'Knocked in the head'


Well-known Member
Well,it's 'dead'. The stuck Super MTA is now parts. Kind of breaks my heart,but it is really bad.Probably no chance of 'resurection'.Maybe his parts will help another live.Better than going to China.........
I know a fellow here who parts out quite a few tractors and that's the phrase he uses.
I like it.
There's lots of guys on the N board that get squeamish when they hear of one getting parted out. Think every last one should be saved.
Yet they're the first ones in line to buy the parts. Go figure.
I say you can't save them all.
Ah Steve say it aint so! As few Super MTA that were built you got to try to save it, Don't give up on her yet. I'm sure if you look around you can find what you need to fix her back up and in the field. Bandit
It is always hard to lose a faithful friend, but as someone said, if it will help save two or three others, it's worth it. It just gives you an excuse to buy another!
steve don't give up on it . if it was my ol jd A I would buy a good running one and part it out( the good one) and save the ol friend. its not just a tractor its a old friend. Bob
This old tractor was not an "old friend".It was bought 6 months ago as a 'junker' for 400.However it was complete with straight tin,wide front,3 point.....Thought about fixing it,but alas,it was just too far 'gone' and we just didn't have the money to put into it.It was reported to have been stuck for over 20 years and was a 'sore spot' with my wife."Spent money we didnt have on another tractor"(she is usually VERY understanding).I had tried to sell,but no takers.Anyway,a man contacted me,wanted to buy a few selected parts.Offered more than I pd for it.Sorry for my 'crimes'.....
400 bucks? You can't go wrong for that amount on an MTA. Hey, at least you tried!
Sooner or later someone will want the rest, you'll be more money ahead and it still won't be in China.

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