Road rage/vehicles?


Well-known Member
Recently on the news, the head of our state cops, a good guy and one I've meet, was talking about cracking down on road rage. He said it comes in a many forms, like speeding, tail gating, weaving in and out of lanes to pass someone, which leads to cutting someone off, running stop lights, passing on a double yellow. If I left some off please fill in.

That said, do you feel like those who display road rage drive certain vehicles? It's not to say that all people who drive this type of car, suv or truck, display road rage, just a few.

On more than one occasion, I was going a little over the speed limit only to get passed on a double yellow by a person who turns shortly after passing. Perhaps nature was calling and he had to get home fast. Most seem to be driving the same type of vehicle.

So, do you have any vehicles you would like to add to my road rage list? .
(quoted from post at 12:00:44 06/04/15)
So, do you have any vehicles you would like to add to my road rage list? .

I drive on I-70 going to and from work in Columbus every day for the past 25 yrs and see all kinds of "raging" vehicles, everything from common sedans to big trucks. About the only ones I don't see with this type of behavior are the really small vehicles. Some even drive those Smart cars on the highway. Seems like the bigger the vehicle the worse they exhibit bad behavior. Pick'em up truck drivers seem to be the worst. As you said, not all but many drive them. I guess they feel because of the size of the vehicle they can get away with more bad behavior. Worst for constant speeding are the service truck drivers (welder on the back, maybe a small crane, that type), must be in a hurry to get to the job.
stupidity is out of control in the big cities ...I have noticed what the majority drives that commit stupid things behind the wheel .. most of them drive forieghn or gm vehicles ,,. they have stupid driving habits ,failure to yield , left lane pokies, near ly clippin bumpers when passing then , often braking and or turnin .. left of center when topping a hikll ,..hogging parking space ,,waiting 2 minutes for someone to back out, and barely giving enuff room to do that when 5 sp;aces away there is plenty adequate parkin , but they would have to walk 60 feet more...
I live just outside of Lubbock, Texas, population somewhere around 300,000. There are rural roads and an interstate highway all within a few minutes any direction.

You ask what kind of vehicle does it most? It seems to me the ones with paper tags do it as much as anyone. You know, somebody who has just bought the "new" car or truck and hasn't got the new license plate yet. The theory there is they have to keep buying another car because they wreck the ones they have all the time.

I think we have the worst drivers in the world here. Mornings are pretty bad, I have to drive about ten miles one way to work, going from the "out in the country" area to almost downtown. The usual suspects are all there, eating, putting on makeup, texting, talking on the phone. Even the bike riders text now. Scares the bejeebies out of me to see a motorcycle rider texting with both hands doing 70 MPH. Lane changers are pretty entertaining too. All this zig zagging to get to the same place at the same time as I do while going in a straight line in the same lane. Yep, I make mistakes too, but so far I don't have wrecks and make people do funny gestures at me too much. I drive an older pickup that's just big enough that a smart car can't intimidate.

Oh yes, the worst I see around here are the semi truck drivers. I know they are not all bad, but the locals here mystify me as to how they got licensed to start with. Over the road professionals seem to weed themselves out after a bit and those guys do OK, with a small percentage making a bad name for the rest.

Back to the question at hand: I think the worst are the ones aged 19 to 30 or so, with this "I want it now" attitude. Doesn't matter what they drive. Add to that that even the lowliest car on the road will do 90 MPH in a heartbeat and here we go off to the races.
The worst speeders and tailgaters are shiny new SUV's and big four door pickup trucks. But I only see cops stop older faded and poor folks' vehicles around here. The cops know where their bread is buttered. TDF
It does not surprise me that law enforcement will try to include such things as "speeding, tail gating, etc. into the category of road rage but this is a slippery slope.

Think back about how law enforcement/legal profession has been able to morph what was once DWI into the money machine that it now is by including so many incidents into the category of "alcohol related." You doubt? The need for research is indicated.

Expect similar morphing regarding "road rage" in the future.

Regarding vehicles, bicycles and Prius drivers.

I used to drive around Michigan City a lot (worked there). Worst drivers had out of state plates ( not Michigan) and BMW's were the worst.

