One way to keep kids from falling off a slide


Well-known Member
Do they still need a helmet? LOL

A few kids I went to elementary school with could have avoided a broken arm on that thing anyway.
(quoted from post at 08:46:40 06/14/15) A few kids I went to elementary school with could have avoided a broken arm on that thing anyway.

But then they wouldnt have learned about gravity till 7th grade, and then it would have been some story about Newton and an apple.
"A few kids I went to elementary school with could have avoided a broken arm on that thing anyway."

That's at a park in Carson City. The kids using it said it "sucked".
They had three "regular" slides too and the kids liked those better! LOL

The footprints alongside would indicate that some kids have short-circuited the "exit only" barrier at the top. Now it needs a turnstile. An "in use" strobe couldn't hurt either.
no danger, no thrill
Let's see.....if I was still a kid....
is that sand? Put a bunch of sand on the slide and try to 'surf' down it.
run down the slide and see if I could make it without a faceplant in the sand.
forget the slide....nice tree...let's climb it :D
When I was a kid (50+ yrs ago), they built a toboggan/sledding hill at a nearby elementary school. Don't know how high it was but to a pre-teen kid it was BIG :shock: There was a tree in the middle of the field in front of it and we used to aim for it. Under the right conditions, you could reach it. Of course, we all knew enough to bale out before the impending crash. :) We'd roll on the ground laughing our butts off. The back side was steeper and only the "real" daredevils would go down it.

Years later I went by it and they had shaved it down (liability reasons). Tree was gone too. Didn't look much fun at all. :cry: You can see what's left of it (low hump in middle of image):,-82.926212,3a,75y,0.2h,63.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNvotEOR3DhVstmCJOS6YrQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

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