cross one off the bucket list. lol

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Well I can for sure cross getting tossed out of a gass station off the bucket list. Went into a station for coffee. I like to put a little hot chocolate in my coffee for flavor. The problemcame from the sign on the chocolate machine that said "no 20oz cups". This is because they are too tall and won't fill all the way. I only wanted a little so I tipped the cup and proceded to fill away. The counter girl FLIPPED out, "you can't do that"! I politely said that I only want a little chocolate so it'll be ok, after all I do this every day. Nope, she weren't havin it and after some choice words from her before I could even apologise she suggested that maybe I should leave before the police were summoned.

Of course this got me to thinking of some of the other places I was booted from during a miss spent youth which included too many class rooms to count, a middle school, high school, several bars, a couple restaraunts, a motel, (altho I blame that one on my traveling companion), a college class, a courtroom and a jail (shoulda seen the look on THEIR faces when I refused to leave) and worst of all a church. Guess your past is never truely behind you is it.
You're a late bloomer if you just got tossed out of a gas station. It happened to me in High School. lol
The neighbor kid and I were having a little bit of a shoving match over who was gonna buy candy or chips or some darned thing during a break in the school day. It wasn't even an employee who booted us. Some guy,I'd guess in his 20s,grabbed both of us by a shoulder at the same time and pushed us right out the door. Told us not to come back til we had a little more respect for somebody else's property. I just remember the two of us standing out in the drive a little dazed and confused then blaming each other for getting tossed out.
I might have told her to go ahead and call the cops :roll: I'm sure they have nothing better to do than track down a cereal coffee mixer :lol: On the other hand the way things are now days they might give you the chair.
Had something similar happen at a self serve car wash. Stopped in the wash off a hydrostat transmission out of a garden tractor. It wasn't even dirty, very lite accumulation of loose dirt, no grease, no grass. I just wanted a clean canvas to start tearing into...

I had it on the tailgate of the truck, this man came around the corner, in a red faced rage! Informed me I was not washing that here! He has already called the police! Get off the property NOW!!!

I hadn't put any money in yet, the man was obviously having a very bad day and looking for someone to take it out on, appeared to have been drinking or on drugs, or both... Knew there would be no talking to him, so I just calmly put it away and left.

I did tell a lot of people to be weary of going there, might encounter a very unpleasant attendant? Owner? Whoever he was.
Odd, I've seen guys washin out manure spreaders in our
towns carwash....although no one wants to go in there
Congratulations, that's quite an accomplishment! I think that is a side effect of the economy improving so much, all the competent people have moved up to real jobs. The people you deal with behind the counter at gas station/convenience stores are really something now!
Must be a truck driver thing.
After 38 years of it I'm retired but my response is still the same. Which is, I've been thrown out of better places than this.

I got thrown out of a blue collar dive bar once while in college. It was supposed to be a pretty rough place that very few college kids went to.
That place was so bad that I couldn't even use it for that line "I've been thrown out of better places"
well now let that be a lesson to ya-- go get a hershey bar and snap off a piece or two and stir --they might wonder what you are doing with a spoon in your cup though LOL
Welcome to the club. Got tossed out once for scratching off a lottery ticket. A new guy clerk exploded when I went to the usual place where we always rubbed off the tickets. "You can't do that in here. You'll mess this place up". One lottery ticket getting rubbed off wrecks the place? I'm in the wrong place! Next trip in, I jokingly told the boss about it. Thought nothing of it but never saw the kid there again. Another place I reached down in the trash basket to retrieve some rub-offs friend had put there & woman clerk exploded "Give me those! You can't do that. It's against the law." I wouldn't give'em back. My friend makes a lot of mistakes & I double check. Saved several bucks that way. Threatened to call the cops on me! She might've; I just left.
The phrase "miss spent youth" can lead one to imagine all sorts of things. A misspent youth doesn't sound nearly as interesting. :roll:
Gosh Jon, didn't know you were such a trouble maker. If you get down in Kansas again, let me know, so I can run interference for you. lol
Never been tossed out of any place, but I've walked out of quite a few without buying anything.
(quoted from post at 20:33:06 11/02/14) You're a late bloomer if you just got tossed out of a gas station. It happened to me in High School. lol
The neighbor kid and I were having a little bit of a shoving match over who was gonna buy candy or chips or some darned thing during a break in the school day. It wasn't even an employee who booted us. Some guy,I'd guess in his 20s,grabbed both of us by a shoulder at the same time and pushed us right out the door. Told us[b:43a5e53611] not to come back til we had a little more respect for somebody else's property.[/b:43a5e53611] I just remember the two of us standing out in the drive a little dazed and confused then blaming each other for getting tossed out.

Sounds about right to me. Having worked in various businesses over the years, some of them in the bar and restaurant biz, I've had my fill of people with zero respect for other peoples property. Yeah, a little chocolate in your coffee seems minor. But the guy in the OP could have used a smaller cup and avoided the issue. The clerk handled it badly but she's probably got the boss on her butt 24/7 already. Seems to me instead of being a jerk people ought to try and have a little respect for one another and their situations. Instead, everyone wants to be Billy Bad Boy and just make it that much harder for everyone else. and then we wonder why the country is going down the tubes.
Awww... come on with that doomsaying nonsense. The country is NOT going "down the tubes" as you say it is. We have ups and downs like any other country. This is STILL the BEST place in the WORLD to live. A few crabby, disrespectful, or otherwise unpleasant people do not define the country as "going down the tubes." This can happen in a FREE society. People are actually allowed to be jerks! If you were to go back through history, you would find that there were grouches going all the way back to Jamestown. We just didn't have a forum where we could gripe about them!!
I managed to get kicked out of my high school Advanced Math class. The teacher had just completed solving a problem on the board and I casually commented that she had worked it incorrectly. She commented that I could leave the class if I didn't like her way of teaching.

I replied that if I left, she would still have the wrong answer on the board for all the world to see. At that point, her permission to leave became an ultimatum to leave!

Yeah, I know. I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability. I did get my revenge, though. Five years later, I returned to that school and took over her teaching job.
Many years ago, I rode my horse through one of the gas stations close to my house.

The owner chased me down in her car and literally had a wall-eyed screaming fit.

Seems my horse had pooped on the way through. I wasn't even aware she had done it. I apologized and told her I would go put my horse up and come back and clean it up.

Got back as quick as I could and the woman's husband was shoveling the poop into the grass. She was still furious and after more choice words, told me to wait right there while she called the police.

Don't know what her complaint would have been. Littering maybe?

Anyway, I did not wait around. Got back in my car and left. Never bought another penny of gas or anything else from that station.

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