OT: How many here go to a chiropractor and get relief?

Alan K

Well-known Member
Anyone here go to a chiropractor and get relief? I do and couldn't survive much without one, especially being a mechanic and out working in the field on a tractor. I cant imagine trying to live a life in pain when at least some immediate relief is available to try. Had seen part of a program called "Doctored" on PIVOT channel on dish. Hope it is on again so I can watch the whole program. From what was stated on the program the American Medical Association (AMA) started a campaign in the mid 1970s to discredit chiropractors as people were getting help from them. If you google "Wilk suit" it gives some info on it. The program kind of butts natural remedys (chiropractic) versus the medical industry / big business (doctors). It was a very interesting program. (...and no it wasn't Mr. Moore lol). I remember my mom being in to the doctor years ago. There was a woman in the waiting room with back pain. My mom asked her if she tried a chiropractor, she said Oh no but the doctor will give me a pill for it. That was back in the early 1970s. Not sure where the world is headed with that thought....
I just got back from a chiropractor a half hour ago. I get excellent results. My wife also.

I had to have my back operated on years ago to alleviate an injury sustained in the Marine Corps. I go to a chiropractor about once a month to make sure everything stays in alignment.
been going to various chiropractors since I was junior in high school now I am 70. they have provided me much help over the years. some are better than others!!!
I havent been to a chiropractor, but the massage therapist for the MN Vikings live here. She has a practice in town when she is not in the cities.

I suffered a bad head injury from a fall a few years ago, my physical recovery was pretty fast, but the mental side was slow, alot of confusion, temperamental, bad headaches and vertigo. The hospital wanted to put me on epilepsy medication.

Luckily we have a family friend that is a surgical nurse at Mayo. He said no way, see a neurologist first. I did and her first recommendation was massage therapy.

Most of the problems I was having were directly related to the muscles in my neck basically refusing to relax since the injury, something about muscle memory and acid build up.

After seeing the MT once a week for three weeks, the relief I felt was really amazing. I was sleeping, not dizzy. My wife and kids could notice I was more with it mentally. I now go once a month whether I think I need it or not.

If I ever had another neck or back injury, I would head straight to her or get a recommendation from her for a chiropractor. The last place I would go would be the doctor.

I have often wondered what shape I would be in, if I had taken the doctors advice and started taking some pretty serious meds. BW
I go once a month as a maintnance program for my body. A few years ago I was coming out my back door and slipped on a wet step, and I put my back through it HARD. I hurt for a few days then felt fine, but every so often my back in the same spot hurt so bad I could hardly get out of bed (mind you I'm 29). A friend of ours through church is a chiro and my wife was going to him already, so she sheduled me when I had another really bad morning.

As soon as he popped something back in place in my back, it was imediate relief. Been going ever since. He helps keep my shoulder aligned from driving tractor as well.

Donovan from Wisconsin
My wife and I have used a chiropractor for years. Nothing bad to say about them but when insurance got changed and went on wonderful MC it was too expensive.
We now use an inversion table and it is fantastic.
Some back problems prohibit the use of an inversion table so we did this on the advise of our doctor.
Of course, chiropractor advised against it.
We use it as needed but usually I never go to bed without it!
I have an inversion table as well. They do help. How long do you usually use it at a time?
I know what you mean about tight muscles in the neck and the confusion. I know that all to well. I lost the curve in my neck years ago. The muscles get tight and then you don't sleep properly even if you sleep all night its not a restful sleep, which adds to the problem. Oddly enough at times the physical part heals but the mental part can be affected by the underlying physical part.
I do and can tell you it works. Stuff being out of alignment can cause weird things to happen at different locations. I only go when I feel I need to. The guy I use now is pretty easy going that way and you can just do walk (or crawl) in no appointment needed.
I would like to go to massage therapist more but it cost more. I think if you did the two together it would be the best. I never tried acupuncture but would like to. Just don't know of many around and I bet it really costs ??
Not fun to have problems when you are younger. Im 49 been dealing with neck problems (and eventually some back problems) since I was 20. My dad always said you don't know what back trouble is until you have it. How true.
I've been to a dozen chiropractors in my life; only one of them did me any good. His brother and a younger man were in the same office; neither of them could do what that man did.

He retired right after I left the area and I haven't found a good one since.
Massage therapy isn't cheap. Yes Im in therapy LOL. There are some chiropractors that do acupuncture and it does help for some things. Usually the cost is about like ultra sound or electric stem, $10 to $30 for a treatment. You are right on the point of stuff being out of alignment and causing weird things to happen at different locations. My chiropractor jokes that he doesn't question me if I think something is out of place. Most of the time Im right, which is unfortunate lol.
I've been going off and on for 20 years. Just the past few years I've been going in once a month and have not had an incident with really throwing out my back since I started that. My back always went out about at my beltline and made it about impossible to do anything. Finally listened to my chiropractor and started going once a month instead of 4-5 times each time I threw out my back.
(quoted from post at 18:24:51 09/17/14) I have an inversion table as well. They do help. How long do you usually use it at a time?
Personally, I get on it every night, problems or not, and stay completely inverted, while twisting and turning. I usually stay a short time, like one minute but with greater problems, I stay as long as my ankles will allow.
I've never been to one of those doctors but I know there's something to it. My experience is with "dirt car chiropracty".

