Do we need a new forum board?

Should we ask Kim and Chris for a new forum?
The new title would be beat to death post. It would work like this before posting a new topic you must check this forum for post that has been beat to death. Like what oil to use. Should I use E85? Is it OK to put calcium chloride in my tire? We would have to ask for a sub folder for all 110/220 grounding question.

I am not so sure of that possibility becoming reality.

The search function doesn't always produce reliable results...for example, what if I searched for an "A". Lots of "A"s come up with little usefulness (John Deere A, Famall A, Framall A, not including the plain old letter in English, etc).

Limited in my thinking.

It's discussion, nothing to get worked up about. Just like happens in the coffee shop or feed store some guys discuss or debate the same thing many times. If you already know the answer don't click on it. A forum is an ever changing place, people come and go, new people ask same questions, sometimes new people add more info to the topic.
Would help if some people would just continue on and make their comments to the original post instead of jumping up and down,hollering "HEY LOOK AT ME!" and starting a whole new post on the same subject.
I myself always go to the archives and only when the whole question hasn't been answered will I post on here. That being said, there are people who come and go and newbies and some who no nothing of the "archives" or how to navigate them . Pretty easy to see that they have already got a couple responses and just scroll on by.
Now that is funny. You know, I've been on here since long before this site had picture ads, which puts it about 1996 or 97. What gets me is those of you who think certain topics have been beat to death, were once, also "newbies" who would post things that had been beat to death before that. Trouble is, at that point, you didn't know about the archives either.

Amazing how people who have no monetary stake in something, feel the need to try to make others think along their way of thinking.

How bout this...if the title to a post seems to be something you feel you have heard before, and you are SURE there has been no new developments in science since the last time you read the post....just don't click on it.. It really wastes none of your time, if you just pass the post on by.
It's been my experience that many times the "dead horses" get drug out by people who well know that the horse is very very dead and long since beaten to a bloody pulp. They just do it to stir the pot.
I don't see what it hurts. We have all done it unintentionally. I guess I would tell you to do what I do...don't read a post that you find uninteresting. If a question is repetitive, it generally means that it is a common question. Does not hurt to have it refreshed periodically. There is always Facebook if you want to control or exclude input.
I too find those repetitive posts so aggravating. I don't have time to read each and every one of them and I'm also just too stupid to skip over the ones that don't interest me. Woe is me! TDF
I am not aiming at new people to the forum. But some people just drag up old topics just to hear themselves talk I guess. They know darn well it has been beaten eight way?s to Sunday.
Not everyone is here to see every single post. They probably have no idea their question has been asked many times. There is no law that says you have to read every old topic either.
(quoted from post at 13:37:22 03/23/16) It's discussion, nothing to get worked up about. Just like happens in the coffee shop or feed store some guys discuss or debate the same thing many times. If you already know the answer don't click on it. A forum is an ever changing place, people come and go, new people ask same questions, sometimes new people add more info to the topic.

Well said! :)
You must be a youngster there Northeast, At my age I forget what I read yesterday. Kinda like reading all the posts. Never too old to learn a new solution to an old problem.
I do something very simple when I see a subject that has been brought up many times and I don't want to read it or a subject that I'm not interested in. I don't read it.
Do we need a new forum? Well, maybe, but not the one you are suggesting.

Guy gets his first tractor, a Farmall H. In his excitement, he starts looking on the internet, and comes up with this forum, and posts his first question, "What oil should I put in the transmission and rear end?" Yes, the question has been answered a hundred times, but not for him. He had enough of a challenge just posting his question, and doesn't know the archives from a cheese sandwich. I, for one, appreciate those who recognize this, and post a straight-up answer to his question, with no attitude. How hard is to type "Throw some 90 weight into it, it'll be fine."

If everyone had come on to this forum at the same time, with the same level of experience, I could see some validity to your idea. But for this thing to continue, we have to keep welcoming new people, and recognizing the wide diversity in basic knowledge on the board. Us old guys keep drifting off or dying, and we need new folks. Insulting their questions is not the way to accomplish it.

A better idea for a new forum would be "Guys who know pretty much everything, and have no patience for newbys". You or B&D could moderate it. It would be a beautiful thing.
What's a forum for if you can't ask questions? Every person that has ever visited this site has a different ideas of what questions to ask and what should be posted. That's what makes it such a great place. Only takes a few seconds to skim though and read/reply to what you want.
I think it works fine the way it is.
I only use the classic view because The headline tells me what the post is about. If I'n not interested, I just move on.
We have the choice of not opening those posts. Sometimes I pass them by but most times I still open the oil, ethanol, tire brand, pickup truck brand posts just for the fact that I just might learn something.
Many times it is easier to open a new post than try to use the search, as my experience is that search is not all that great, but may just be how I am doing it.
If folks didn't want to reply to a common question they don't have to. If a subject gets a lot of responses I would guess it is of interest to a lot of folks. If it isn't of interest to me I just skip over it or only read one or two of the responses. I see no problem with the way things are, I have learned a lot from these forums and maybe once in a while helped someone out. Tom
I don't mind repeat questions. Better someone ask than make needless or dangerous mistakes. There are a lot of occasional users, new comers, and people who just can't remember (like me!).

