Another Bonus Funny

Trying again

When my daughter and son in law moved in to a bigger house two years ago,the first thing I asked her was how she expected me to climb all those stairs in my old age when I moved in with her?
(quoted from post at 07:57:17 12/14/15) When my daughter and son in law moved in to a bigger house two years ago,the first thing I asked her was how she expected me to climb all those stairs in my old age when I moved in with her?

And her reply?
Daughter and SIL have a house with full basement, and in the corner of the basement is an old fallout shelter, complete with concrete ceiling and walls. We call it "the vault", and when we visit, wife and I usually make some reference to how much fun we'll all have when we get moved into the vault. Daughter has a great sense of humor, and just goes along with it. "Yeah, we can put in a little chute down from the kitchen, and just slide your TV dinners down after we've warmed them up. And you can just empty the thunder bucket into the swamp out behind, every couple of days or when you can't stand it any longer. Hope there's no rebar in those walls, it could really mess up your TV reception on the rabbit ears."
This one sounds like our grandkids. We had them over the weekend and it will likely take at least 3 days to straighten things up again. They are 2 girls, 8 and 10. When they walk in the door, it usually takes them less than 10 minutes to turn the TV to a kids program, move all the toys into the living room, and take over the computer and log on to PBSkids. But we would not change things either. We act like this is the way they should live, then when they get trained, send them home. "Mom, pay back."

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