This was back in the 90's, I was going through turns 1&2 at the local track when a guy who had spun out came down out of turn 2 straight at the infield and T-boned my car. At that time I had kind of a crappy seat and my back was sore in one spot after that. A few weeks later I got hit on the other side and I felt something pop in my back. No more pain! Problem solved. No problems since then either.
A chiropractor probably could have done the same thing but I wouldn't have thought of that then.
Many yrs ago, James hurt his back. Dr. recommended "controlled substance" meds and at least 1 yr till better. He refused the dope.

After several months of serious pain, went to a chiro. In about two weeks, had major relief. After a couple of months, no more pain.

I went to one for several years due to an old injury from a car wreck. Much better now.

Like drs., some are good, some aren't.
I went to one 30 some years ago when I was laying 12" cement blocks. After close to three months of so called treatments I figured out he was working more on my imagination more than helping my back. Seemed to be a real expensive massage.
I then went to a Osteopath when I was in real bad pain one day and he said I was having a Charlie horse in my back. He gave me a coupla shots and told me that it should take care of it and that manipulation wouldn't help. He told me that it was what happened to most people when they thought it was something out of place.
Getting a good back rub is priceless.
Never been to a chiropractor before.
I have had a few good backrubs from woman that I used to work with.

Gone 3 times and the quackopractor did no good that I could see. And the huge pop of the back scared the beegezzus out of me. I dont think that amount of cracking and creaking is good for anyone. I got no relief as said.

My bil goes all the time and swears by them.. I swear at them.
About 18 years ago, a chiropractor fixed a problem that I had for over 6 years.
I went to four specialist with a hearing loss problem in one of my ears. Major problem was that when hearing came back, I had SERIOUS vertigo! This happened many times over several years and last specialist wanted to do surgery.
I was setting in car and my wife's chiropractor came out and talked to me. Being reluctant to let him treat me, he stated he would not file for payment if treatment didn't work.
I know this sounds unbelievable but it is true. Turned out to be a back problem and after three treatments problem was gone!
I dought we have many dedicated chiropractors like him today!
I went to one that helped a stiff neck with two treatments several years ago. last winter went to one for a frozen shoulder. She said Medicare would take care of the bill. Yeah right. I kept getting bills and more bills Finally went in and asked for a total accounting of the money they had charged me. It totaled out to be 125.00 per visit for 20 minutes and truthfully didn't do any good. I didn't realize thy were milking the system until I quit going. I had a annual VA appointment and after a couple x-rays they sent me to a physical therapist which gave me some exercises to do and after two months I was good to go. So I guess sometimes they will work out for you and sometimes they milk the system.
I've been going off and on for over 40 years. Some are better than others, It seems like the newer ones are better. I've never been to an MD that was much more than a legalized drug dealer.
An honest chiropractor will tell you that they can only give you temporary pain relief but not fix the problem. Started going when I wrecked my back at 16, 30 years ago. I have recently found Bowen therapy. It's my last chance before surgery that will leave me at about 80 % functional and basically unemployable. Do your own research, It's on the internet.
I have been treated a few times by a chiropractor that practiced 'Kinesiology'. NO help! but has anyone 'been there, done that' ? This 'doc' was quite laughable !
He tested my arm strength, with empty hand, then with a unopened bottled of a supplement in my hand. Said I had more strength, with the bottle, so I was deficient in that! Of course he sold that supplement.. (but not to me)
I've tried them on and off through the years - I have upper back issues that can cause it to "go out". Usually it take about 2-3 weeks before it goes back to normal. Using a chiropractor to manipulate my back and hips it takes about 2-3 weeks to get better. No relief while I'm on the table and no quicker recovery time so I don't bother any more. I have learned that over the counter pain relief drugs do help.
Before I got out of the tire shop I used to go 3 times a week. Now that I have this desk job, maybe once a month. I must need to go again, co workers are telling me I am getting grumpy.
at 18, i was hit by a car, at 33, i reinjured the area, so i went to chiropractor, had x rays, n went every day for two months. the agony i was in, and not a fan of surgery, aka pain killers, i went the harder road. im glad i did it.
now, when i feel out of whack, i am able to do exercises that he showed me, and 9 times out of 10, i can prevent my flare ups and ease my sciottica pain.
About 12 years ago I had a young trombonist in 5th grade band. He happened to be a fine young player and also had a little asperger's going on. I clearly stated, prior to our school sing a long, please make sure to place your instruments next to the wall so no one gets hurt. I walk over to the kids to help someone and wham...... I look like an old Warner Bros. Cartoon with my feet slipping out in front of me as I fall on my butt! Hard, oh soooooo hard. I couldn't get mad at him. He did what he was told. He had the tip of the bone touching the wall. However the da&$@/&$&$thing was perpendicular to the wall. I went to a good chiropractor for about a year. Started at twice a week, worked down to once a month. Over the years I'll see him when I misjudge my capacities.
I haven't been to the chiro since he got busted for growing pot(2 or 3 years ago). A guy I work with talked me into buying a inversion table. I had trouble with my back and my hip going out. I started using the inversion table and it worked better than going to the chiro. Hip hasn't gone out in a long time, used to be a regular occurance. Chris
I go every three weeks now, sometimes I feel great after I've been there and other times I wonder why I keep going back.
I had an Osteopath re-align my back about 8 years ago... Was the best feeling ever. Got rid of a shoulder ache I had been having trouble with off and on for a good long while and made it enjoyable to sit with proper posture. I've slacked off on that over the years though... Wish he was still practicing, I'd go back today.
I have a great one! About 20 years ago my back was so bad I was miserable couldn't sleep go for a walk at 3AM to feel better. Went to doctor said nothing wrong but he gave me a book "Treat Your Own Back". Between those exersizes and chiro I got better took a few months. Since then I have had to go to chiro about once a year. Usually exersizes help. Been two years or more now since I've seen him. I do commercial construction 1000s of sheets of 5/8 sheetrock, 5/8 plywood, concrete work, framing, 100s of squares of shingles in the last 15 years. One job we got a tractor trailer load of 5/8 sheetrock to start, 40,000lbs, the building was 11,000 square feet, about 140 squares of shingles.

