cop shot a chiwawa inside a house.
FB, the hog part of the story was the expanded eyes of the cop!!! Nothing to do about hog out of season. Where did that come from? Ed Will
Those who do not wish to exercise their rights don't have to.
I also have nothing to hide.
But anytime there is a question where my rights are involved I will always exercise them.
If there was no bandits in my house I would have told them so.
If they don't believe me and want to search they can go get a warrant.
Simple eh.
I am friendly and know a few of the guys around here being ex military police. nothing illegal about butchering a hog around here. Just not what an officer expects seeing a skinned half carcass hanging from the ceiling. They had chased the guy from Nicholasville about 40 miles away, he had run a road block. They knew who he was. My place backs up to I64 and figured he called someone dumped the car ran up by my place jumped the fence and caught a ride.
Small town Texas. All we have is DPS,County Sheriff,Ranger. Just about all of them know our family members. So if there is a problem they just call.
In some cases they do not need a warrant!!! Game official here for one but they are pretty much limited to the issue ie. night hunting or poached animal. Forestry wardens for logging, fire or insects no warrant needed.
I am a retired Lt. from the Wichita Police Department (about 550 officers, so it's not Mayberry).

Knowing how law enforcement works I would never allow on-duty cops that are on official business into my home without a warrant. Never ever! Friends of course are a different story, unless they are on official business. Then, never!
about once a month we hear on the news of a pseudo-cop breaking and entering houses looking for drugs or immigrants.
(quoted from post at 08:48:40 05/19/16) I do not understand all the talk about a search warrant, I will let police in, I do nothing that I need to hide.

I've got no problem with the local law enforcement and am friends with most of them. My son is a reserve deputy. The state police is little more than glorified tax collectors and they will find something to fine you. If they find 3 pieces of things used in drugs they can and have arrested innocent people. There isn't a household in the US that doesn't have drug making paraphernalia in the kitchen cabinet. Cleaning supplies, ziplock bags and cold medicine qualify. There are way to many in the state police that are out to make a name for themselves.
Even if you are cleared it can cost you thousands in legal fees and lost wages.
About 3 weeks ago I was in the house in the rest room and I heard a knock at the door. Rare to have a knock on our door but I figured it was the neighbor. The dog I had inside the house was barking like she saw somebody at the door and I figured I would see who it was when I come out of the rest room, no reason to hurry.

As I was coming out of the rest room I heard people talking in my house. I come around the corner and there was 2 sheriff deputies coming in through the back of the house and through the dining room. I said hello and asked what was going on. I was quite shocked to be honest. I was also mad but didn't express that to them.

They said that there was a 911 hang up call from the house phone and they were coming to check on us. They said they checked the doors and noticed the back door was unlocked and they were just checking on us. He could see I was shocked and he made sure to tell me he was just checking on us. He said it a few times because I believe he knew I was disturbed by it.

He showed me his screen in his Tahoe that showed our landline number as calling and hanging up. We had NEVER used our landline to make ANY calls EVER. I called the phone company and had them cancel our landline immediately. They claimed the wires were probably chewed up from wildlife and that for some reason when the wires short out then it calls 911 automatically.

You can bet that the back door is always locked now.
You don't live in the Pipple's Republik's of NY, NJ, Mass, or Conn., do you? 20 years ago, I would have said, "Sure go ahead and look around". Nowdays, the way this state is going, I would be inclined to say, "Well fellows, I'll go take a looksee around and if I find anything that requires your attention, I'll give you a ringy-dingy. If I don't call you, you'll know he's elsewhere".
It's common for a phone glitch to ring 911. Because of the glitch, they can't call you back, so they do a welfare check. My wife's elderly aunt had a few welfare checks due to phantom 911 calls, and always ended up with a cop or two enjoying a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie in her kitchen. I couldn't help but wonder if they were just random stopping for a piece of pie, but I did appreciate them checking on her.
In my house a cop shooting a dog that would mean the cop would have hit the ground and if asked well he shoot the dog so we figured we where next. And the cop would have had more the just one hole in him he would have had pretty much every thing that the gun had in it in him
I always thought that a warrant situation is very subjective. I think they can search without a warrant. They are also responsible for public safety and protecting lives which can outweigh a search warrant. Alot of them seem to take the risk of challenging you're rights. Apparently if the officer believes that the time it would take to obtain a warrant would put someone's life at risk or cause 'loss of evidence' they can do it.
(quoted from post at 12:15:00 05/19/16) I always thought that a warrant situation is very subjective. I think they can search without a warrant. They are also responsible for public safety and protecting lives which can outweigh a search warrant. Alot of them seem to take the risk of challenging you're rights. Apparently if the officer believes that the time it would take to obtain a warrant would put someone's life at risk or cause 'loss of evidence' they can do it.

