Tractors The Economy


I see a lot of good incentives on new tractors at the dealerships, but I must say, trying to sell a old/used tractor yourself these days is not easy, unless it's cheap!. What's going on?
Nephew commented on the number of new Duramax pickups that were bought in his area during the high beef market. He's still using his old pickups and not worried about making payments. A decline in market prices greatly reduces the desire to buy anything. What goes up must come down eventually.
I guess that is why tractor/equipment manufacturers are offering these incentives on new equipment, that make it hard to compete when trying to sell used tractors and equipment. Looks like the global economy is slowing down quickly.....
Only in the short run; in the long run those payments will make any purchase real expensive.

However, even I would sell to you if you are willing to pay me 21-23 percent interest.
Even gas at $ 2.50 gal has people buying , especially when it's been $3.50 - $ 4.00 for a couple years. People don't spend thousands on college marketing majors for nothing. It works every time.
The AG and mining industries are in a slump in MN right now everything else is good, lots of new houses being built in my area. Up on the CA border it's a different story, old people move to the care centers, and their houses sit empty, some pretty nice places. Just logging and AG up there, and that doesn't take many people any more. Beef prices are keeping some farmers above water. Hard to buy a new tractor with beans at 8.85 and wheat at 5.22.
They can make payments on a new tractor, but can't come up with cash for a used one.
(quoted from post at 10:04:15 10/31/15) Most working people do not have any money to buy the big toys and that is what tractors are to people who do not generate income with them, you also can't sell 4-wheeler, RVs and boats. The only non government subsidized US economic growth in the last 7 years has been in the carbon energy sector, most importantly drilling,fracking and producing oil and gas wells, that sector is dead along with coal. Zerobammies unicorn economy has essentially went backward, as it turns out, the people making policy are as stupid as the people who voted for Zero and that is a big problem. There are 92 million working age people in the USA who either cannot find a job, will not find a job or refuse to work for less than welfare and food stamps and crazy checks pay. 51% of the U.S. workforce that do have a job make less than 30,000 per year with the vast majority making between 12,000 and 25,000. These are easily verifiable facts, the U.S. and world economies are at this point barely treading water, deflation of Raw materials and commodities may take years to,work themselves out, if the various governments meddling in the economy ends, and that is the thing most unlikely to happen.

Yes, there are too many people not making enough and a few who are making way too much. If any of the nnalert get in next time they are promising to fix that. Redistribute the wealth. Tax the rich so that they move to where the taxes are lower, and then you have nobody to tax.
The founders set our republic up as several states to give people the option to live in whatever state they thought offered the best deal, I hope
that high income people vote with their feet and leave the places where they are being taxed to death and go where their contribution is
(quoted from post at 14:51:43 10/31/15) The AG and mining industries are in a slump in MN right now everything else is good, lots of new houses being built in my area. Up on the CA border it's a different story, old people move to the care centers, and their houses sit empty, some pretty nice places. Just logging and AG up there, and that doesn't take many people any more. Beef prices are keeping some farmers above water. Hard to buy a new tractor with beans at 8.85 and wheat at 5.22.

Russ they ain't building much here in this part of MN! We had a local contractor here who had a stroke this past winter. Did good work too. No one stepped in to take his place and the others are glad he's gone (not dead but can't work).


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