I caught my foot on the brake pedal getting off a tractor and fell I damaged the Sciatic never going to my right leg... It was so bad I had issues siting down and almost could not drive... I went to a chiropractor after pills did me no good he fixed me up after about 6 sessions... I became a believer :D He did not cure the issue but relieved me of the issue so I can live with it...
The good ones who know what they are doing can help you a bunch when you are injured. They've fixed me up a few times, and really helped my mother before she passed.
Proof was easy with her. She never sniveled, and wouldn't take drugs, but you could tell when it was bad by the tight lines around her eyes. Home from the Doc, lines had smoothed out.

Others are just glorified back rubbers. I always tell them my woman can take care of that, I need you to bend/crack me back straight.

reminds me of one I went to dunno 40 years ago.
little old man, I was at least a foot taller, and a hundred pounds heavier than him. He could snap me straight like nothing.
I was always very respectful to him. He could have probably just as easily crippled me if he wanted to.
I go only when I have a problem. Sometimes I go a year or so sometimes several times a year. My hips rock and I can barely walk or stand up straight. One visit and I am good to go.
Never been to a Chiro myself. 12 years ago my son ruptured a disk in the lower back. Went to the Chiro in severe pain. The Chiro wouldn't touch it and sent him straight to a back surgeon. A day later he had surgery for a major rupture. If I ever do decide to go to a Chiro that's the one I will go to.
30+ years ago when I was in my early 30's I was carrying a load of full computer binders on my hip as I went into my office building. By the time I got up the stairs, my back was aching from that heavy load in such an odd position and within a half hour I couldn't sit or stand w/o pain. Called the wife to pick me up. Spent a day in bed. Went to the doctor, gave me muscle relaxants. Spent another day in bed w/o much relief. Neighbor said "try my chiropractor". Wife drove me over and within 10 minutes he had me walking w/o pain. Good story so far. However, he then said it was due to my diet..... What? Yup, said I probably eat too much popcorn and irritated my "ilial-secal valve (sic?)" Gave me some chlorophyl pills and said "come back next month for another adjustment". Never saw he quack again.

Haven't had back problems since, I warm up my muscles (stretching) before I go skiing and watch how I pick stuff up, don't do any sudden jerky motions when doing projects or maintenance or working on my property.

Bottom line is I won't say anything "bad" about chiropractors but I just don't think you can trace all your ills to a mal-adjusted back.
Went to an old-timer but he would put me in traction after adjusting, and pull me right back out.
Went to a younger one, told me what the problem was before taking x-rays to verify. Had 3 bones slid back on each other in my neck. 3 visits/week for a month, 2/week for another month, but I could feel the difference after the first 2 or 3. Fewer headaches, no knotted muscles at the base of my neck, no more carpal tunnel, much better mood. His one partner could get a pop out of me right at the bottom of my ribs, and my toes would go numb for a couple seconds.
I've found a couple good ones, but found a few doozies, too. One used pressure points to relax muscles. Yeah, right. One looked at me, snap-crackle-pop, on my way, after being told that without e-stim and heat, we were wasting a lot of my time, as I wouldn't be able to function the rest of the day with the headache I was going to have. One hit me with the e-stim after adjusting me. The one I go to now, she just graduated from a college in Missouri, and she's good. She all but started jumping on my back to get that one bone to move. It's between my shoulder blades and I know darn well it hasn't moved in years. Just wish I could afford a visit more often.

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