What you are referring to are known as "exigent circumstances" and there are not many, and they are quite well defined. If an officer wants to rely on exigent circumstances to avoid a warrant they have explaining to do later.

If they see your roof on fire and you don't seem to know about it, they could come in and drag you out. If there is a major gas leak in the area and you are in danger of blowing up they can come in sans warrant and drag you out. If you have threatened suicide and are armed they can come in a drag you out. Those seem like extreme cases, and exigent circumstances are generally seen as extreme.
Sounds too strange. I doubt I would have opened the door and let them in, unless they showed me a warrant. Then again, some of the local deputies in my area are not much different than the ones we hire them to protect us from. As a matter of fact, I cannot count the number of local deputies and a local sheriff who were removed from their duties due to wrongdoing (mostly drugs, and having "relations" with the prisoners or trading one for the other type stuff). It is sad to say, but there are very few circumstances I will even bother with calling them any longer, and the last few times I did, it took them at least an hour to arrive, and the circumstances no longer warranted them even being there. Last time I simply told them I would deal with it next time, one way or another. Hopefully I never really need them. But, the local sheriff is not running this election, so at least we will get change. Hope it is not like the last hope and change we got in Washington though. It can always get worse.
I knew I wouldn't have to read very far down to see some of the cop haters speak up. Steamboat is always entertaining. Seems like some failed to read the original post. The officers ASKED if they could come in and look for the Mexican. If jacksun would have said no then they could not have gone in without a warrant unless they saw the Mexican run in the back door, which would constitute exigent circumstances. As for the hog killing....jacksun never said they acted like it was illegal. He said they were surprised. Without knowing where jacksun lives my guess is they are not used to farm ways and the hanging hog caught them by surprise. The thing everyone overlooked and missed is why would (us) pigs not be nervous seeing a hanging piggy? LOL. 1948CaseVAI...I also would not want officers in my house, but you and I are a little different. And honestly just to be sure I would help them search in a similar situation. But how are the officers supposed to know that the Mexican isn't in the house with an elderly couple....seems like good police work to ask to search the house and barns. Great story jacksun, and thanks for sharing how you handled the situation. I'm glad you were safe, and that the jack booted thugs didn't hold your dog, or slaughtered pig at gun point! LOL
And the post about the 911 call. I have gone into many houses where there was a 911 hang up and an open door was found. Most were phone issues, children with the phone, etc. But a few were situations where the police or medics were needed immediately. I can say that as we enter through an open door I announce POLICE loud and frequently....don't want to get shot by someone thinking I'm a Mexican running from the police!
And before I get corrected....seeing the Mexican run in and following could be also fresh pursuit, if he was a felon with a weapon it would be fresh pursuit of a fleeing felon. I misspoke saying exigent circumstances....1948CaseVAC explained that term well. Now if the Mexican had just killed the pig hanging in the barn......that's a whole new ballgame!
If you have had some of the dealings I have had with cops you would rethink that. Had more then one cop who was a bad apple and have even had a gun stolen by a cop but could not do anything about getting it back with out hiring a lawyer and doing that was not worth it since the gun only cost me $150 and the lawyer would have cost me at least 5 times that
Forgot to mention under the exigent circumstances that if you run into evidence of a crime under a situation where the evidence is under threat of being destroyed, you are allowed to take it and it is legal and can be used. ie. if you run into the house with a burning roof and see dope while warning the resident, you are allowed to take the dope and use it in court as it is in danger of burning up if you do not.

