Carrier moves to Mexico

Dont forget the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) that our president & congress wants to pass-this involves a lot more countries & our companies will move to the cheapest labor.
This hearkens me back to 1994 when the free trade agreement was discussed. I'm conservative but didn't agree with a conservative commentator with initials of R.L. who said to do otherwise would be "protectionism"-- let them make typewriters, we'll build computers, our people are way too innovative to be held down. He wouldn't listen to callers who differed with him, wonder what he'd say now, he thinks he's always right.
I saw this video and thought the man was full of BS like most corporate lackeys. What gets me is how many times he admonishes the crowd of workers to be quiet. Like he was talking to children or something. So
what happens when all the jobs are in mexico and china?
OK, another company is moving because they have to stay competitive. If they can't compete that speech would have been from a security guard at the door telling workers who just showed up to work "sorry, THEY went out of business and you no longer have a job". The company owes the worker nothing more than their pay check and bennies. At least Carrier is giving the workers fair warning. Other companies have done stuff like giving workers 90 days or less to seek new employment.

The company owes itself a profit. The company owes some return on investments to stock holders. Where does everyone get the idea that a company owes the worker life long employment?

Little quick economics here. If anyone of you and I owned a business that provided some type of item that was essentially they same thing and of the same quality and I can get that item for less than you I can drive you out of business. If we are making something and my company is union and yours isn't and base starting pay for my workers is 20 and hour and yours is 10 you can undercut my prices by a long shot and I either move off shore of close up. It's that simple.

So I guess the employees have to start getting trained for another job, do people seriously consider production work a career, i can see why
they would be upset they have no skills. They probably all voted for external_link who's happy to see jobs overseas
This makes me think of algebra and equations-- how's this going to "equate" when all that's left is the service economy that produces nothing and the rest of the jobs are gone? Who will these companies sell to?
Hi, just a comment on free trade: there is a
pesticide we use on peaches that is extremely
effective, in bc we pay $675per litre, same stuff in
Washington is $230. The fruit can go back and
forth over border. Bc cannot bring pesticide over.
How can that be free trade. Ed Will
Yep, I have said, all my working life, that in order not to fool ones self & wind up disappointed, that a sane person must think, 'on each & every pay day, me & the company are even, I owe the company nothing more & the company owes me nothing more....we are even!"

like! I liked Ross Perot for his "sucking sound" quote and how he was going to stop unnecessary spending which included presidential balls and other pomp and circumstance. Also stopping all the junkets to who knows where and if a politician wants to fly somewhere to call the airlines and buy a ticket.
ALL work is production work---Doctors attempt to see as many patients a day as they can. Ophthalmologist schedule 4 cataract surgeries an hour. Drywall installers want to achieve so many square foot an hour. All work is production work and its always based on the clock and the desired profit margin. These "production" workers at Carrier, Whirlpool, Bridgestone/Firestone definitely have skills. They operate multi-million dollar machines that produce a product. I will say that you could not go to Firestone and walk up to a ag-tire machine and build a tire. Not until you have acquired the skill. Now that skill is only valuable in the tire making business, but it is a skill none the less. Many people have worked in the manufacturing sector their entire lives, yes, that was their chosen "carreer". Some one has to build the tractors, disks, plows, houses, buildings, treat sick people, perform surgeries. Guess it will have to be the lowly "production" worker. gobble
With commodities, raw materials and fuel at there lowest prices in decades the only reasons for manufacturing companies to flee the US are taxes, regulations and unions, in that order, funny how several state governments and the federal government just can't make the connection.
(quoted from post at 13:02:39 02/15/16) With commodities, raw materials and fuel at there lowest prices in decades the only reasons for manufacturing companies to flee the US are taxes, regulations and unions, in that order, funny how several state governments and the federal government just can't make the connection.
ust read article a few days ago that said that Audi is building a Mexico plant. Said that an Audi built in USA & exported is taxed $6,000 more than same car built in Mexico and exported. So, I'm tired of all the ragging on companies about low American worker wages. Taxes/regulation play a huge role!
(quoted from post at 10:02:39 02/15/16) With commodities, raw materials and fuel at there lowest prices in decades the only reasons for manufacturing companies to flee the US are taxes, regulations and unions, in that order, funny how several state governments and the federal government just can't make the connection.

Not entirely true! Those materials are as cheap or cheaper in a foreign market and so is fuel. So that leaves wages (both union and non union), taxes and regulations. The wages are the big killer. When you can pay a Mexican worker in Mexico a couple of bucks a day opposed to a non union person in the US making federal minimum wage of 58 dollars a day plus unemployment insurance and other employee associated cost that makes a huge difference in weather a company can compete.

Oh yes you do. You owe the Company a honest days work for an honest days pay, I can just see that without a extra employment if your farming 40 acres, then you will go down the tube, and the next job is at McDonalds. After my service in the USAF, I worked for a company that paid me a whole $1.25 hr for manufacturing, while GM across the road was paying $12.00 hr for a punch press operator. GM would not consider employment if you wanted to change jobs, so I was stuck for a number of years.I feel sorry for the Carrier employees, the become like bonded servitudes, no wonder nnalert is popular.
(quoted from post at 20:34:34 02/15/16) JMOR,
Oh yes you do. You owe the Company a honest days work for an honest days pay, I can just see that without a extra employment if your farming 40 acres, then you will go down the tube, and the next job is at McDonalds. After my service in the USAF, I worked for a company that paid me a whole $1.25 hr for manufacturing, while GM across the road was paying $12.00 hr for a punch press operator. GM would not consider employment if you wanted to change jobs, so I was stuck for a number of years.I feel sorry for the Carrier employees, the become like bonded servitudes, no wonder nnalert is popular.
orry, Lou........but I give the honest days work BEFORE they pay me to even it up. Don't know any that pay in advance of work.
One more company that I will boycott. Irwin moved Vise-Grip offshore, now I will buy from the imposters. Hershey moved the Oakdale, CA plant to Mexico, I dont miss their low quality products.
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