N.Dakota Oil


Why do we have to send this to the Texas gulf? Is this for export? We can sure use it here in the states. Political??
It's a global market. More oil available worldwide, the less it (should) cost.
The reason oil and fuel prices are down is that OPEC doesn't like that we are (or were) set to be the largest oil exporter here in a couple more years. They've been holding production up to drive the price down and push the US out of the production side.
It's not goin to the gulf, they want to build a pipeline southeast across the Midwest to a refinery in illinois. The tree haggers are trying to stop it from happening. Some old lady in n.e. Iowa is raising hell because it would go through her century farm.
You hit that one on the head, oil under $70-75 a barrel up here and the producers are barely breaking even if not loosing money. OPEC is scared we will pass them making the U.S. #1 in production, and they certainly won't like not getting their pockets lined!
She is just another person who doesent realize it needs go go someplace. Where does she get her energy because it needs to go thru someones land or she wouldnt have nothing just cut her elect and oil products off even her road then maybe she and others will finally understand just where she gets her energy food ect.
that pipe line does not go thru NE Iowa. i have a map of the route here on my deck. it enters Iowa in the very north west corner and exits at the very south east corner almost in Missouri. if you are going to post about it get your facts correct frist
Goiung to Ill. might not be all that Bad. As far as piplines go,I have 5 n.gas lines through my 120 a.farm here in s.w.central Ia-no problems.
Refined oil products are a huge export from the US, and we do have a ban on crude oil exports that has been in place a long time.

I was originally against the pipeline from Canada when we were short on domestic oil. But I have changed my mind. Between fracking and conservation we are meeting the US demand for oil, so US might as well get the tax on the refined exports and have the refinery jobs.
Correct. And we get some oil here in Va. from N. Dakota to the refinery at Yorktown Va. Moved by rail. Had several tank cars come off the track in Lynchburg Va. last year. Caught fire on the bank of the James river. Some oil went down the river. Could have been a lot worse.

The ban on exporting crude will be gone pretty soon. That will eliminate the refinery jobs. The Canadians won't build a pipeline thru BC due to environmental issues. They feel that we are much more "pliable".

Pay attention to who supports eliminating the crude export ban.
Who would this be supporting the ban?

First I heard about removing it. Same thing should apply to raw lumber.
Iowa stopped a refinery that was to be built in eastern South Dakota. Bad deal and stupid to stop it.

There are two pipelines planning to be built, the Keystone and another thru Iowa from SD.
The Canadians will sell their crude oil.

If it cannot be shipped by pipeline to Oklahoma, it will be shipped somewhere in some manner. If that means that a pipeline must be built to the west coast, it will be done

Economics 101.

Yes we are now the top producer of oil products in the world. But only if you consider N. Gas in.
Take N. Gas out and only consider crude oil and Russia and Saudi Arabia are still ahead of us.

We still import crude oil everyday. Why would we be looking to remove the band on crude oil exports if we are importing it?
Could it be our refineries are set up to process junk heavy crude from overseas rather than good sweet crude we produce in the U.S.
Building new refineries in the U.S. is a no go with our government rules; that is why our refineries are expanding old refineries rather than building new.

The government is the one holding tight on the ban of exports. If we export oil; the price would now be based on world market and not local market. If that were to cause pump gasoline to go up here they might lose votes.
People worry about the pipeline leaking but no one mentions on the TV that the railroads have spilled more this year than the pipelines have in the last 40.

And we can't get grain moved out of the nnalert valley because the railroads are so busy with hauling oil. The co-op in Bartley was trucking grain clear to Omaha trying to get the wheat out of the bins ahead of corn harvest. Didn't get it done. I guess it's pretty bad up in the Dakotas.
Our ND oil is not just going to the gulf, but it is being shipped to refineries in all directions. Here in ND we only have one refinery at Mandan, and it is a small one. There are a couple new ones being built, one on the FT Berthold reservation, and one in the SW corner of the state, they will also be small ones. Hence the crude is being sent to out of state refineries, mainly by rail, as the pipelines can't handle the production, Enbridge and other companies are continually updating pipeline capacity, but meet a lot of EPA resistance. Downside for us is with all the rail transportation of crude, we can't get cars at local elevators to get our grain to terminals. There were times this summer when I was going to a small town 25 miles away, I had to add an hour to the trip, as I waited for oil trains at the 3 crossings I have to navigate. Upside, I own mineral rights to one acre in Williston, and get a check for 60 bucks every 3 months. woohoo!
Nobody else will allow building a giant refinery, not tree buggy enough.