What I do find mildly annoying is someone posts a question, gets multiple replies, never responds, then posts the exact question 2 weeks later!
Steve@Advance- Yup, that one gets me too! I usually reply with a copy of a link to their previous post with the replies. LOL
"northeastpuller1" I see that since you joined this site in June of 2013 you have made a total of 5 posts total 3 three of which are in this one basic post alone.
Myself I joined these forums about 1 1/2 months after you and I'm now up to including this post at 904 comments.
There are others here on the forums that have been here even shorter amount of time with even more posts than that.

So my question is if you're not participating in the forums why do you think it needs changing.

For me there are plenty of posts I would have respond too but I take the time to read them and only add if my input would be different than what's already covered.

There's also many posts I have no interest in and move on to things of more interest too me

As this is a FREE PUBLIC forum open to ANY ONE who wishes to participate. I welcome anyone willing to learn something they don't know even if its even discussed a thousands of times before.
Most likely it's the very reason they joined this forum because of an internet search for exactly one of those beat to death topics and saw lots of YT forum posts and figured that there must be a lot of intelligent people here (to which there are a lot of) and decided to join us.

If you're not happy with having to skip over posts you've seen a thousand times before I'm sure there's other forums out there that only discuss a subject once.
If you find one let us know I'm sure there's a few here that would like to join as well.
Should I use E85? Is it OK to put calcium chloride in my tire, just thought I'd get your opinion on this!
Really? If I'm not interested in something or someone, it's easy enough for me to simply pass by it. That usually works pretty good at least for me.

Well said. I dont mind reading something two or 3 times on here, I am a daily visitor to YT. Mainly just reading but i do inject comments sometimes when i see fit to do so. Like i have said before the knowledge here is off the charts.
Wellllll........That depends on if you bonded the bar to the wire thingy and the copper post in the dirt and the conduit is attached to the box and if negative is an excess of electron charge and positive is a deficit and whether electrons are flowing or just charge energy and if they exhibit wave phenomena or particle phenomena.

Me, I say use the Christmas lights for an extension cord since with half the lights burnin' you won't forget it's plugged in!
you obviously were looking for some kind information when you joined this site. And obviously you keep coming back because of the knowledge here is far superior than anywhere else on the internet. My question is why do come back if feel its been beat to death..
but,but,but Centex, when I use the Christmas light string on the milkhouse heater the bulbs get real dim. should I plug into 220 outlet to make them brighter? sorry guys, the devil made me post this. p.s. I read nearly every post every day and enjoy them all. l
If you plug the Christmas lights into 220 and only have the lights light up does that mean its only 110 at the end of the plug and if so can i hook up a engine block heater to my 135 massey ferguson ;{
don't you just luv it , Chief , when swmbo decides to change the furniture around in the living room ??... while bowling and drinking my quota it happened at my house , my 6 month pregnant little missus got a burst of nesting energy ,and found a sure cure for brides boredom ... , I come in at midnite and kept the lites off, in order not to wake the little missus, and damnear broke my neck , and consequently woke up the wife AND all the dawgs in the neighborhood with katerwhawling over a stubbed toe ,,.nope don't need any more forum or subjects ,, this is fine
Hmm, well if you use TWO strings and bend one prong and plug one prong each into each 220 half then offset the plug on your block heater then run a piece of baling wire from the other prong and stick it into the dirt it should work just fine to plug in TWO block heaters! Yee Haw
See now thats exactly what i try to tell these newbies .Where else on the internet you gonna find that kind of information. I just ask about how to on one block heater now i can have two. Now to just find another string of half burnt out lights . Off to the shed :)
If you don't like the post or topic move on to ones you do. Any of these forums tend to get repeat posts.
For me, don't need to change a thing. Have learned a lot from this site on how to do repairs, better ways to do things and it is very interesting to hear what other folks think in different parts of the country. Just spend way to much time on here, but its a lot more interesting then the local newspaper.
Gawd, I love this forum, especially when we just naturally range off topic, where else could I get Christmas lite info on a thread about, Do we need a new forum board.
"<font color="#6699ff">[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]A better idea for a new forum would be "Guys who know pretty much everything, and have no patience for newbys".[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]</font>"

Now that's a good one.
No, I don't think we need a new forum.

Does it really matter if the question has been asked before? If the person knew that, do you think they would ask it again? You could spend time trying to locate the question in the archives and then the answer you need may not be there.

As one person below said, things can change in a matter of months and an answer that was relevant a short time ago, may not be relevant today.

While many of us have an amazing amount of knowledge about many things, we need to remember all that knowledge and expertise was acquired. We weren't born with it.

I personally enjoy sharing what I know and have learned with others. One of the greatest gifts one generation can give to another is their knowledge.

What this forum needs is one good working version instead of two versions that don't interact well with each other.

If you don't want to read or discuss something, don't click on it.

Web forums are another form of conversation. Like going to the coffee shop and asking somebody about something and them saying "We talked about that back in October 2010 and we don't want to talk about it again"

Search works ok, but isn't infallible. Also, sometimes it is quicker for someone to say "here is your answer, search for this particular topic by this poster" and save someone time looking. Sort of part of the whole human interaction thing as opposed to just computer...

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