Evidence in vehicles can often be taken as well.

Scout - not sure how large your department is but mine was about 550. I saw a lot of things that would be classified as "a damned shame" it there was such a UCR code, and I am sure you have as well. Unfortunately it was not unheard of for some of those things to be instigated by my co-workers and the situation generally began with the friendly words: "Hey friend, do you mind if I just take a quick look through your house?" ( or car, or boat, or garage)
And I read this entire thread a couple of times and nowhere did I see anyone say they hated cops.
What I did see was several posts where people said they would be reluctant to let the cops in and some even told why.
And I said I wouldn't have let them in unless they had a warrant.
Not because I hate cops but because I take my 4th ammendment rights Very seriously.
Jackson allowed them to come in. It was his choice. Not everyone would have made that choice.
I hope you understand.
One of the times I'm working at a state police barracks, I'm sitting at the desk at the front window, about 2" thick bullet proof. Some fella comes into the lobby and a female sergeant steps out to talk to him and another fella comes into the lobby about something else, so the female desk master sergeant has him step inside to talk to him. Must have been a full moon on the rise because both of those two guys started yelling and screaming at them. One about having gotten pulled over on an interstate for doing over 80 MPH, and the other for having gotten pulled over on an interstate for something, but had a gun hidden inside of a book and it got confiscated. So now these two guys are screaming and yelling as loud as they can, I'm thinking one of them is going to pull out a gun and start shooting the place and me up, and few big, strapping young male troopers that were inside the barracks stepped out to see what was happening. That day ended very badly for those two guys. Very, very, very badly. Do not go into a barracks and start screaming, hollering, and threatening because your day will end very, very, very badly as it...should.

Another time I'm down state hours away from home, been at a barracks from early AM, and now it's dark outside PM and I happen to be leaving at the same time the Commandant was leaving and it turns out that he lives about 30 miles from me, not quite as far as I live from the barracks. I tell him, "Do me a favor, don't pull me over if I pass you on the interstate". He laughs and says "Good luck catching me". I stayed behind him and we did a good 100 MPH all the way until he cut off towards his house on another interstate, so I slowed down to about 80 MPH because I lost my escort. That fella cut my drive in about half from 3 hours.

I work in cop shops most every day. Two today, and start out at one tomorrow. Complain about cops, me? Not likely, but I don't give them reason to give me reason, and they don't give me reason to give them reason.

I could write a book here, but I will keep it to the point. Part of what keeps me sane is my tractors, and reading about tractor stuff written by my fellow tractor enthusiasts. But when the police are brought up in the forums a certain few (usually the same ones) find some way to bring up some negative story about them. Thus my cop hater comment. Even if it's a good post they try to make it pointing guns at dogs, and killing lap dogs, or giraffe's, lions, tigers, and bears. I took this job to protect EVERYONES constitutional rights like 99.9% of the people in my profession. Can't help the .1%, but that's who we get judged by. And for the record....I would have asked Jacksun to fry up some bacon....chasing mexicans makes you hungry!
Police: Knock Knock
Me: Who is it?
Police: It's the Police
Me: What do you want?
Police: We just want to talk.
Me: How many of you are there?
Police: Two
Me: Then talk to each other!
(quoted from post at 18:13:08 05/19/16)

[b:9d45dd82f2]Seems like some failed to read the original post. [/b:9d45dd82f2]

What? Folks didn't read the OP? That's not unusual around here my friend and it sure doesn't keep them from responding to it.
(quoted from post at 07:10:16 05/19/16) I am a retired Lt. from the Wichita Police Department (about 550 officers, so it's not Mayberry).

Knowing how law enforcement works I would never allow on-duty cops that are on official business into my home without a warrant. Never ever! Friends of course are a different story, unless they are on official business. Then, never!

you comment is interesting. Why not? I have had several unpleasant experiences with overzealous hot dog cops, so I am naturally suspicious. But in this case, what could be the harm? Just curious.


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