I guess things haven't changed since 1994. I used to service grocery store generators in West Texas. Looked up one morning going down 87. All I could see was grill from a big rig. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry.I think it was in Tahoka they had a four way stop in the middle of no where.
How about a realistic definition for road rage???
After all, is it really road rage when the other car cuts you off and you get a bit irritated? Is it really road rage when the car passing you cuts in so short that you have to hit the brake and then blow the horn? Is it really road rage when the road hog in front of you is going half the speed limit and you are late to work because of it?
So, if another driver gets you a bit irritated by their erratic, rude, or stupid actions, and you either pass, blow the horn, or otherwise vent, you are now the guilty party???
EVERYBODY speeds. If I drive the speed limit, I usually would end up with a line of cars honking at me and shaking their fists to speed up. Even worse on the interstate. And, nearly everybody will clip the yellow light to make their left turn or to get past the doofus that is sleeping (or texting) at the light.

As I see it, road rage is when a driver gets angry to the point of taking retaliatory action against another driver. Speeding and weaving in and out of traffic may be AGRESSIVE, but is NOT road rage. It is just plain stupidity and lousy driving. There are literally millions of bad drivers out there that should never have been licensed in the first place. At the same time, there never seem to be enough traffic cops to get some of them off the road. Instead, the traffic cops are hiding behind billboards playing with their electronic toys and looking for money rather than safety. Who cares if somebody goes 5 mph over the speed limit on the interstate? While the lunatic that is cutting people off gets away scot-free. The one that is hogging the left lane at 10 under the speed limit is the one that should really get the ticket.
I don't know how it is now because I'm not on the road any where near as much as I used to be.But it used to be that in my experience BMW drivers were the most belligerent and aggressive drivers out there.
Smart car drivers are the dumbest in my experience, they think because they can fit there it's safe for them. Second would be high priced vehicles, they have the entitlement complex where they think they are more important and in more of a hurry than the peons. Here is a dashcam video from a year or so ago.
smart car
Be nice I used to drive a service truck. But I know what you mean. Some of the drivers didn't need to be on the road.I would speed sometimes because
I was in a hurry. To get to a hospital or nursing home generator that was down and power was out.What I hated was the people that would fallow you
close. Hoping something would fall out. Hitting their vehicle.
I have a friend, I use the term lightly, who feels perfectly justified in running in the left lane at the speed limit and blocking traffic. With her it's a power/control thing.

I see bad behavior in bigger and vehicles in poor condition. Seems those drivers don't care if they get dinged up.
I don't claim to be an expert but I spent 21 years on the Wichita (pop about 280,000) police department. Speeding and tailgating are NOT road rage. Aggressive driving is not necessarily the result of a rage, either. Too many cops look for simple explanations so it is convenient to list all those things as symptoms of road rage.

Speeding is just the avoidance of boredom or someone in a hurry, and tailgating is just rude. When it comes to aggressive driving the worst are probably retired cops (whatever the vehicle - in my case a pickup) and the next worst are pickup drivers in general. However I would stress that aggressive driving is not necessarily "road rage" - some of us just are more type A than others.
I think Indiana is considering making driving the left lane only a traffic offense, I hope they do.
It's already the law in Louisiana. Doesn't necessarily keep the goats out of the left lane, though.
Eighteen wheelers in general, but grain haulers in particular.

