Happy New Year from Scotland

Well thats another year over and a new one begun. Last year had good and bad for us just like most people I guess.
We enjoyed our trip to the US and Canada as always meeting new people and making friends, it never ceases to amaze me how kind, generous and polite you guys are to us when visiting.
Lets hope 2015 is kind to us all where ever we live, the unfortunate reality is that not everyone has the same desire for peace and goodwill toward others.
Aberdeenshire where we live did well through the recession (compared to other areas of the UK)due of course to the high levels of employment created as a result of the north sea oil, this I think is about to change.With the price of oil around $60 I think lots of companies will pull out of our area and go to more profitable fields this may well leave a glut of properties and down turn on prices. House prices have been going crazy here recently and builders unable to keep up with demand.
One of my main projects for 2015 is to build a new tractor shed so roll on the nice spring weather.
Im also looking forward to getting a JD 820 black dash home.
I have included a few pictures from a local walk my wife and I did a couple of days ago, it was cold but lovely for December. The walk was around a place called Pitfour Estate, hope you enjoys the ducks and swans ice skating.









Beautiful! We met a young couple from Scotland while visiting the Grand Canyon a couple months ago. They are from "Oben". Pictures they shared and yours makes me want to come visit Scotland.


Absolutely beautiful pictures, The countryside looks very neat and well maintained. Each area of the world has it's own particular beauty. We here in N.Pa. have the mountains and even farming on our slopes can have it's moments!

As far as people are concerned, I believe man the world over to basically desirous of the same things in life and want to be liked and respected by others. I am glad your reception by my people met you approval.

Sometimes I think if the governments would not be in the way world relations would be better.
Thank you for sharing! The sun is out here today and the cold wind had died down for a while. Best wishes to you and your family for the new year.

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