My view on OT posts

JD Seller

Well-known Member
My post below has generate a lot of responses. Yes that post has ZERO to do with old tractors. I have some thoughts on that.

1) This is my coffee shop. This is where I can talk to people from all over the county(world) about things that interest me. Most of us have enough of a similar view that we can converse in ways we understand but still have enough diversity to get opposing view points.

2) As mostly adults we should be able to have a discussion about these type of things and keep it civil. It is a lot better than driving to Ferguson and joining a riot. I am pretty sure most of us would be poor rioters anyway. We would more than likely be too busy picking up the mess to get much rioting done. LOL

3) If we change this to ONLY tractor issues there would be way fewer members and posts. On the days I am taking it easy I hang out on here. I try to answer any tractor questions that I have knowledge about. That is not a large amount of posts. LOL (my knowledge is not that great)

4) This forum is like a good meat loaf. The results are much better with the OT posts "filling" in between the "meat" only tractor posts. LOL

I just wanted to Thank all of you that post on here. I have learned a lot and enjoyed the conversation with fellow posters.

Surprisingly even the fellows that disagree are really not that far apart in most of their views. That is what many people fail to think about. We, as average Americans, have way more in common then we think.

Our race does not change that as much as many would believe. We all want things to be better for our children and grand children. Now we all just need to work on doing that for all of them!!!!

HAVE a good week fellows!!!!
Well here goes.

I am working on a liquid sugar system at the ketchup plant, ended up working all weekend. We got the transfer from truck to tank and from tank to kitchen checked out.

Need to work on the cleaning routine tomorrow.
I quite often participate in OT posts myself, as evidenced by this post. However, I disagree with you on one thing. While you might be IN this coffee shop, this is not YOUR coffee shop. The proof is that this or any post might go poof at any time.
Gambles I stand corrected. In that this is the coffee shop I frequent. I meant it as "mine" being the one I go to, not as actually "owning" it.

My hat is off to Kim for her hard work in running this forum. She and Chris do a good job in keeping this forum going. She does double duty being the moderator on this site too.

It seems as long as we are respectful of each other things work out. We all have "bad" days and may make a comment/post that is not as respectful as we would normally do. All in all it is not too bad a group of people on here.
I've posted and commented on OT topics several times. It is like a "coffee shop" where we can get help with a problem, a new recipe, offer advice, or learn something new. If an OT doesn't interest me, I don't read it. Thanks to Kim for letting JD's original post run. It's been a good discussion and everyone has kept their remarks civil and respectful.

I do not post a lot unless I need help with something. If I had the knowledge that some of these great folks have I would help more. I read most of the topics here everyday. I think the OT's are just as insightful as the other posts. Keep up the great work everybody.
Having been on here for quite a few years myself now, and seeing the way things are, I couldn't agree more with everything you said.
The way I've always looked at it- if you have a specific question about or want to talk about something regarding your own tractor or any tractor of a certain make, no matter what color it is, there is a forum on here to do just that.

I've always just figured this "Tractor Talk" forum was kind of a gathering place for anyone who liked tractors, and, given that everyone on here had that in common, discussion was pretty much open to most anything within reason.
I've never understood the folks that get upset about OT posts if I'm not interested I just don't click on them of course the same is true of On topic posts.If others are interested in a subject why would I object to them discussing it?Then again some people that post OT all the time get bent out of shape about other people's OT posts because they're not interested.Sports posts come to mind that bring out the most hypocrites.If a person ever posts OT they should never complain about the content of another's OT post.

JD, you may have noted that a couple of times I have asked why head an off topic post with OT, and I did note yesterday that the titles of your off topic posts did not start with OT. I look at it exactly the same way as you do and still don't understand the need of so many to head their obviously OT titles with the letters OT.
I picture this as- before the days of any electronic communication, a bunch of old guys sitting around the pot belly stove at the general store. The good thing about this happening here and now is we get people from all over the continent, and even from around the world.

The challenge for me is getting my thoughts through this keyboard. Maybe that's a good thing! I wanted to comment on your earlier post about what's happening to our country. It was going to take too long!
We need to remember who owns the site, and that the statements posted here reflect on their business. Kim is very tolerant of off-topic discussions, and we shouldn't get our knickers in a knot when she deletes posts, regardless of how inoffensive we consider them to be.
My knowledge is not that great, but I learned a lot by reading this site. Some of my best laughs are from reading this site. This is where my morning starts with my coffee.
For many years this site enforced an,on-topic policy, and it served them well.