I live a mile and a half from an elevator that does not ship by rail, they truck all of the grain out. The elevator manager keeps his own drivers in line, but the contract drivers are a bunch of obnoxious idiots.
Part of what can be to blame, indirectly,is technology. Years ago when a person was driving and the person in front of you was going to turn, it was just a person turning in front of you and part of driving. Now days when a person in front of you turns it is an "inconvenience" for you and a source of irritation. Because of technology we have gotten so used to having things "right now" that anything else isn't acceptable. The source of patience has been lost.
Road rage! After spending many years and miles on the road being a commercial tourest you get to see a lot . and one thing i have learned is that you can READ a driver by how the set behind the wheel , type of vehicle that they drive and just what they will do . And no i have not seen it all . But you have to never let up your guard . Hauling big heavy oversized loads being wide high and long driveing a truck that has way more horse power then 99% of the rest that are on the roads you get to see lots of idiots . I have been passed on the right i have been pulled out on and had that person who jumped out in front of you go up the road a half mile and come to a dead stop to turn left when he or she could have waited ten seconds for you to pass with no one behind you . And my favort of all times is the idot frieght box driver running a castrated 63 MPH truck that just has to pass you on the down grade then darn near take off the ft. marker flag on my bumper and then just stay there , this left me blind to what was coming up ahaed of me then when the next long pull he can not hold his 63 MPH and i have to go out around him because i can hold my speed . as i could pull the mountains faster then i liked going down them , then here he comes again running Gerogea over drive and riding his brakes hard to make the curves while i set back and let the jake do it's job . The other pet peeve i have with drivers today is out at the farm , One farm is about a mile down the road from the other on a state route that has a couple hills and a couple BLIND CURVES with double yellow lines . All the tractors have the fance yellow blinky lites and all lites work on ALL our tractors and equipment along with nice BRIGHT SMV signs . Coming from Vernon's place north up to Eugene's place you are headed north and as you come up on Eugene's lane you are on a long BLIND curve to the left with trees on both sides of the road that do not allow for much distance to see what is coming south . I always signal BY HAND left turn and watch behind me and there is always one that will pull out around the line of traffic and try and pass when you try and turn in the lane and this is on a hill that oncoming traffic that pop over the hill come on fast . I had the 1066 and plow with one dual on the land side on the tractor one day coming up the road and had five cars and a semi behind me and i was running as fast as the 1066 would go , as i came up on the lane i signaled my intent and even stood up so everyone could see my signal , i sat down and backed off the throttle and started my turn and was all the way across the center line when out of nowhere came this Buick headed north he went down behind the mail box on the sloped grass beam up over the drive apron back down the grass bearm and back up on to the road just about 150 feet from the top of the hill and bad curve to the left giving me the finger . All i can say on that one is that man should have been glad that i was on the 1066 and NOt the 806 as i always carry a rifle on it and i would have shot him or atleast put a hole thru his back window. And just when YOU THINK you have seen it all someone will do something even dumber.
I hate to say it (sorry Bruce!) but Canadians are the trouble makers around here!

It is a well known fact in North Idaho, that if your car has a "British Columbia" license plate, you are INSTANTLY permitted to drive 20 mph over speed limit, and also like a full on dumb a - -......................

Also (sorry Eldon and others) Washingtonians SUCK too! They pollute our country roads with bimbos in BMW's..... The middle finger on my left hand just starts twitching when ever I see a Washington car... :p
I don't know what it is about Cadillac drivers. 9 out of 10 Caddy drivers I come up behind are poking along in the left lane and refuse to move. This can put your normally mild mannered citizen driver into 'rage-mode' getting around them or cause Bubba in his pickup to camp-out on their rear bumper in the passing lane.

"It is a well known fact in North Idaho, that if your car has a "British Columbia" license plate, you are INSTANTLY permitted to drive 20 mph over speed limit, and also like a full on dumb a - -...................... "

Funny you should say that. We live in BC and used to go down to Seattle quite a bit. You could always tell the Canadians on the I5 because they were the ones passing you. :)
(quoted from post at 09:02:50 06/04/15)The one that is hogging the left lane at 10 under the speed limit is the one that should really get the ticket.
I agree Jim. I drive metro Detroit freeways every day in rush hour and by far, the problems are not caused by speeders. People who cut in and out of traffic are usually trying to get around somebody who is going WAY slower than the traffic flow.
Everyday I see these people and they're either texting, talking on the phone or look like they're just out for a Sunday drive.

There are exceptions. On the Friday before Memorial Day, I was on I-94 headed to Chicago. Traffic was thick but we were ALL moving at around 80 mph. I was in the right lane and out of the corner of my eye glimpsed a car coming up the shoulder, kicking up gravel. He went by me like I was standing still. Must have been doing well over 100. Cut back in a few cars ahead and I'm amazed he didn't roll his car. (BTW, it was a BMW). No need for that craziness but the worst was that when I did hit a major slowdown (or even down to stop and go), it was due to one or 2 guys with campers doing 55mph. Then, trucks and others trying to pass them at 60. I did a lot of cussing as I went by but I don't consider that "road rage".
Wow, how times have changed. They used to call that stuff stupid or reckless driving. Now they call it road rage?
I've driven 70,000 miles/year for the last 30 years, and the rudest drivers used to be young guys in pick ups. Now it's young guys in pick ups, and women in SUV'S.
For whatever reason, women drivers seem much more aggressive than they used to be..
I had an incident a few months ago. I was driving and a guy turned into the road ahead of me from a crossroad, and was only doing about 45/50 in a 55 zone. I was going faster do I pulled out to pass,I had my old truck and he was driving an older lesabre. As I got ahead of him, he kept speeding up,I tried to slow down to get behind him, he slowed down. Last time I looked at the speedometer I was doing around 85/90 to try getting away/around/ahead of this Jack wagon that was matching my speed as I sped up and slowed down.

