Are they all this stupid?


Well-known Member
Was coming up the road after spreading manure and saw a car pull into the driveway to one of my fields. Backed out again, so OK, they were just turning around. But they just drove 1/4 mile back and went into another field driveway on the other side of the road. So I pulled in too, which made them turn around to leave. I stopped to talk... they had the look of meth users, but had done nothing wrong aside from briefly tresspassing. They were "looking for a friend's house, Bill's house" Bill who? "We dont' know his last name" Do you know his address? "No, but he's got a farm on this road" I know almost everyone on Cloverland Road. While there may be a "Bill" in one of the 3 homes that I don't know the owners, I KNOW there are no farms owned by anyone named Bill on this road - there are only 4 farms, and one is mine. But I didn't tell them that. Then they were looking for a road that "cuts across to Sheldon" (Sheldon is 15 miles away, south and east), and "What road is this?" If you're gonna lie, at LEAST make it believable!
While backing out, I made sure I got a good look at their plates, then sent a text to a good friend who is a city police officer. He texts me back that the name that came up is a doper, and "watch your place, they are thieves". So I've been talking to all the neighbors, and we'll be watching for that car...
Makes me glad we have a loud German shepherd!
Yes they are all stupid, at least in my opinion anybody lowdown enough to steal other peoples this is stupid
Sheldon, Are you talking about New York? I know there are Sheldon's in other states
Yeah, Keep the car in mind, but they may come back in a TRUCK. Those people will scout an area and then come back later and haul it all away. One day I caught some people fishing in my pond, I asked if they had permission. "Yeah, we got permission." "OK, who gave you permission?" "That man that lives up yonder on the hill." "OK, the man that lives up yonder doesn't own this pond, I DO! Now get your (selves) off my property!" Funny how many excuses they can come up with. They aren't even smart enough to make up a decent story before they get caught.
You were seemingly in the right place at the right time, didn't we just read here, a thread by someone seeing suspicious activity while bringing their daughter or wife somewhere, same situation, results being some firewood stolen as they could not stop to investigate, called someone else etc.?

Pays to be attentive like that and in most if not all these situations, those kind of simple questions will reveal something that does not make sense, then you can address it accordingly. I'd have set them up, yes I think you are right, his farm is over there, but you won't find him, they went on vacation, left yesterday, but you can come back in a week, then of course do a stake out. We did that often at our tractor dealership, people think the old days were so good, but there were just as many thieves then, I caught one red handed in the back lot, we used to sell former power company trucks as well as ford tractors/equipment, guy was stealing items from the trucks, they made an arrest, implement theft and similar was common, we lost a nice ford post hole digger, at some point you must fight back, my father caught one, ran smack into him, foul odor soon after, dumb kids, was funny, all you had to do was sit in that dark shop and wait. Even across the road, there is a school, and some kids assaulted a teacher in the parking lot, no idea they were seen, good concealment helps.
My sister is a widow and has a country place around Springtown, Tx, an area known for methheads. The latest thing is theft of the batteries from solar gate openers. The bums could have just hopped over the smooth metal gate, but no, they had to cut all five barb wires, and trashed the gate unit too for no good reason. Of course her one horse and 3 cows found the opening and got out. The deputy said they hit every gate on that country road, said they sell the batteries for scrap, getting $10 for a deep cell marine battery costing $130 new. Sis is a good shot and about half mean and will not hesitate to blast them if she happens to come home early etc. I hope it does not come to that.
Actually they all aren't that stupid. Some will engage the owner with some friendly talk about his antique tractor while they scope out the place.
(quoted from post at 13:57:38 08/05/14) Actually they all aren't that stupid. Some will engage the owner with some friendly talk about his antique tractor while they scope out the place.

We got a few around here who are like that. On, who is living with a friends daughter, got caught last year with a To30 that he had stolen along with some other items to include a couple of trailers. He was back out on the street within 48 hours and we've yet to see this guy formally charged with anything. That tells me he rolled on someone. So in return for turning in a drug dealer or something like that he walks.

What you have to do with people like that is say,
"March your silly azz outta here or I call the cops" Just be upfront and direct. A side arm strapped to your side is a good way to scare em too.
Yep, dope fiends are some of the best liars and manipulators out there... That's how they get by, get a lot of practice.
Always write down the license number of any supicious vehicle.About 20 years ago my wife came home from work and there was a car in the driveway with one guy at the front door and just like the guys you encountered they asked about someone that did not live around here anyway she wrote the license number down.When a neighbor came home their house had been broken into and Christmas presents had been stolen my wife called the Police,told them her story and gave them the license plate number and they cops had the guys in about 15 minutes with the presents still in the car.
They were scouting for something easy to pick up. We are the only place on a dead end gravel road and our place is surrounded by thousands of acres of Timber Company land so when someone passes my house they are either hunting club members on the timber company land, lost, or thieves. I go box them in and show them the business end of a large bore smoke pole and explain that I own a trackhoe and can bury raggedy azz car and all or they can leave and forget the way back.

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