Getting dumber as I get older!!! LOL

JD Seller

Well-known Member
I ran out of gas this afternoon!!!

I kept our old 2002 Saturn Vue when we got my wife an automatic this spring so she could drive herself. It is a 4 cyl., 5 sp. and rides nice for me. I don't drive it a lot but I have been the last few weeks. My 1/2 ton truck was in the shop getting the front end gone through.

A friend and I went out to eat lunch. On the way back we just drove around the country side looking at how everything was doing. Also checking out some of the damage form Monday's storm.

I meant to fill it up after we eat but forgot about it. IT showed a 1/4 of a tank of gas so I just thought I would fill it up after I drop my friend off. WRONG!!! LOL

I went around a corner and the gauge showed 1/8 of a tank an she died. No go go juice. Called the wife and asked her if she had ever had it run out with it showing above empty. She said it always had been that way. Well Daaaaaa to me. LOL.

The youngest son brought me out five gallons of gas and a funnel. Gave me a bunch of crap too. LOL

The sad part is that it only holds about 12 gallons so filling it up is not real hardship. I just forgot about it.

Well it was a nice cool day with a good breeze. So we set and chatted with several fellows that came by as we where waiting for the gas. Never let on we where stopped for a reason other than loafing. LMAO. The coffee shop would have been buzzing about that.
Well, you had a good attitude about it anyway, that counts for something. Glad it worked out for you.
That does get frustrating sometimes when the thinker don't work better than a dull tack anymore.....been there a lot of times myself in 72 years, specially the last few!
Used to have a '89 C1500. Going to work one morning it quit, no fuel. I had replaced the fuel pump a few weeks earlier, assumed it had failed.

I borrowed a truck, rented a car dolly, towed it home, called in the favors to get a crew to help lift the bed off, opened the tank... Empty! Can you say embarrassed? LOL

Turns out there was a plastic well around the pump. All but one of the clips that held it in place had failed, letting it turn, holding the sending unit float up.

No wonder I drove all week on a half tank of gas!
I don't know JD Seller if there are two of you that know you ran out of gas. One of you two are going to let it slip at the coffee shop. In fact you better be one of the first ones in tomorrow morning so you can defend yourself as most of the regulars already know. LOL
I explain to everybody how the in tank fuel pumps are cooled by the fuel and when you run below 1/4 tank the $600.00 pump is exposed and it's life expectancy is greatly shortend.
Ever since my wife has treated 1/4 tank as empty and as a bonus has never since run out of fuel.
I don't know how many times I've come in on fumes. Was on empty when I pulled into a station tonite, intending to fill up. Did everything else & forgot the gas. Lucky the next station was only few miles away. My big GMC runs out of gas just before the 1/8th mark. Learned that as I pulled almost into my parking spot.
I've done it before, fill the tank and completely forget about it, out of nowhere the gas light is on and dinging. at one time in my life for a few years i lived 10 mins from work and could get by filling the tank once a month. i would top it off every couple of weeks so i wouldn't forget till the last minute. now we live in the country 45 mins from town and we never go home with under 1/2 tank to be on the safe side.
My wife used to run one until it was nearly empty. We had an 83 5th Avenue that had the voice module in the dash that would give verbal warnings for everything (door ajar, gas cap door open, etc.). I don't know how many different warnings it had but my wife found a new one. She had just been by where I work and in a few minutes she showed back up at my store, madder than you know what. She had gotten about two blocks away and the car ran out of gas. It had already told her it was "low on fuel" and she was going to the gas pump. What made her so mad was the announcement "your fuel tank is empty" as it sputtered to a stop.

It was the first and last time she ever ran out of gas.
Determined: I know all about the fact that the pump needs gas in the tank to help with cooling. The simple fact is I just forgot to fill the tank.

I looked in my check book and found out that the last time any gas had been put in the Vue was eight weeks ago. Even with getting good mileage the vehicle is just not driven much anymore.

Also the gauge showed 3/8 of a tank when I left home this morning. I looked at the shape of the tank when I got home the bottom is much smaller than the top so the gauge is not linear. It will run much longer showing 1/2 or better. Then when you hit the 3/8 mark it drops like a rock.

I drove about 30-35 miles from 3/8 to running out. Five gallons of gas put it back up to around 5/8 of a tank. Then it took 7 more to get to full.

So 1/2 will be empty from now on IF I can remember to fill it.
As far as my wife is concerned, E stands for enough. For some reason she will not fill the tank. Says she does not like standing there that long? I said "well consider the ½ mark as empty and fill the top", She did not get the concept.

Back in the day I used to have a company car and did service work that sometimes had me driving home better than a hundred miles well into the evening. At that time there were very few all night gas stations and few open past five. A few times I had to really stretch it and this Plymouth that I had would help me out. A couple times I put more than two gallons more than the capacity in the tank. I know that the filler pipe holds some extra but I used to say that the Plymouth would loan me gas until the next day.
I have AAA for senior moments. Last time I locked my keys in truck. I called AAA. While I was waiting for AAA, I went in resturant and eat breakfast.
I used to have a Pontiac like that, it took a lot of miles to get from Full to 1/4, then it dropped like a stone. Only ran out of gas once though...
People complain about the fuel gauge reading low in a pre-94 Dodge truck. Just tell them at least it reads low, at least when it hits E you can still go. A few of them read high!
Don't think there's a one that reads right, either!
We had an 83, you could drive it 2 days from full to the light coming on, then drive it another 3 days, before needing gas.
Actually, how far it could have gone after the light came on, we don't know, never ran it out to find out.
One of the things my dad and grandpa both told me when I got my license was "Never trust a fuel gauge." They told me to always fill up and keep track of miles. I have always tried to stick to that when I have the money.
In all my years of driving cars, I have never run out of gas.

However, the "G" JD would burn through a tank full of fuel in 4 hours when it was working. When we switched to the little reserve tank, we would head for home or to the fuel truck immediately - if you tried to make the other end of the field, the reserve tank would run out before you got to a fuel source. The DC4 Case working with the same load would do 6 hours if you needed it to. Hated that stupid G!

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