Ultimately I raged a little and I simply forced my way back into the lane where his car was because I had a truck coming at me and we had already gotten out of a passing zone. He finally backed off, and to say I was mad would be an understatement.

Donovan from Wisconsin
According to that definition, I had an act of road rage happen to me a couple weeks ago. It was just dark out and I was making the 35 mile trip to town. Had my cruise set at or a mile or two over the speed limit. Not much traffic, but I did meet an occasional car. One of them I met went on by then pulled a u-turn and quite obviously was speeding to get up to within 10 feet of my rear bumper. Guess he'd never heard of the two second rule. I didn't know what I could have done to bring on this fit of rage, so I just minded my own business and continued driving. He tailgated me for about 3 miles, and I guess he got another surge of rage as soon as we met another car, because he slowed down and did another u-turn and took off speeding to tailgate them. Weird people out here!

Oh- as for the type of vehicle? It was a dark colored Dodge Charger. Had some funny graphics on the doors that read "Nebraska State Patrol".
Mustangs, Camaros, Audis.
The worst is the lane squatters in large American sedans oblivious to the fact that they are the cause of road rage by ambling along in the left lane
Local runs a M113 on tracks or something similar, its got a detroit in it, can hear that clearly. I have not figured out who it is yet. You can hear it clearly, seems he runs it only on Memorial Day and the 4th of July. I'd not want to confront it with my small chevy/daewoo tin can of a small 4 door sedan LOL !

I've have liked to been in it weeks back, some gangsta wanna-be's in a big ole black Yukon with fancy wheels and all narrowly missed t-boning me, he was bullying his way out into traffic, just came tearing out of a side street, he never saw me at all, was a close one. Hate that on a drivers side, as you know its going to cause serious injury. People today have this attitude behind the wheel, entitlement or what, I learned its best to avoid and keep ones distance, but sometimes it comes your way without you having any choice in the matter. Friend was T-bone in the same place, totaled a much heavier vehicle a 4wd ram charger, Dodge version of the full size blazer, put it on its side, neighbor had it happen too, same street, she lost 2 fingers as it rolled and pinned her hand under it. People blowing through red lights basically. Enough to make one rage I suppose LOL !
What really ticks me off is it seems I'm the only one on the road that knows the correct speed to drive! There is always either some jerk in front of me holding me up or some moron passing me going too fast! :x
If everyone would just follow me , everything would be fine! :wink:
Several states are considering/have considered such laws.

Let's see if we can understand this:

One can be stopped and ticketed for driving over the speed limit in any lane.

Under proposed so-called "left lane" laws, one can be stopped and ticketed for driving the speed limit (perhaps even over the limit) in the left lane.

Constitutional law attorneys cannot wait for such nonsense.

This will be fun to watch.

I had that happen once too. You'd think that once that they read your plates and run a check for outstanding warrants and unpaid traffic violations, they would back off your bumper a little and give a guy some space.

I've heard claims that they now have scanners that can read a license plate and check the drivers history instantly. All while setting on the side of the road. That's why we have those new style license plates.
I had a bad one once. I was driving on I69 down by Coldwater, Mi. They was redoing the road all new cement and all. Where the road narrowed from two lanes to one a semi was tied of all the cars rushing to get ahead, so he centered his truck right down the middle so they couldn't pass. Since he was blocking and I was behind him I just followed. When we came out the other end and went back to two lanes for some reason this Dodge truck gets in front of me and starts slamming on his braked repeatedly. He'd slow I'd pass then he'd get in front and slam the braked again. He was going to cause me to hit him if he kept it up and he wasn't going to quit. I just floored it. We was over 100mph. After a mile or so of it he finally gave up.
One thing that get to me is the guy who pulls out in front of you causing you to have to slow down then drives 1/4 mile and makes a left turn causing you to have to come to a stop and you where the only car on that area of road. Seems like in this area it happens all the time. Or the guy who makes a turn but no signal
Agreed, Goose.

