OT: American Exceptionalism


I didn't want to hi-jack Edd in KY's thread about poor customer service, but he touched on something and I thought I would start a new discussion rather than get his poofed.

My understanding of "American Exceptionalism" is not that Americans are exceptional. As a matter of fact, the fact that there really isn't anything all that special about us is one of the key ideas in "American Exceptionalism". Besides, except for the Native Americans (who I guess technically crossed a land bridge from Asia?), most of us ended up here from somewhere else anyway. Which begs the question of how a such a young country could become so prosperous and powerful in such a short amount of time?

America is exceptional. When the idea of America was first born, a place where people were free to use their talents in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, was certainly a new concept. Until America, most people had not lived and did not live in free societies where they govern themselves. Even to this day, more people have lived and died ruled by dictators, tyrants, kings, czars, etc., than have lived free. The freedom to rule ourselves and use our talents for our own betterment in a vast land of endless possibilities really is exceptional.

So, Edd is right. There was absolutely nothing exceptional about these slugs who provided such poor service. In a free society, I guess you have the right to be a moron, but then I guess you have the right to go hungry too! There was a time when an employer could have fired any one of those goobers on the spot, but today the employer would need to document multiple incidences of poor performance, conference with the employee (verbally and in writing), provide training to help correct the issue, and could still end up being sued for discrimination after terminating a poor employee. Perhaps all those things are only responses to grave injustice that would otherwise take place, but I see it differently.

We live in a society that longs to take away any and all consequences for poor behavior. Most really believe they can have their cake and eat it too! Inherent in the freedom to succeed is the possibility of failure. You learn not to touch the stove because it burns you. Today, someone decides it isn't "fair" people get burned. The solution? Nobody gets a stove, or only those the government deems as "qualified" get stoves. Better yet, the government decides everyone will need to get a new "burn-free" stove and then is amazed when it won't actually cook food. Then we have to find another system to solve the problem of eating undercooked food. And it goes on and on.......

Sorry to rant. I hope you really do believe America is an exceptional place, even if some of its inhabitants are less than exceptional. Better yet, do what you can with your talents to make sure it stays that way (one tractor at a time! right?). I'm trying. (poof)
JDNewbie. You hit much of what made this country great and what is bring it down.

There are few places in the world where you can start out with next to nothing and through hard work make a much better life for yourself/family.

The trouble is that too many do not want to have to work for what they want. They want it given to them for free.

One of my kids showed me his pay stub. It showed how much in taxes he has already paid for the year. It is shame how much of the time he is "working" to provide for those that will not work.

Like he told me it really make you wonder why your busting your butt to try and get ahead when you can sit on your butt an have someone "give" you enough to live on.
You, Sir, have done an exceptional job with the presentation of your comments. I commend you for it.

I really appreciate the gentlemanly manner you made your comments w/o invoking partisan rancor.

I hope this does NOT get poofed even though I don"t totally agree with your comments.

"46 Farmall A, 63 Ford 4000 (gas), "early" Ford 4000 SU (diesel), 89 Ford 4610, and a ?? B7200ST Kubota.
One of the great things of the USA is that our European grandparents came to the new world to make a better life and get out from under the oppresive boot of a king or crappy government.

Think of it today as if you could leave the USA and go to another more free nation that had less taxes, less regulations, less BS. And you could work your trade, say farming and welding. You could farm Your land and weld for cash and pay almost no taxes, just bring your family to the new world and make a better life. Of course there is no other country in the world as good the USA.
I will say this........The politicians are wrecking the country now and in the long term.
What makes the USA exceptional is our generosity in helping other nations. Who else comes to the aid of tsunami, earthquake, and other catastrophe victims? Why is it that few of the other countries make/invent/discover life-changing things? We have the freedom to chart our own course and pursue our dreams. The hardships our ancestors endured to settle this country, especially the lands west of the Mississippi, are unfathomable. They not only survived, they prospered through hard work and a religious belief. The 537 in D.C. are selling the country out for their own political futures and power.


It occurred to me just a few months ago that there are two big reasons for our nation's rise to prominence in the world. They are the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It took positively outstanding people, absolutely the cream of the crop, to screw up the gumption to make the crossing during the first two hundred years of first the colonies and then our nation. Of course there are many exceptions to this, but for the most part this was the situation.
Funny you should mention the native americans at this very
time when usa has opened it's boarders.
Ask them how an open border policy worked out for them
I agree with what you have to say. You left out
one thing, getting old. When I turned 55 it cost
the corporation too much to keep me, so instead of
firing me, they gave me an early buyout. I gladly
took it. I know many who get old, no fault of
their own and they are forced to retire. They
weren't ready, but were shown the door. I was more
than ready. Have enjoyed the past 10 years. I only
wish I could have retired when I got out of
As an employer, I will blame the lawyers, sorry John T.

An employee has a clean slate every time they get a new job. As an employer you cannot really cannot do anything except confirm employment dates.
Not necessarily.

Indiana is an "at-will" state, in regards to
employment. What that means is, unless you are
under a union contract that spells out specific
procedures for firing employees, the employees are
at the mercy of the employer...who may fire them
"at-will," for cause or for NO cause.

And that's nothing new; it's been that way for
years here. So the best way to keep a job is to
"add value" to the employer's business...increase
sales, increase profits, decrease complaints. And
even if you do an exceptionally good job, you can
still be fired if Uncle Billy's son needs a
position with a paycheck.

I'm not sure what states are NOT "at-will" states,
but the idea that you can't fire someone for NOT
doing their job is generally BS, in ANY state.

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