Carefull Staring those Tractors

Cory Schmidt

Well-known Member
My Brother wanted to use the Case (SC) to buck wagons around today. It sat a few weeks, so the battery was dead. He put the charger on for a while. Went to start it with the crank, as usual, this afternoon and got stung. There was a paper wasp nest up in between the radiator and grill. I took a can(of spray) out there and hosed it down for next time.

Just a friendly reminder, be safe. Those darn wasps try to make homes anywhere they can!!!
The paper wasps are mean Devils. I have one tractor that they love - mud daubers, too. Of course it doesn't have a cab on it either. I usually start it, run away, and then let it run long enough to get hot and make them mad while I am out of the shed doing other things.
I've been nailed so many times I must have built up an immunity because the sting is just a little pinch anymore but it still danders me up. Year before last they built a nest in a top corner of the 12 foot tall doorway with an overhead door on my shop. One hot July day I hit the button to open the door and the vibrations must have stirred one that was in a bad mood and it came down and nailed me on the top of the ear. They didn't live to see the sun set after I got through with them.

Know all about them , we have an old stationary welder and they like to build their nest in it . I have been chased away a few times , but once I start that 2-71 Detroit , they have no choice but to leave .

Larry --ont.
Wife noticed bees going in a hole in the ground by our back step tonight. I sprayed it and a few strays that came along. Could hear a lot of buzzing underground at that point. Apparently only one entrance/exit. I kept spraying until the buzzing stopped. I was stung twice last year with an alergic reaction to one of them. Still don't like bees.
Just got stung a few hours ago. Went out the small garage door and a wasp stung me through the shirt. Every year I get rid of the nest above the door. Looked a week ago and no activity. Tonight a nice size nest. All will be go tomorrow.
I'll probably get stung 15 or 20 times this weekend-gotta check the hives and see if they need more honey supers put on. I don't like it but as long as they don't get in my face its ok.
Years ago I bought a ZB MM. Dad and I pulled it home, he drove the pickup and I was on the tractor to steer it. A mile or two down the road several wasps came out from under the steering column cover. Didn't get stung but what do you do?
When we used to have hives, most you could go right up to them no suit or anything. That one couldn't get within 20ft of without being attacked. Good luck to ya, that they don't get you.
We try to leave bees alone if possible.

once had some bubbles in a pile of straw in the barn. went to level the pile so we could pile on top. The buzz got a little loud for comfort, so we stopped. Then where to you think the elevator went in and dumped bales....yep right on top. so that hive had to go(unfortunately) just sprayed till most buzzing stopped.
It kind of was lol. I remember one time when I crawled up the elevator to the top of the corncrib to take the cover off to put the elevator in. I was straddling the roof peak and pulled the cover off a little bit. About 5 seconds later I heard several buzzing noises right in front of me. I jumped up and slid down the elevator as fast as I could. That was interesting as well.

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