I'm old enough to remember when professional drivers were considered the "best" drivers on the road. In years past, most "professional" drivers were paid hourly. Consequently, there were (at the time) few if any consequences for abiding by traffic laws.

How many of you folks remember when heavy trucks drove in the right-most lane (regardless of conditions) as a matter of courtesy?

Times have changed.

These days, it's all about money, and time is money. Now, most (I did not say all.) so-called "professional" drivers have little or no concept of courtesy and drive their 80,000 lb. behemoths little different than the uber leftist Prius owner that owns the road. Observation makes it quite easy to distinguish the ever diminishing number of hourly paid "professional" drivers.

You doubt? Pay attention.

A point of information.....

Many states have laws that define the left lane as to be for PASSING ONLY.
As you enter New Jersey or Pennsylvania, you will see signs that say "Keep right except to pass." That is not a suggestion - it is the LAW. Like many other laws, it is seldom enforced, and becomes unenforceable during morning and evening drive times due to all lanes being bumper to bumper with backed up traffic.
I don't know about which type of vehicles are more apt to be road rage vehicles. But I sure notice the difference in the way I get treated on the road by others when I'm in my little Saturn as opposed to my HD 6500# pickup.
Didn't you know? They administer a test to the potential buyers of BMWs. If you are not a complete jerk with an arrogant attitude to go with it, they will not sell you one.

However, FOR THE MONEY, a BMW is the poorest value for the dollar in terms of overall performance, quality, and reliability. I would sooner wear a big red letter "A" on my chest than to drive a car whose drivers have earned such a bad reputation.
Just trying to figure out where in the **** it says in the Constitution you have the right to block traffic at your discretion. Maybe you could point it out.
Put a "STUDENT DRIVER" sign on your car and see what happens! Brings out all the crazies - especially the tailgater truckers. (40 years teaching DE, retired, don't miss it. - Miss the kids, not the driving...)
I was somewhat shocked to see the 7 series rated as the poorest car value in the nation this year - ranked BEHIND the likes of the Smart Car, the the Fiat 500L and Tacoma.
(quoted from post at 07:00:44 06/04/15) Recently on the news, the head of our state cops, a good guy and one I've meet, was talking about cracking down on road rage. He said it comes in a many forms, like speeding, tail gating, weaving in and out of lanes to pass someone, which leads to cutting someone off, running stop lights, passing on a double yellow. If I left some off please fill in.

That said, do you feel like those who display road rage drive certain vehicles? It's not to say that all people who drive this type of car, suv or truck, display road rage, just a few.

On more than one occasion, I was going a little over the speed limit only to get passed on a double yellow by a person who turns shortly after passing. Perhaps nature was calling and he had to get home fast. Most seem to be driving the same type of vehicle.

So, do you have any vehicles you would like to add to my road rage list? .

As previously stated. The left lane hog blocking traffic, the passer who puts on the left lane signal and pulls up to a halt infront and the distracted driver.
Ron, that's funny. I feel the same way. We can get a ticket for tailgating and speeding, but it's ok for the cops to do it.

Add to the list, driving to fast for conditions is road rage too.
You win the prize. I feel the same way about the young guys and young girls. Pick ups and SUV's head up my list. That's not to say that all young people display road rage, it's the very few that stand out. The more expensive the trucks and SUV's the more they seem to be in your face, like I own the road.
I drive a lot for my job and noticed several times in a day people in the far left lane basically crossing middle and right lane to get off at an exit right at the exit..
First few times I thought it's just someone that missed the exit.
But I see it so often now that I think it's intentional.
They don't want to be in the slower right lane to get off, they go fast in the left lane and force everyone to slam on their brakes when they do their trick of crossing all the lanes.
I see this all the time. I truly believe these people need glasses. They have no depth perception.
(quoted from post at 13:55:08 06/04/15) Didn't you know? They administer a test to the potential buyers of BMWs. If you are not a complete jerk with an arrogant attitude to go with it, they will not sell you one.

However, FOR THE MONEY, a BMW is the poorest value for the dollar in terms of overall performance, quality, and reliability. I would sooner wear a big red letter "A" on my chest than to drive a car whose drivers have earned such a bad reputation.

