Counterfiet money any on run into it???


Well-known Member
On some deal or as change?? How did you deal with it? Around me about 5-8 years ago there was a massive run on $100 dollar bills in counterfit, got so stores would not take them period. I have only run into it a couple of times. Don't think they ever caught anyone but seemed to be from away as it would pop up in one area than another like 1-2 hours away.
High end copy machines will put out a bill as nice a the Fed does. Problem is most high end copy machines are smart enough to detect what they are copying and will lock up instead of producing a copy. Our old machine we were warned would require a visit from a service tech to put back on line if someone attempted to copy money. Our new machine will supposedly "cook" its electronics and need to be replaced if you attempt to copy money. All you need is someone that can get around the programming.
Few months ago they were washing $5 bills and printing $50 bills with them,stripe and hologram were there, just differnt, had to look real close.
Couple of businesses around here got stung, if you take them you eat it.

I ran into a bunch of 20s when I was on the WPD. Always felt bad for the store cashier as most of them had to eat the loss and they didn't make much to start with. The best thing was when the store manager didn't catch it but the bank did - by then they didn't know what cashier to holler at so the store took the loss (yes, I know, that is a bad attitude but when you look some kid in the eye and tell her she has to eat $20 of loss it hurts the both of you). Honestly though, many of the notes were terribly done, a few were even passed with scotch tape on them.
My bank gave me a counterfeit $100 about five years ago. They were not going to replace it, either, until I to threatened to refinance my house and move all my accounts.
A lot of them locally. Now there doing small bills.I gave a 20 to the girl at Mcdonalds the other day and she called the manager. He held it up looking at it then took the marking pen to it. Some fast food places won't take anything over a 20. To many teenage cashiers getting scammed.
I carry one of those pens. If I sell something to someone I do not know, I will check even $5 bills. I bought something a few years ago that was a few thousand dollars. I gave the seller one of the pens and we both checked all the bills so we both felt OK. When a bank teller or cashier checks my money and then gives me change, I will do the same. Had one at a bank get upset and call the manager over. I told the manager I do this as a protection for both of us. If they are offended, I will take my business elsewhere.
Years ago we owned a little country store and garage. I got what I was sure was counterfit (didn't have those pens then) Called the bank and the president told me to pass it on to someone, "that's what we do" she said. I did, I took it straight to the bank with my next deposit, nothing ever said about it.
That place probably has already been scammed, that's why they are so careful. I've not knowingly had any counterfeit money, but then I might not have noticed as I spent it so fast in those days when I was traveling.
My daughter is a store manager for nation wide chain store.
She gets counterfeit every now and then.
Always 10s or 20s because the cashiers just get so busy they do not check every bill.
The store has a machine in the office that can take a stack of bills and tell you if any or counterfeit so they catch them before it goes to the bank.
A co-workers wife works in a local bank and the bank received some counterfeit bills from the Federal Reserve. The bank now checks all of the bills coming in or going out. My bank said they have heard the same thing.
Laugh laugh yep years ago that used to be common stragety pass it in a unique environment like bar room county fair.
When they came out with the new $20 a few years ago they were supposed to make it more difficult to copy. The very next day a local store got 2 counterfeit 20's. The counterfeiter would have gotten by with it except the clerk was looking at them because they were the 1st he had seen. Both bills had the same serial number. The idiot was too stupid to mix them up.
It is illegal and immoral for a businessman to pass losses onto employees. If you allow an employer
to take loses out of your check where does it end? I worked at a gym and they wanted to take lost
towels, and weight pins out of our checks. Why not burned out light bulbs and toilet paper? The
management would have been bent, as would the customers, if we searched everyone leaving. Losses are
part of business and something a business can calculate and adjust for, an employee can't. If you
hired me and I asked for an extra $100 a day to cover losses you tell me to go. Stores adjust to
losses. Grocery stores in crap neighborhoods charge more for this reason. If you do not provide the
tools to prevent losses, you should not take from your employees.

Yes, the military does it but that is a different situation as they are teaching responsibility and
In the '70's, I ran a crew of about 50 guys, and paid them in cash (with a signed receipt) every Friday . Went to the Bank that I had dealt with for some time to pick up the payroll - normal. When the gal was giving me the banded packs of $, naturally I looked at it. Got to one pack and All THE #'S WERE THE SAME. Boy, howdy the fan could not keep up with the poop. Yep, Cops (RCMP) and all. Those dumbaxx jerks tried to say that I was trying to pass funny money and they had caught me ! The manager of the bank had to be brought out of his 'inner sanctum' to deal with this. First thing he said was "Hey, Bob, what's all this B.S." Had to phone the meeting place and tell the bartender the story and open a tab for my 'guys'. Took 5 hrs., cost me a small fortune, and it all worked out. But, not so much phun.
About any office supply store. They change color as they seem to more or less check the paper. I have not bought one in years and not sure they will work on the real recent bills??
When the first non-green bills came out, they figured there was several thousand fakes floating around South Bend, IN, by the end of the day they were available. No one knew what they were supposed to look like, so some people just printed up some colorful bills.
I have a $5 that's fake, I kept it just to show people what it looks like. I'm not sure what kind of paper its made on but it looks similar to real money, they made it soft and wrinkly. The ink is real close too but when you put them side by side its obvious with no micro print and bleeding ink lines, when standing alone you probably couldn't tell though.

Another thing, this bill did not have the hidden water mark or that thin strip going through it. I learned that thin strip is has markings to indicate what denomination it is, it also glows under a black light and each bill glows a different color. It is real easy to spot a counterfeit after reading up on it, especially if you have that special pen, a black light and a magnifying glass.

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