Would you drink this raw milk?


Well-known Member
In what must be another instance of a never-ending quest to sell Americans more stuff they didn?t know they needed, Barnana, the maker of a banana-based snack bar, will begin marketing gorilla milk in the U.S. Seriously. But this is not your ordinary gorilla milk. The aptly named Gorilla Milk is also ?grass-fed, raw primate milk.? But wait, there?s more! Gorilla Milk is also ?Fairtrade, unpasteurized and raw.? Which, no doubt, increases the demand for gorilla milk among folks lacking basic understanding of what bacteria can do to the human gut. None of which matters, however, unless you can actually milk a gorilla. Does it take a team of MMA fighters to do the job? Is it an Olympic sport? Nope. Barnana CEO, Caue Suplicy, says he?s had ?the privilege to milk one myself.? Dude must be buff.
Maybe it's made like soy milk is, put some gorillas in a centrifuge, spin at a high speed, remove squish, etc.
It's coconut milk though I've heard the Amish are milking camels now how would you like to get kicked by one of them. Gorilla milk is also a mixture of milk and brandy
No offense to the dairy farmers here, but I'm not sure I could gag down a whole glass of milk any more.

On cereal, yes. Just chug it down? Barf making.
Almost all wild and domesticated animals will quickly lap up a bowl of milk Try it with your dog, cat, horse, or cow.
So what is the shelf life on this stuff? Seems the raw milk we got was only good for about 5 days. Milk does taste better having full cream out of the bulk tank but I don't think I would go for this stuff.
Our family drank raw milk out of the bulk tank as did most dairy families around here and didn't have a pasteurizer so that makes us insane? Choose your words carefully. I'm in my late 40's and have always had excellent health, knock on wood.
Because it tastes food and has several health benefits. If you don't like it don't drink it. I've never broke a bone except my pinky and that was from hitting someone along side the head.
(quoted from post at 21:16:02 03/11/16) Our family drank raw milk out of the bulk tank as did most dairy families around here and didn't have a pasteurizer so that makes us insane? Choose your words carefully. I'm in my late 40's and have always had excellent health, knock on wood.
Ain't nothing better than milk fresh out of a cow.
Drank a lot of that.
I got a cow that gives dragon milk, udder is so low to the ground that it is draggin! Do you think that would sell? HE HE I would probably need another permit first before I could sell it, so I guess I will kept mixing it with the other cows. As for the Gorilla milk I don't think so.
Are you kidding me????? Never saw a counter top pasturizer aroun here. You must have many sick cows down there. Cows can't tolarate a lot of heat, but they can weather a lot of cold.
As a kid, I spent 10 years on a dairy. Not only will I not drink raw milk, I won't drink pasterized milk. I would never allow my children drink raw milk.
Because we can why are we the only mammals to use computers and drive cars, if you want to live like an ape and live in the trees go for it
Lol, I drink about 1/2 gallon a day, more when I'm home and it's easy to get. My wife always reminds me to bring some home when I'm on my way there. I love it.
Never had a store bought milk til school, then didn't like it much. Took a long time after I left the farm to get used to store milk, but now it's ok. I still drink a lot of it too.
Maybe it"s time to take a tour of a currently operating dairy farm....I know our standards were raised considerably from when I was growing up on a dairy farm until we ran our own for 30 years. And yes, drank the milk from our own bulk tank.
growing up milk was always pasteurized, mom was from city, didn't want to drink unpasteurized milk. Other neighbors never pasteurized milk, they all did ok, I never got sick when I was over there. Friend of mine has always drank it unpasteurized, first growing up, then when he milked, he seems pretty healthy.
Gorilla milk, I will leave that to baby gorilla's.
Me, my 3 brothers and parents and grandparents and their 6 kids (my aunts/uncles) all from 1940,s until grandpa got rid of the Brown Swiss herd in 1960 , took milk right from the milk can (after strainer pad) and refrigerated it and that is all we drank for all those years and then when our family bought farm in '61 we did get a 10 qt pasteurizer (forced by Mom). All four of us boys growing up on farm never had any broken bones and i can't speak for them but I'm 65 and NEVER had a cavity and believe me I could be a lot better at dental care. None of us are/ever been lactose intolerant or had any other stomach/intestinal problems. We are all 65 or over and zero cancer and zero broken bones and also never had any tonsils out or alergys/shots and it seams most of the "city kids" we went to school with had ALL this at one time or another. "Clean enough to be healthy / dirty enough to be happy" If one lives in a bubble, one better stay there. Looking back , I would prefer pasteurization but that's it.
Our dairy got a quality milk award several times from the coop we sold to, low bacteria and somatic cell count was some of the criteria used to determine that so our milk probably wasn't much of a health risk,the pipeline was washed and sanitized twice a day,the milk never bothered us any, the reason everyone is sick is that they never get exposed to anything anymore, my neighbor often says "if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger!"
OOP! Drank raw milk when at home and had a milk cow till the kids left home. I didn't know it would hurt you.
Hi Big Fred With half these crazy fads that are around now don't assume anything, maybe eating grass is the latest vegetarian diet craze L.O.L
Regards Robert
my thoughts exactly I've ate my shair of dirt grease and other things I'm still alive don't have any real health issues . I like raw milk or any milk for that matter I'll live till I die I guess . I get so sick of hearing why are we the only mammals that drink milk well were the only mammals that do a lot of things again I say if you want to live like an animal go ahead throw yer computers smart phones and cars away also don't wear any clothes because that's not natural either
Before my dad milked 70 cows, we had one or two cows just for family consumption. Dad bought a table top pasteurizer. What's the big deal wanting to take a chance not pasteurizing it?
(quoted from post at 21:57:12 03/11/16) why is it that humans are the only mammals to continue drinking milk after their weaned?