Do you know the difference between a Porsche and a porcupine? On the porcupine the pricks are on the outside.
I think is has to the fact now days many have little or no respect for others and only care about them self's. If I pull out in front of some one I make sure I get up to speed fast enough to make sure I have not slowed them down. I also signal before I hit the brakes. But then I was a truck driver
A few state boys have many cameras mounted on the outside of the car. They can scan cars coming and going. Computer tells if plates have expired, if car is reported stolen. ACLU is crying.
Thing that irritates me the most is tailgaters and turn signals, if anybody does use the signals they don't do it until they start turning the wheel. When I was working I was never late so no reason to break the 55 speed limit, where I pulled onto the highway in the morning I could see a mile to the right and often there was nothing in sight until I was a couple miles down the road, then they were stacking up, then pass me and I'd be right beside them a few miles later a the stop light. One morning a woman was on my bumper right away, phone in her hand, wouldn't pass, stayed there for 5 miles, tight on my bumper, phone in her ear. Finally I had enough, got ahead of her a little and stood on my brakes then stood on my gas quick. She about stood that Dodge minni van on it's nose but gave me about a half mile of space the rest of the way to town. For all she knew a dog ran out in front of me.
They were hoping you'd react so they could pull you over.

That's standard procedure for them, especially late at night. Any variance in speed or side ways movement in your lane gives them an excuse to pull you over hoping for a dui. Had one follow me 8 miles up a gravel road like that once. If I had my other truck he wouldn't have caught me but my driver doesn't like a headwind.
They want to pass a left lane law so the cops will have no one to slow them down. I was told, cops use the left lane so their radar can get those coming and going.
(quoted from post at 09:41:28 06/04/15) It does not surprise me that law enforcement will try to include such things as "speeding, tail gating, etc. into the category of road rage but this is a slippery slope.

Think back about how law enforcement/legal profession has been able to morph what was once DWI into the money machine that it now is by including so many incidents into the category of "alcohol related." You doubt? The need for research is indicated.

Expect similar morphing regarding "road rage" in the future.

Regarding vehicles, bicycles and Prius drivers.


Could you expand on what you're trying to say Dean? Booze involvement is booze involvement.
(quoted from post at 21:31:53 06/04/15) They want to pass a left lane law so the cops will have no one to slow them down. I was told, cops use the left lane so their radar can get those coming and going.

Better read up on how the new radar works before you believe that George. Coming or going doesn't matter anymore. They do both. The problem is still making sure you have the target vehicle and not a different one. Laser works good for that but that's stationary operation last I knew.
(quoted from post at 22:04:55 06/04/15) I was somewhat shocked to see the 7 series rated as the poorest car value in the nation this year - ranked BEHIND the likes of the Smart Car, the the Fiat 500L and Tacoma.

A local on-line auction has a 2000 740iL that they said had everything but armor (?). Oh, the timing belt broke and trashed the engine. It sat at $300 for several weeks and got up to $700. They extended the auction since I presume they weren't getting what they wanted. Just for grins I googled the cost of a used engine... almost $3,000. I'm thinking you are probably looking at around $5,000 total if you do the work yourself to get it back on the road. Probably as much as $10K if you had someone do it for you... for a 2000. NOT!
Maybe not really road rage, but some observations over the years.I work road construction so I have seen a lot of what everyone here is talking about. It starts with bicycles and goes all the way up to tractor trailers. Those guys are either really good or the biggest idiots I have ever seen. Why would you try to weave between 2 cones that are close together instead of a bigger spot where cones are moved, and someone is directing you to that spot? Morons. It certainly is not just them though. Most of the everyday drivers don't have a clue how to act in a construction zone. Pretty easy to follow someone giving directions, but you get one idiot who goes in the wrong spot and they all follow like sheep. Those cones are there for a reason. Stay out of them. They are protecting the people who are fixing the road you travel on. Show some respect.
Bicycles think they don't have to follow the rules at all. Stop means stop no matter what you are driving or riding. Motorcycles are another one as well as the higher priced vehicles. Seems the more expensive the vehicle, the less the turn signals work. Ask them what way they want to go(if you can get there attention) and they point. Guess the turn signals on those are optional. Soccer moms, yuppies and elderly people are probably the worst. Now these are just my observations and do not apply to all in these groups so if I offended someone I apologize. Could go on with a lot more, but enough for now.
I just got in from a 1500 mile trip without leaving California. Driving anywhere south of Merced is frustrating. I really want to install M72 LAW rockets on my fenders.

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