Texas has them, and the pipelines to send the refined stuff back out. Or ship to other countries.

We have a weaker dollar than we used to, we are in a good position to export stuff for the time being. Grain, meat, oil, metals. It's not all a bad thing to be exporting.....

Once the dollar flips around and is strong then we can use it ourselves.

The US produces 9 million barrels oil /day as of November-2014. The Saudi's produce 10 million a day making the US the second largest oil producer in the world. The Saudi's agreed to hold production at that level in last week's opec meeting. The US is projected to become the worlds largest oil producer when they pass the 10 million barrel level possibly as early as next year -2015. Some US drilling companies are lowering the number of their wells drilled planned for 2015 depending on how low the oil price goes.
Yes it does. Th export ban is being ignored by the oil companies. Our administration chooses to do nothing about it.
I saw this a while ago.

Canada thinking big. Keystone blocked. Problems with going west. So go east, and sounds like most of the pipe is in place.

Think about who these low oil prices are hurting the most: Russia, Venezuala, and Iran. The U.S. and Saudis do not like the government of these countries. Could there be a conspiracy?
(quoted from post at 10:34:51 12/07/14) It's not goin to the gulf, they want to build a pipeline southeast across the Midwest to a refinery in illinois. The tree haggers are trying to stop it from happening. Some old lady in n.e. Iowa is raising hell because it would go through her century farm.

Who is funding the protestors ?

One section of the pipeline going across iowa is proposed to run about ten miles south of my place. There was one public meeting with the pipeline company and from what I read in the paper there are two main complaints. One obviously concerns leaks and contamination of the water table. They stated the oil will be running through at 1400 PSI. Is this true or is it a typo? Maybe one of you guys knows the answer.

Second complaint concerns a private company using eminent domain to obtain right of way if a landowner stands his ground. Eminent domain can be used for the good of the public. This is a private company claiming their pipeline is for the ultimate good of the public.
here in wis. our fuel comes from superior,thru a pipline, dont know if there is a refinery there or not, but i get map of all the piplines going thru wis every year so i dont hit them with my tile plow. the line goes to milwaukee and chicago, around the corner into michigan. seems to me they should build the refinerys up there to supply the midwestand skip the pipline down south
(quoted from post at 18:48:29 12/07/14)
(quoted from post at 10:34:51 12/07/14) It's not goin to the gulf, they want to build a pipeline southeast across the Midwest to a refinery in illinois. The tree haggers are trying to stop it from happening. Some old lady in n.e. Iowa is raising hell because it would go through her century farm.

Who is funding the protestors ?

I don't think the "greens" or the tree hugger protesters need funding. Lot of those folks have decent jobs and money. It's not like the Wal Mart protesters who can't afford to miss work or with a union standing to pick up a lot of members. No one really stands to make a lot of money by stopping a pipeline except Warren Buffet and BNSF railroad. And the protestors there are not looking at maybe getting a pay raise.

You really should talk to some of these tree huggers. They really believe they are on a mission to save the world. And that using their days off and vacation time in their activities are worth it. Plus the think that because of what they are doing lying is OK. I actually talked to a retired US government EPA worker who told me that "we may have to eliminate some human life" to protect he planet.

(quoted from post at 04:00:19 12/08/14)
(quoted from post at 18:48:29 12/07/14)
(quoted from post at 10:34:51 12/07/14) It's not goin to the gulf, they want to build a pipeline southeast across the Midwest to a refinery in illinois. The tree haggers are trying to stop it from happening. Some old lady in n.e. Iowa is raising hell because it would go through her century farm.

Who is funding the protestors ?

I don't think the "greens" or the tree hugger protesters need funding. Lot of those folks have decent jobs and money. It's not like the Wal Mart protesters who can't afford to miss work or with a union standing to pick up a lot of members. No one really stands to make a lot of money by stopping a pipeline except Warren Buffet and BNSF railroad. And the protestors there are not looking at maybe getting a pay raise.

You really should talk to some of these tree huggers. They really believe they are on a mission to save the world. And that using their days off and vacation time in their activities are worth it. Plus the think that because of what they are doing lying is OK. I actually talked to a retired US government EPA worker who told me that "we may have to eliminate some human life" to protect he planet.


Yeah and HE is one of the first that [b:319246f51a]WE[/b:319246f51a] should eliminate .... when the last drop of 'fossil fuel' is burned I want to be the one that uses it! 8)
What I want to know is what does OPEC hope to prove? As soon as they slack off production the price of oil will start to climb, making shale oil profitable again. All they have to do is turn the pumps back on.

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