Beef prices

I too, am from Michigan and paid about $3.21 per pound including about $.60 for processing. This was for 1/4 beef with packaged weight of about 198 pounds.
To get meaningful feedback you need to include some info in your question. It is like asking how much does a pickup truck cost?
Seller, experience, reputation,local, farmer/rancher, finisher, etc?
Breed, weight, heifer, steer, cow, bull, age?
How long on pasture, ration, mix, etc.
How long finished on corn?
Weight on hoof, hanging weight?
I've sold hanging weight $3.00 / LB they pay processing. I feed on corn/soy for 4-6 mo with all the brome hay they want. No complaints. Here in N/E Kansas
I live in Mi. Last year I sold at 2.25 a lb hang weight. They pay the processing, I deliver to the processor, and they pick it up there. I haven't done the math yet for this years price but it will be going up.
The last ones I sold in December to a private sale,that I hauled to the slaughter house,I let go for $1.50 live weight,that equates to about $3.30 hanging,then he paid all the expenses at the slaughter house. Those were Angus. I took one of my own that day,hanging weight on mine was 678,but the two I sold were just a little larger than mine. I took some to the sale barn in St Louis Michigan Monday of this week,got $1.545,that would be about $3.40 hanging.
$1.55 per pound of hoof weight is equal to about $2.60 per pound of hanging weight. Anyone selling for over that is making money above the market. Unless you are into buying specialty, 'organic', then use that ratio above for pricing.
My head's not working real clear this morning. You're right,a 1400 pound steer at $1.55 at the sale barn is $2170. Figure 60% for hanging makes 840 hanging,at $2.60 makes $2184,but I'm not wrapping my foggy head around how to get there from live weight?

I stand corrected though on my $3.30 price.
You can figure your own price.
Live weight to hot carcass yields about 62%
From Hot carcass to trimmed and boneless about 66%

1000 lb live equals 620 lbs carcass (1000X.62)
620 carcass equals 409 lbs trimmed and boneless (620X.66)

Net percentage from live to trimmed and boneless is 41% (409/1000=.41 or 41%.

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