Are trees and mother nature the enemy, or what?


Well-known Member
Every year:
There are wildfires.
There are power outages caused by trees.
There are buildings damaged because of trees.

So I ask, Are trees and mother the nature enemy?

Or are we just stupid and plant trees next to power lines and our homes?
Odds are you are in physical contact with something made from a tree right now that makes your life better, so best not to complain.
I have seen a couple time on the wife's fb page a cartoon of the sun and a sick looking earth and the sun says to earth, "I think you have humans"
I think part of the problem is that people don't think about what the tree will look like in 10 or 15 years. Around here, they complain about the utility company when there is a storm and power gets knocked out, yet they scream when the utility tree trimmers come and lop off the tops of the trees. So, I guess the short answer to your question is: "Yes", some people are stupid.

It's stupid people. People that INSIST on living in brush fire country and people that throw a fit if the utility cuts down or trims back one of their precious trees.

Ditto for mudslides and flood plains. You wanna live there? Fine. Don't expect me to bail your stupid butt out when Mother Nature does her thing.
The landscapers plant trees too close to homes. The guy next door doesn't know what to do, even though I've told him that big willow is going to split in a windstorm and one half will fall against his house. He hasn't done anything and only has the landscapers do some trimming after he gets a letter from the HOA.

In some cases, the power company put in the lines and the trees were planted later by stupid people. In other cases, the power company put the lines through the trees and should have maintained a clear right-of-way.

We have all underground utilities; haven't had a power outage since they built this development.
Actually, they have been saying that it is the GRASS and smaller plants that produce most of our oxygen.....
Well, actually, oxygen is not produced. It is only released from CO2 through the photosynthesis process. I guess if they eliminate CO2 (some idiots are calling that a pollutant), the oxygen will go away as well <grin>.
Birds eat tree seeds off of trees, then sit on power lines and poop the seeds. Trees grow up in fence lines for the same reason.
Humans perfected the process of combining carbon and oxygen to make CO2. Plants and animals have been around a lot longer than humans. I don't think eliminating the CO2 we produce is going to hurt anything.
The "Tree Huggers" found oot that lumber grows on trees.
Now they will probably want to build their houses uot of plastic.
I have planted around 6.000 of em, so I guess it's my fault.

Planted all those trees and so far no Hollywood abundant has come forward to give me any money for saving the forest, saving the squirrels, saving the planet.

Maybe I should hold my trees hostage. Tell the environmentalist that unless I get a big payoff, I am gonna doze them out and burn them.

Yeah, that oughta work.

A mature tree conducts photosynthesis and thru that process releases an amount of oxygen needed for 18 people to live one yr. Trees are your friend, unless they are in your cornfield.
I know we need trees, but I personally have grown to hate trees. In '06 a 2 mile wide f3 tornado came thru my place. Hundreds of trees down, 4 miles of fence ruined. Every building leveled, all my farm equipment destroyed. I had everything squared away in about 14 months, but the trees, and the fences. When my children inheret my place someday, they will still be dealing with that damage.
Here is an small part of an article on trees:

Sometimes companies plant trees to offset the CO2 released by burning fossil fuels. This is not truly carbon neutral. Fossil carbon is being released into the atmosphere, and locking it up in trees is a very short term measure. To be truly carbon neutral, the carbon would have to be locked up for millions of years. Trees only live for tens or hundreds of years, after which they decay or are burned, releasing the carbon back to the atmosphere. We have no way of knowing whether people in the future will be able to keep replanting trees to keep the carbon locked up.

trees remove carbon short term,and then put it back
People plant trees in really stupid places, baby trees are like puppies, people forget what they'll eventually grow into. As for the wildfires there are several aspects at work, the predator/prey relationship has a tremendous effect on what our forests look like. With no natural predators some species like the white tailed deer get out of balance and destroy woodlands, especially around lakes and rivers. Our blind charge to save every tree from forest fires has also changed the nature of our woodlands, under brush builds up and tree populations get to high for them to stay healthy. We get tree die out caused by stress all the dead trees cause really big fires. Instead of small natural forest fires that clear the brush and keep the population in check we get really big mega fires that take out healthy trees along with the weak. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a sound? If there is a forest fire and no one is around to witness it did it still happen? Forest fires are a natural part of the forest cycle, heck some species even require fire to release the seeds from their cones to allow seedlings to grow.
Every breath that every animal (people included) takes produces CO2. Carbon Dioxide is the result of LIFE. It is NOT a pollutant.
people plant trees way to close to buildings. Trees give of oxygen and filter the air.

The enemy is the EPA and city government you can't do anything without their permit or approval.
Guys, check my link in post below, trees do remove CO2 but they put it all back some day. So trees are carbon neutral, something the tree huggers don't want people to know.

Some place I read that most of our oxygen is produced by plant life in the ocean. All plants produce oxygen, so cut down a tree and something else will grow.

Trees, that I didn't plant, have cost me a pant load in damages and removing them after they land on top of buildings. Then I have spend thousands of dollars have tree removed that were too close to buildings just waiting to do more damage.

The only trees I plant are far away from buildings or trees that will remain small like Japanese maples.
I like the hills and woods at my camp best, so at home in flat as a board farm country...I make my own.
Build trails, make hills, carve depressions, and plant lots and lots of trees.
the world is what you make it.
trees, like our old tractors take lots of maintenance.
trim my screen trees twice a year to keep their rapid growth under control.
My big trees get limbs and trunk branch-offs cut that look dangerous. Doing it often rather than all at once lets the tree recover and stay healthy.
And sometimes....all things must pass.
I've had to remove one ancient maple and another will be due in a year or two. But the young ones I've put in the area to replace them when they are gone are doing fine.
(quoted from post at 07:10:46 09/17/14) I have planted around 6.000 of em, so I guess it's my fault.

Planted all those trees and so far no Hollywood abundant has come forward to give me any money for saving the forest, saving the squirrels, saving the planet.

Maybe I should hold my trees hostage. Tell the environmentalist that unless I get a big payoff, I am gonna doze them out and burn them.

Yeah, that oughta work.


I thought about that. Got about 60 acres of woods. Find some tree hugger sight and tell em it they don't pay me I'm gonna clear cut it and root the sumps out to get more tillable land......

I figure at least 500 an acre per year!

"you too can do your part to save a forest!"


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