Crop report from Mn.

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Sprayed my beans today so I took a few pics of the crops so far this year. Everything is looking real good this year. The beans are coming nicely, even the wet spots came up, which was a surprise.

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This pic was a wet spot that was mud when planted, but the rain and dry came just so and everything grew. I was very surprised to see that, I expected about 1 acre of nothing.

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The early corn planted the last week of April will be shooting tassels this week and is well over 6' tall.

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The later planted corn, planted about the 20th of may is well over knee high and looking real good.

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This is the last corn planted on the 1st of June and is about knee high. It does have some thin spots as it was very wet when it was planted.

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I was born and raised in Brook Park
Never Ever saw corn like that on the 4th !!!!
I cant believe how farming has changed!
I have a brother over on Govt road that I will visit later this month
I still have 60 acres between Brook Park and Beroun but only 9 acres tillable

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