Does Anyone Else Have This Problem?

John B.

Well-known Member
When I sleep at night I wake up numerous times with my hands asleep. If I sleep on my left side it's my left hand that tingles and same with my right hand when I sleep on my right side.

I'm gonna see my chiropractor and tell him about this. Hopefully it isn't nothing to really worry about..
Very common. Wife has that problem. Youngest son has that problem. I sometimes do. A brace on the wrist helps. A decent drug store should have braces. Carpal tunnel in the wrist can cause that.
Richard in NW SC
Been going to chriopactor for the same thing,it more of a nerve thing starting from you back thru your shoulder and elbow to your hand, when your hand falls asleep try to remember if all your fingers fall asleep or a few . Mine I noticed my pinky never falls asleep,which resulted in having a nerve problem in my elbow.Doing excercises has been helping, just my 2 cents.
I have neck and back trouble as well. There is what they call Thoracic Outlet Syndrome where there isnt much room between the neck and shoulder (near your collarbone) that the nerves to your arm gets restricted. Im betting your chiropractor knows that already. Steve is right, it does make a difference which fingers are numb.
(quoted from post at 05:34:31 03/08/16) When I sleep at night I wake up numerous times with my hands asleep. If I sleep on my left side it's my left hand that tingles and same with my right hand when I sleep on my right side.

I'm gonna see my chiropractor and tell him about this. Hopefully it isn't nothing to really worry about..

Yes and if you chiropractor is worth 2 cents he won't touch you if it involves you neck in the C6/7 region! In the neck it's nerves being compressed dues to wear or compression of a disk. An adjustment could leave you looking for someone wiping your back side and spoon feeding you.

Do not allow him to make adjustments on your neck!

I don't know what one could do about problems in your wrist.

I have a problem with my feet. Last night I was in bed-on the floor-in the recliner-back to bed. All in trying to get some sleep. It feels as if there are ants crawling up my leg and my feet were burning and tingeling. Went to family Dr.,he acted as if he didnt give a s++t. so went to foot Dr. and he says see you in 6 weeks,get some arch supports{have 2 more weeks to go}I am up against a brick wall not know where to go from here. Maybe a Chiropractor??

I have always been active and plenty of exercise as there is always plenty to do on the farm.
I get thumb and index right side only aggravates mostly lying down.
Gets extremely aggravated during chainsaw season or hammering ( vibration ),
always there when sleep on right side.
Doc said nerves in the neck and if you can live with it we will not play around in the neck.
Face down arm over side of bed alleviates for a short time.

Obviously, I'm not a doctor, so this post is purely anecdotal in nature, not definitive. I've had two friends who have described symptoms similar to what you have described. I believe that the general terminology of the situation is "Peripheral Neuropathy". In both cases, they consulted a neurologist for diagnosis and treatment. There are many causes and many different treatments are prescribed depending on the specific causes.

You might want to Google peripheral neuropathy and see if the results sound like your situation. Personally, if I were experiencing that problem, I'd try to see a neurologist, not a chiropractor.

Good luck with your situation.

Tom in TN
X2. If I would have gone to a Chiro for my neck I could be paralyzed by now. I went to three different doctors for the numbness in my feet and hands falling asleep at night. The first two thought it was a back problem and the hands falling asleep was just something to be ignored. The third doctor finally diagnosed severe stenosis in my neck. My spinal cord was being squeezed and restricted by the laminate inside the vertebrae. After he looked at the MRI that he ordered of the neck he told me one wrong slip and fall could make me a quadriplegic. I had what turned out to be a complicated version of a laminectomy of C3,C4,C5. They went in and cut off the back of those three vertebrae to open the vertebrae and give the spinal cord some breathing space. The numbness in the feet is gone and the hands falling asleep is gone. Another affect I didn't realize till later was the middle finger on the right hand falling down and right clicking the computer mouse on it's own will was caused by this neck problem. I didn't realize till I did some reading that the spinal cord is of a different consistency in the neck than in the back. Doctors don't get excited about stenosis in the back but they get real serious when it is in the neck. If you don't like one doctor, try another one, but be very careful about any manipulating of the neck vertebrae.
I've been to chiropractors for minor aches and pains with mixed results. If it's a nerve problem, I think I'd have a real doctor check me out.
have you had a back injury in the past or experience back pain? i ask this as i have both too,a mri shows i have 3 crushed discs, 2 of which have moved forward and are putting pressure on the spinal column, thats where the nerve package runs, and i have the problem you describe, as well as extreme pain in both legs and feet, i see a specialist this month and surgery looks inevitable, had 1 dr tell me im in the worst profession i could be in, [ working on a farm] for this problem, i told him, if he figures out a way to pay my bills, i'll quite doing it, meantime, keep me on my feet
Talk to a Dr. Sometimes numbness while you are asleep may be heart related. Not getting good circulation, lack of O2. Do you wake up looking like you've been out all night drinking? I know a person who had heart issues and she did, again lack of O2, bad heart.
Thanks Tom. I forgot to mention too that there are portions of my feet that have no feeling.

