OT-crickets at your bedroom window


Any advice how to get rid of crickets that hang out next to your bedroom window at night, besides closing the window in the summertime?
You ought to have one in a crack beside the A/C in a motel room. I never realized just how loud those critters could be until one cut loose on me one night when I was working out of town.

I asked at the desk for something to get rid of it, but they didn"t have anything, and the maintenance staff was gone (it was about 3 in the morning). I wound up getting a can of brake clean off my truck and taking care of it that way....... I never realized how strong the smell on that stuff was until I sprayed it in an enclosed space......it was almost as bad as the noise from the cricket.....LOL
I can't hear high pitch sounds, so haven't heard one in 35 - 40 years. A cricket would drive the wife & dog to desperation and I couldn't even hear it.

Of couse, I can't hear most birds either.

I buy an insecticide at my local farmer's Co-Op that is called "Demon". I spray in on the lower couple of feet of my house and in a band of about 2 feet on the ground all around the house.

It is very effective in killing all insects. It even works on wasps. I don't know where to buy it other than my Co-Op, but if you can find it locally, you would be well served by using it.

Tom in TN
I wish I had that problem. It's been twenty years or more since I heard a cricket. It used to be I just had to roll over on my left ear, because I couldn't hear high frequencies in my right.
Use a pesticide that doesn't smell much: sevin, eight, or cutter's yard guard, or ortho Mosquito-B-Gone. Malathion stinks bad.
I don't like crickets either, but are good for telling the tempurature. Count the number of times that one chirps in a minute, add 15 to that number, and thats what the tempurature will be. I tried it, it works. Don't have to count a full minute either. Can listen and count for 15 seconds, multiply by four for the minute, add 15 to it. It works too.

Sprinkle some Golden link_disallowed fly bait around the foundation of your house, garage and shop. Kills crickets big time.

Available at farm supply stores.

I HATE CRICKETS... 'bout more than anything else on earth. LOL.
If I should ever stop hearing the 'crickets', I suspect I'll be in deep trouble. My tinnitis sounds like a chorus of crickets, so I can't really hear the real thing.
I'll second Tom. Demon is good and you can buy it at several places online--google it. I haven't used it outside where it's exposed to weather but in the crawl space it eliminated a massive cricket problem I had just spraying the foundation walls. It's also very good for spiders and ants--have used it inside out buildings and under the carport. I have used it in crevices inside the house if I find ants getting in through them. Longest lasting spray I've found.
I hear them the year round (must be caused by global warming) don't think its from old age.
This morning I sprayed the area around the front of the house with some stuff Marilyn bought at Ace hardware last year and a half hour later there were dizzy crickets crawling all over the deck. Marilyn stashed the jug away somewhere so I can't find it to give you a name brand. It's a gallon jug with a skinny hose coming out the top with a hand pump on the end of the hose. My hand got a little sore from squeezing the pump but the end result was good. I imagine this stuff washes off in the rain like the other products. Jim

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