
Well-known Member
I had to have a pair of disc spacers cut down at the local machine shop. I picked them up yesterday and the cashier told me there was a 3% EPA tax on the labor only bill. She said it was for "chemical disposal" Anyone else heard of this. I have paid a "Consumables fee" at some mech shops and body shops, but EPA tax? I
In most places its usually called a hazardous goods disposal surcharge. Not directly related to the EPA but lots of local landfills etc won't take industrial wastes that might have a solvent etc mixed in so it has to go to a hazardous goods disposal company, usually on contract for more money so shops back charge customers.
I had my GMC pickup worked on by a GM dealer last summer and they charged me an EPA tax. Just another way to get more money out of you.
The reality is that the bill was incredibly low, I figure about $25 per hour. But I DID challenge them on the "epa tax" saying I doubted there was such a thing. Hell, just be honest and say it is a shop fee for all acquisition and disposal of hazardous materials.
To top it off they billed me sales tax on the epa tax.
Just my humble opinion, but.......a rip-off is a rip-off. Their overhead should be covered in their labor rates. That is why the average shop today is charging $100 per hour and paying the mechanic $20 to $23 per FLAT RATE HOUR. Somehow, the idea of GREED comes in here.
Surcharges are normally made for items that are either temporary in nature or to cover frequently fluctuating costs. Like heat in the winter costs more than opening the doors in the spring and summer. Fuel costs vary. Costs of disposal of hazardous materials is pretty much a fixed cost, and will probably only go UP. Surcharges are another way of cowardly business owners to further line their pockets without facing loss of business from raising their labor rates. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I get a bit worked up over things like this. I worked in dealerships for many years, and many times had a hard time making a living due to lack of work. They were not bashful about ripping off the customers, but they sure were about paying their help.

Rant over......... for now.........
Probably like a fee one of the propane suppliers started a few years ago. I noticed a "fuel recovery fee", and when asked the lady told me it was just recovering the fuel they burned delivering the propane, and said there was nothing she could do about it. I told here there was something I could do, to which she responded "and what is that?". I told her that as soon as I finish burning off what is left in your tank, I will call you to pick it up, and I will take my business elsewhere. Believe it or not she actually warned me that they not only have fees for pumping off any propane left, but also to pick up THEIR own tank. I wished her luck in collecting, but they never attempted to bill me for it, and I no longer do business with them (Amerigas).
The only disposal fees I know of are for tires and batteries. I'm sure there are others, just not in the areas I deal with. But if they call it a "tax", I would think that means it gets handed off to the taxing authority who assigns the collection of it, not pocketed by the business collecting it.

If you want to get to the bottom of it, call your state tax commission, ask them what it's about, tell them who is collecting it. If it's being collected illegally they would want to know about it.
Why do they charge you 11 bucks if you don't have an old battery to trade in on a new one?
Because that's what the shop gets nailed when the state inspects their records and find they sold 12 batteries and only took 11 back to recycle.
Where I work they charge an environmental fee on everything wheter its parts and labor or either one, Say it covers rags and other shop supplys.

My repair orders have HAZ-MAT "AND OR" SUPPLY'S Its taxable I pay the sales tax on it... I also have a cap of $25...

AND OR is the clincher it could be anything...

It keeps me from paying sales tax on shop supply's like brake clean RTV etc when I buy it and having to charge for a can of cleaner are a hole tube of sealer on each and every ticket... When I pay the sales tax at the end of EVERY mo I add the Hazmat and or charge to my sales it keeps the state and county happy and off my arse they got there's that's all they care about

It's figured in on the estimate everyone pays the same....

I would have a issue with it and have when its not figured in on the original estimate... I think its sneaky to add it and not figure it in on the estimate...
One of my long standing pet-peeves! I've done business for years with the same car dealership.Terrific firm...but every time I pay a bill for service there's that "environmental fee" So I would challenge the order writer or cashier to bring it up at the next staff meeting and to give me a report on who gets that fee---and to date no one can tell me who gets it...the state? the county? the federal government? No one seems to know--or at least share with me. When I push them on it...they say they asked the boss and he didn't know either....has turned into a standing joke with them when I show up. Still like doing business with them though
Go figure. Politicians spend more than they take in. So they gotta raise money somehow. I know! A hidden tax! Then I can finish building so th Vikings have a home field to loose oh!

There is no fee for disposal of batteries. I'll take ALL YOU CAN GET and PAY you for them. I can take them over to Deka Battery and get around $12 to $15 each for them. They recycle every part of the batteries. The cases are ground up, washed, and re-melted into new cases. The lead plates are re-melted and molded into new plates. Even the acid is re-purified and re-used.

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