actually listened to the boy once.....


im a diabetic,sat night i woke up cramped and charly horsed,got thru that,went to a pull sun,didnt feel to bad but my legs started hurting,got sick on the way home,went to bed but didnt sleep much at all.sun my stomach was upset,sour,shoulda been my first clue too.boy got me up mon as soon as i sat up i was sick,i mean really sick,i was in so much pain.boy says he thinks i need to go the e.r.,usually i tough it out,but i listened this there and lab work showed i was in d.k.a,its very very painfull,at least to me,slept mon and tues on morphine,wed was better,labs looked good twice today came home the evening.i think i learned from this i need to change my life,turn a new leaf,get healthier,watch my diet better,maybe just put myself on the project list,at the very top.......
I'm glad you listened to him. Diabetes is an evil killer, so you really need to keep after it. I have seen a lot of suffering from people neglecting themselves, it's easy to get busy, or tired, and not notice any problems, but diabetes is insidious.
Good luck with the rest of your life!

Found out just over a week ago that I have Type 2. Has been a wake up call for sure.I have drastically changed my diet and feel better already. If I hadn't herniated a disc recently I wouldn't have gone to the Dr. and wouldn't have found out.
Do it, get yourself in better shape. I had a double bypass 8 1/2 years ago and along the way they found I was borderline type 2 , A1C of 7. I lost 30 lbs and got my A1C into the lower 6 range. So far no diabetes drugs and no side effects.

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