To the devil what plagues me this year...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
I am fully expecting to have a terrible day tomorrow. I am certain every piece of equipment I touch is already broken or will break down on the field. There is no need to follow me around "helping" me out.

Wonder if that will work? Best wishes tomorrow to all those making hay!
BTDT. Had wheel bearing go out of my tedder this afternoon at 4pm. Only good thing, I was able to get to the dealer right at 5pm and they actually had the bearings and seals....
Well, if you are fully expecting to have a terrible day tomorrow, and expect everything you touch to break down, then there is a real simple CURE.

STAY IN BED ALL DAY! Problems solved. LOL!

As a philosopher said: "If you act; you risk failure. If you do not act; you insure failure."

Disclaimer: Might not be true in all situations, but it sounds good to me.
Don't feel alone. Had to put two sets of tires on vehicles only to have the alternator go out on one of them. On this particular vehicle the alternator is behind the engine and the mechanic had to pull the wheel and axle off to get it out. Not cheap. Now the fuel tank rusted out another(design flaw) and is going to be a spendy venture. For what I spent on vehicles lately I could have bout a pretty nice orange tractor!!!!
Well, if you gets what I am trying to do here then I should be able to sneak out and have a decent day. Last time I posted that I was heading out to have a GOOD day I jinxed meself and worked till 3:30 in the PM fixing some of the gosh-darned stupid headest little pizzy time wasting breakdowns that I have ever seen. For example, I did not really need a haybine to cut foot high grass so I thought I would have a nice day with the 115 sickle mower...until the balanced head started to split in half...etc etc

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