OT..... 2 years , and good


Well-known Member

As some of you may know ... I had prostate cancer ... removed and went thur 35 treatments ... that was 2 years ago the end of March ....
Went and seen my doc. last week { March 31 } and I'm cancer free now for 2 years , go back in 6 months just to keep on top of things ..

Know this isn't tractor related ....SORRY .. Just wanted to share ..... mark
That is GREAT NEWS!!!! Your doing good man. I am glad you are sharing your life experiences with us. I bet that one of the fellows reading this might be starting the treatments. So your success can help them have a better attitude.
Good for you. Every year out is a gift. I had the same thing, only no treatments afterward--caught it early. I am 9 years out as of last November and no sign of cancer. Good luck!!
I am doing treatment for a possible problem with mine right now taking pill to see if it is just an infection. My PSA levels where up last time I saw my doctor so he wants to try this first. 2 years ago I had the same PSA problem and the treatment took care of it
(quoted from post at 09:30:20 04/03/16)
As some of you may know ... I had prostate cancer ... removed and went thur 35 treatments ... that was 2 years ago the end of March ....
Went and seen my doc. last week { March 31 } and I'm cancer free now for 2 years , go back in 6 months just to keep on top of things ..

Know this isn't tractor related ....SORRY .. Just wanted to share ..... mark

Good news to hear! I had surgery two years ago, but did not do the radiation. I went 15 months and then my PSA showed up again, and doubled in 3 months so I did the 38 radiation treatments that ended last week. Hopefully that will take care of it. Fortunately for me the side effects were very minimal. Docs say you need to go 5 yrs without a rise in PSA to get a clean bill....
I wish you guys all the luck, My urologist and oncologist Drs. both released me after being free for 4-1/2 yrs. Every thing went south 4 months later as bladder cancer showed up, from the radaition.
To keep it tractor related, certain tractor seats will raise your PSA number. I had Proton Beam for Prostate Cancer 14 years ago and still throw 12 to 13,000 bales of hay a couple times a year.
That is great news. I'm happy for you. It is a big relief to know the test results are good. Gerald
Glad to hear your doing good.

My wife's Dad had the same issue about 4 years ago. Went through the surgeries, and the chemo, and he's been doing pretty good since.
Had prostate cancer in 2002 had 25 radiation treatments and radiation seed implants. Psa still below 0.05

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