blinker fluid

Chris is a real smart "A" but most all of his videos are very good. Check the one on Sea Mist and if it works. I have to go out and install some head lamp fluid so my old headlight housings will be nice and clear now. That was funny though. I think I will watch the elbow grease one.
These all sound funny, And sometimes do come TRUE!!
Heavy Mechanic all my life and now. WHAT !!!!!!!!,
EXHAUST FLUID or Diesel Exhaust Fluid Or DEF.
Who would thought of injecting Urea (46-0-0) Chicken fertilizer into a exhaust SYS. to lower the NOX. Emissions!!
So I won't be surprised when something like this does come true.
GOOD Show!!
The narrator is so good that he should be on (AS SEEN ON TV),
Sales person,

That's pretty funny. At one of the plants I worked at years ago we used to have a gallon can in the tool room marked ELBOW GREASE. We used to send the maintenance trainees after it all the time. Took some of them a while to figure out it was full of antiseize!
Yes that is correct!!,
I have a 1939 1 1/2 ton Chevrolet shot box dump that has OEM shocks. That take 10 WT. shock oil. It is true.
I was born in 1937 and remember the old shock absorbers. They were not like the more modern telescoping shocks. I remember the telescoping shocks were called airplane shocks. I also remember the mid 30's Pontiac and Chevrolet having a "Knee Action" front suspension. Also the Chevrolet had some kind of a hydraulic shift but most were soon replaced with a kit that made a direct link. I learned to drive first with a '34 Ford and later a '36 Pontiac.
"Who would thought of injecting Urea (46-0-0) Chicken fertilizer into a exhaust SYS. to lower the NOX. Emissions!! "

Maybe he was related to the guy who first said "Hey! Let's try eating that thing that just popped out of the chicken's butt!" ;)
Blinker fluid is right up there with air plane prop wash. That stuff is getting hard to find now with all the jet engines around. Then try to find stairs on a Navy ship.Stan


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