Off topic stuff can easily turn opinionated/plolitical/etc. and get snippy.

Couple years ago they changed that, and it has worked well. I think the moderators have a bit more work sorting out the good from the chaff, but the results have been pretty good.

A few posters have also worked hard to keep a few smiles and fun posts showing up every week to keep people smiling, instead of quarreling.

Here's my take on so called OT Posts:

If you don't like them (and I post my share) you have my permission TO NOT READ THEM. If you dont like them but read them anyway, then you sort of waived your right to gripe lol SO BE FOREWARNED IF I POST OT ITS NOT ABOUT A TRACTOR, SO IGNORE THEM IF YOU DONT LIKE OT POSTS now aint that an easy and simple solution. Likewise if you don't like the YT Forum and Kims format and operation, then you maybe you shouldn't hang out here ya think?? Why submit yourself to such self punishment lol

God Bless all here and best wishes.

John T
As to the question about having an OT Board, The "Kountry Life" Message Board comes close. I tried posting on there a few times but soon found out that that group was very clanish and did not welcome "outsiders" posting. I don't know about any experience some of you may have had with them but that's sure how it was for me. Anyway, I love me some YT. I have gotten more help from this website than any other I have ever used. OT doesn't bother me at all. I have actually posted a few myself.
I joined this site just last year. I have ask question and have gotten lots of good information. I do agree the OT subjects can get a little snippy sometimes ,but thats comes because we all dont think alike in our opinions which is a good thing. But on the other hand like JD mentioned we are all more alike than we think. And like others have mentioned you dont have to read a post if you dont want to. I actually like all the post tractor stuff and OT stuff. I just like the information and the knowledge that folks have. I think the thing that most of us here have is Common Sence and thats what brings us here, Because we all know thats almost a thing of the past. So what if our political veiws or opinions sometimes dont match. But ask a question on how to do something or fix something and watch how all of us are very much alike....
Have a great week.
Mike Smith
I have been a member her for many years and have recommended this site to many people that aren't even remotely interested in Tractors.
My greatest brag is that you can get more good/serious advise here then any other forum I have visited.
Like--ask a home electrical problem, and you will get more helpful answers then asking the same question on a dedicated electrical forum! I know this from experience.
I realize that many readers don't come here to read off topic, so I ALWAYS start my off topic post with "OT--"
Very little effort is needed and I do it out of respect for this site and it's members and will continue to do so.
I enjoy the OT filler, this would be a boring place without it.

I'm learning as I go here, this is my first attempt at "social media" or whatever it's called. Figured out a long time ago I get along better with machines than most people! So I definitely need to practice what I say so as not to accidentally be offensive to anyone! LOL

I mostly stay away from political topics, I will defend my Lord Jesus Christ if necessary!

I do find there is a way to disagree without being disagreeable. If (and when) I do offend someone, it is purely by accident. When I read these posts I keep in mind these post are often quickly composed, just like I'm doing now, not intended to be scrutinized for political correctness and certainly have no life changing bearing on mankind as a whole!

If I find something offensive, I refuse to react. I consider I have no idea where this person is in their walk of life, they probably have worse problems that I do, pray for their happiness...
I don't mind the OT posts. I have learned a lot about different things. This is my go to place to go at lunch. I also check this site if I'm looking for parts. I have learned a lot from all of you. Thanks David
You are sure right JD. I don't think any of the whiners who cry to keep it tractor related even stop to think that this website is funded by the sales generated.

You don't have to have tractors to buy things from this site, and every thing sold helps keep it going. There are other things for sale on this site besides tractor parts, so the more people that are on this site, the better chance the owners have of selling items.

If there were about 20 old guys on here that only worried about tractors, then I doubt they would spend enough money to make a dent in the operating costs.

To those of you who don't like OT posts, really, just don't read them. That's all it takes. Bob
I have had people respond in a manner that I was not happy with, but I try to take the high road and not argue with them. They are as entitled to say and write what they think, as I do. For me, it is a simple thing to do, others seem to need to be right.
Oh well. You can only make a person mad, who is willing,or wants to be mad.

I do wish that people would use a more accurate description of the subject matter. That way I can read what interests me and avoid the others, but I can not control that either
Noble, but I think all the parts we buy from them more than make-up for the cost of running a little forum.

Good for you.

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