Must Be One Tough Tractor!!!

Bill VA

Well-known Member
Have a look-see at this video.... ;-)
My guess is the owner of the tractor will not be impressed when he see's this video.
The operator has the IQ of a Rock, & has to have a rag around his head to hold what
brains he does have in....
if that was my tractor and i saw somebody doing that i believe i would just aim and pull the trigger. Tractor accidents happen you know.
That's just an idiot, you tube seems to have recorded quite the inventory of them in other regions of the world, doing these kinds of things with tractors.
Looks to me like a brand new tractor with a salesman demonstrating how rugged it is. that field cultivator appears to be heavy enough to make bringing the front up fairly easy.
If you want to know why they are doing that to a brand new tractor, Google search aid money to India or Pakistan, Chances are that's not their money they are wasting wrecking that new JD Tractor. You ,I and a good few others are funding this with our tax $.
Regards Robert
The only possible viable explantion, even if it is a bad one, that I can come up with is he's a dealer trying to show people how durable it is. That would make him an idiot. Any other reason, I can't say those words here.

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