Why is it that humans are the only primates that invented automobiles, boats, medicines, use electricity or fly without wings?

I have zero problem with the raw milk we produce. It's delicious, clean and healthy. Buying raw milk from someone I don't know? No thanks.
Had that as far back as I can remember and I am 72. Before that always used kettle on top of stove. Just had to watch the milk carefully, with the pasturizer it automatically controlled both temp and time. Never could drink plain milk, I drink chocklate ever once in a while. When kid to get me to drink milk put a bit of vanilla and some sugar in then I could drink it that way, never had the chocklate to put in. Cows left Nov of 80, happened to be the day Regan was electiced president. But they left because we had no milk hauller any more as he got sick.
I'm along with Fawteen on this one, I rarely drink milk, only on cereal. Whats the difference between a gorilla and a possum? Or a cow and a woman? A woman is a human, we are humans? Right? Why doesn't a cat nurse from a raccoon? Now that I've given you all some ponderings, I need to go take the duals off the 1486.

Grew up on raw milk, used to love to get glass of fresh cold milk right out of the cooler. Best of all was the fresh cream skimmed off the top. Mom always made fresh butter and cottage cheese, nothing better. Now days I am stuck with store bought cause I am a country boy in the city. Left the farm back in 1980, traded tractor work for working on jets in the Air Force for 20 years, now days I am a maintenance director for a retirement community. No cows there.
I've heard of them, but don't know of anyone who has one. I also drink raw milk. Never gotten sick from it in 40+ years. Much better flavor than store milk, IMHO, too.
There are farms around that I would NOT drink raw milk from.
I drink around a half gallon a day too, Jon. Fresh out of the bulk tank. Drives the greeny-beany diet docs absolutely bonkers. Drove my orthopedic surgeon nuts when he did my knee replacement. Took him 4 batteries to saw through my leg! He said it normally an be done on one battery with power left over. (chuckle)
Yeah, I'd like the see some fool try to milk a gorilla, myself. I'd buy a ticket to see that. Might even spring for the popcorn.

Remember the trend a couple of years ago where selling human milk was the big thing? All the Dippy-Hippie types were into drinking the stuff? Remember when some enterprising soul started testing this "breast milk" and discovered that a good share of it was cow or goat milk? Lol!

As Buck Trent would say, Uh huh! Oh Yeah!!!!!!
I don"t have an issue with those that pasteurize, but why won"t you drink milk that is pasteurized? Do you think dairy is not cleaner than 50 years ago?
is this gorilla milk brought to you by the same people that sell buffalo wings. I was raised on raw milk, but it was cows milk.
Working on the dairy for 10 years I can't stand the smell of milk. Especially when we were pasteurizing it and ran it through the clairfier, which is a large centrifuge . You should see what came out of the claifier. I think the crap may be what is put into wood glue.

People don't realize getting the cows 4 dinner plates sterile is totally impossible.
How did that guy work the deal to "milk a female gorilla?" Did he have an extramarital affair with her?

I bet he "milks bulls too."


Did y'all used to read National Lampoon and think the stories were real?

By the way, I know a Nigerian prince who needs to talk to you.

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