My wife also said that it is probably nerves.

I had shingles back in the early 80s around my mid section and this reminds me so much like that with the sharp pain.
Pay attention if the little finger tingles. If all other fingers tingle but not the little one then it is carpel tunnel. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Agree it's the onset of carpal tunnel. Probably will get worse. The surgery works; I had it on both hands.
I have had right hand carpal tunnel surgery 2 1/2 years ago and left hand 8 months ago with different surgeons and I can still lift very hot dishes out of microwave without hot pads.
Fixer-upper, I had the same problem 3 yrs ago only to add to it where my bones were rubbing against each other it was growing bone spurs that were also poking into my spinal cord.It went on for a year mis-diagnosed and even had one hand carpoed and no change. Had emergency surgery when the neurologist finally got involved. 3 1/2 hrs and titanium plate in front and spacers fused in rear along with hollowing out for more clearance. Unfortunately I didn't ever get "everything " back. I had to re-learn how to walk and tie shoes and a lot more. Lot of numbness yet and mixed up muscle/nerve signals. Ain't fun but could be worse. Some end up losing continence because it went too long. I was border line on that and it is now back to normal. Anyone reading this...GO SEE A NEUROLOGIST and GET an MRI and stop screwing around with it. Before it's too late.It's a life changer , believe me.
do yous sleep with your arms raised? i.e. hands tucked under your pillow.
I had the same problem, Dr told me to try to keep my arms straight when sleeping.
The nerves in your arm get pinched at the elbow when they are kept bent.
(quoted from post at 21:44:29 03/08/16) do yous sleep with your arms raised? i.e. hands tucked under your pillow.
I had the same problem, Dr told me to try to keep my arms straight when sleeping.
The nerves in your arm get pinched at the elbow when they are kept bent.

This right here.
Some times both hands will fall asleep at night. Had carpal tunnel surgery but they still fall asleep but not nearly as much. I think a lot of my problems are from my shoulders that are shot.
I do know that it is almost impossible to shut off the alarm clock when both hand are asleep.
I have same issues. Dr gave me a figureless knit glove that has a leather palm and reaches up past your wrist. There are 3 Velcro straps to adjust for comfort. this keeps your wrist from bending and pinching nerves.Some say surgery is the way to go. If that is your choice do extensive research on the dr you are assigned to concerning his outcomes. There is a knack to doing this surgery and some just don't have the light touch needed. Have seen results go to the extremes both ways. Cousins dr was a general surgeon that the insurance had a deal with. after surgery his hands are both numb or asleep tingly all the time. Friend had same surgery with a dr that was checked out and did his rehab as required and other than the scar he is like a new man. As chiropractor goes, mine examined me took figure ends and had me hold arm loose and he snapped my wrist like he was striking a whip. It loosened the cartilage in the wrist around the nerve and gave me temp relief for some time. Good luck.
I had carpal tunnel symptoms along with extreme irritability and major headaches. Had to sleep on my back with my head stuck between pillows or I couldn't function the next day. Had 3 bones slid back on each other in my neck. 3 chiropractor visits a week, for a month, 2 a week, for a couple months, and one a week for a couple more. I could tell the difference after the first week.
The carpal tunnel symptoms were the nerve being pinched in the neck, didn't know where to tell me it was hurting.

Current chiropractor gets stuff to move between my shoulder blades that hadn't moved in years. Shakes my feet and the lower back goes back in, too. Very little cracking. Just graduated from chiro college a couple years ago.

I've been to a couple that dont do anything to loosen the muscle and the tight muscles pull everything right back out. I only visited them once. The one caused a severe headache instantly.

There's good ones and bad ones. If they don't do anything to loosen the muscles up I'd walk out.

Before they have a chance to do anything else.

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